Against ALL women - Infanticide, Slavery, Rape, Trafficking... (#3)

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Message 1680437 - Posted: 16 May 2015, 13:41:23 UTC - in response to Message 1680431.  

I would rather that they would be separate yes. I go to watch a 007 movie for pure entertainment. If I want educating there are College courses I can take.

Again, why would it be wrong if a movie was both entertaining and educational?
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Message 1680438 - Posted: 16 May 2015, 13:44:01 UTC - in response to Message 1680437.  
Last modified: 16 May 2015, 13:44:14 UTC

I would rather that they would be separate yes. I go to watch a 007 movie for pure entertainment. If I want educating there are College courses I can take.

Again, why would it be wrong if a movie was both entertaining and educational?

He didn't say it was wrong, just stated his preferences which I happen to agree with.

After a long hard week, I want to relax & chill out watching pure escapism - What's wrong with that?

If I want to be educated, I'll watch a film that does that.
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Message 1680440 - Posted: 16 May 2015, 13:51:39 UTC - in response to Message 1680438.  

I would rather that they would be separate yes. I go to watch a 007 movie for pure entertainment. If I want educating there are College courses I can take.

Again, why would it be wrong if a movie was both entertaining and educational?

He didn't say it was wrong, just stated his preferences which I happen to agree with.

After a long hard week, I want to relax & chill out watching pure escapism - What's wrong with that?

If I want to be educated, I'll watch a film that does that.

There is nothing wrong with pure escapism, but again I ask why entertainment can't be both escapism and still inform you in one way or another? I'm convinced that good entertainment can be both.
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Message 1680442 - Posted: 16 May 2015, 13:56:22 UTC
Last modified: 16 May 2015, 14:02:49 UTC

Watching science programs on TV are both entertaining and a sort of escapsism...

Oops VERY off topic.
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Message 1680443 - Posted: 16 May 2015, 13:58:03 UTC - in response to Message 1680440.  

I would rather that they would be separate yes. I go to watch a 007 movie for pure entertainment. If I want educating there are College courses I can take.

Again, why would it be wrong if a movie was both entertaining and educational?

He didn't say it was wrong, just stated his preferences which I happen to agree with.

After a long hard week, I want to relax & chill out watching pure escapism - What's wrong with that?

If I want to be educated, I'll watch a film that does that.

There is nothing wrong with pure escapism, but again I ask why entertainment can't be both escapism and still inform you in one way or another? I'm convinced that good entertainment can be both.

What is your obsession with this?

Are you looking to become the EU propaganda minister by any chance?

OR on the other hand are you suggesting that cinema goers are totally uneducated?
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Message 1680446 - Posted: 16 May 2015, 14:08:10 UTC - in response to Message 1680443.  

What is your obsession with this?

I've asked a question and so far you and Chris have elected to answer with non answers.

Are you looking to become the EU propaganda minister by any chance?

Why be a minister if I can be supreme ruler :P

OR on the other hand are you suggesting that cinema goers are totally uneducated?

How do you even come up with that? Of course not.
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Message 1680450 - Posted: 16 May 2015, 14:13:54 UTC - in response to Message 1680446.  

What is your obsession with this?

I've asked a question and so far you and Chris have elected to answer with non answers.

Are you looking to become the EU propaganda minister by any chance?

Why be a minister if I can be supreme ruler :P

OR on the other hand are you suggesting that cinema goers are totally uneducated?

How do you even come up with that? Of course not.

How you equate our preferences as non answers is beyond me.
All of us are human (I think) & all have differing moods at different times. If one wants to watch pure escapism, what's wrong with that? On the other hand, IF we want to be entertained & educated at the same time, we can do so.

With your replies to the past several posts, you are showing just what many dislike about the system. WHO are you to interfere with one's living?

What's next on the agenda? Thought Police?
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Message 1680456 - Posted: 16 May 2015, 14:25:53 UTC

Escapism is nothing wrong but sometimes I wonder.
Movie and TV shows sometimes show excessive violence, rascism and strange gender views.
All countries does it.
But since the US are the biggest producer and exporter of Movies and TV shows MANY bad exampels are also shown all over the world.
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Message 1680462 - Posted: 16 May 2015, 14:36:12 UTC - in response to Message 1680456.  

Escapism is nothing wrong but sometimes I wonder.
Movie and TV shows sometimes show excessive violence, rascism and strange gender views.
All countries does it.
But since the US are the biggest producer and exporter of Movies and TV shows MANY bad exampels are also shown all over the world.

Stop real wars & abuse of women & children, then there will be no reason for "Hollywood" to portray those extremes.

Until that happens, it's just a vicious circle.
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Message 1680471 - Posted: 16 May 2015, 14:48:21 UTC - in response to Message 1680450.  

How you equate our preferences as non answers is beyond me.
All of us are human (I think) & all have differing moods at different times. If one wants to watch pure escapism, what's wrong with that? On the other hand, IF we want to be entertained & educated at the same time, we can do so.

I've asked the question why media can't be both entertainment and educational in your view and you just answered with 'it just cant', because apparently escapism and education are mutually exclusive and need to be strictly divided. Why? Whats so bad about walking into a movie that provides your escapism, but at the same time also says something smart or meaningful about a certain topic, be it overtly or covertly.

Say that the next James Bond movie, without compromising on any of the traditional Bond formula of dry wit and action, also makes a statement about say...Global Warming, would that be bad? According to Chris, yes that would be bad. I'm wondering why that is. Is a movie inherently less fun if it tackles a serious topic in an escapist manner (James Bond defeats the big bad guy behind Global Warming isn't as fun as James Bond defeating the big bad guy that tries to poison the world from space or the big bad guy that tries to steal all of the UK's money by detonating an EMP bomb over the UK?).

With your replies to the past several posts, you are showing just what many dislike about the system. WHO are you to interfere with one's living?

Dislike about what system? And how am I interefering with your or anyone elses living when I suggest that good entertainment (aka something that is fun) can also teach you something or present you with a slightly more serious concept to think about (aka being educational). Is the suggestion that the next James Bond might accidentally teach you something that threatening or offensive to you? If so, I pity you.

What's next on the agenda? Thought Police?

Of course, because suggesting that entertainment can be both fun and intelligent is the first step towards an Orwellian dystopia. Clearly you have never actually read Nineteen Eighty-Four or you would know that the whole point there was for people not to think and be educated. "Ignorance is strength" remember?

Talking about Nineteen Eighty-Four, that would be a perfect example of entertainment that also has an educational component to it.
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Message 1680473 - Posted: 16 May 2015, 14:53:06 UTC - in response to Message 1680462.  
Last modified: 16 May 2015, 14:54:29 UTC

To me causality in fiction compared to real Life is a bit disturburing.
Causality is the relation between an event (the cause) and a second event (the effect), where the first event is understood to be responsible for the second.
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Message 1680475 - Posted: 16 May 2015, 14:55:59 UTC - in response to Message 1680471.  
Last modified: 16 May 2015, 14:56:15 UTC

I pity academics who constantly make assumptions. I read 1984 long before you were a glint in your father's eye.

The whole point about escapism is that it permits one to get away from the major issues that are constantly thrown at us day in, day out.

In todays world with, as many have already pointed out with regards to the printed media, we have information coming at us 24/7, why are folks like you out to destroy our remaining satisfaction in getting away from all that, albeit for a brief period of time?
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Message 1680484 - Posted: 16 May 2015, 15:34:15 UTC
Last modified: 16 May 2015, 15:41:00 UTC

Escapism is akin to a dream. Human brains need to dream to function. Hence REM sleep. If that also happens in something called a daydream or by watching a fictional movie, SO WHAT?! Not every damn thing produced should or must by government fiat show only approved thought patterns. We aren't North Korea!!!
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Message 1680487 - Posted: 16 May 2015, 15:41:42 UTC - in response to Message 1680475.  

I pity academics who constantly make assumptions. I read 1984 long before you were a glint in your father's eye.

You'll have to forgive that assumption seeing how idiotic your 1984 reference was in context of this discussion.

The whole point about escapism is that it permits one to get away from the major issues that are constantly thrown at us day in, day out.

In todays world with, as many have already pointed out with regards to the printed media, we have information coming at us 24/7, why are folks like you out to destroy our remaining satisfaction in getting away from all that, albeit for a brief period of time?

Again, because good entertainment can provide for escapism and still be intelligent about contemporary issues. I reject the notion that in order to be good escapism something has to be devoid of any kind of meaningful content. And I think a movie like Mad Max, which gives the audience a 2 hour adrenaline rush of car chases and constant action, and still manages to work in a point about Feminism proves my point. If you don't care about Feminism, Mad Max is still a fun movie filled with explosions and action. The only people who won't enjoy a movie like Mad Max are those sad fedora wearing MRA idiots, and thats only because they are actively opposed anything resembling Feminism.
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Message 1680491 - Posted: 16 May 2015, 15:55:04 UTC
Last modified: 16 May 2015, 16:05:21 UTC

All people need some escapism even in space.
And doing science.
And worrying about our small planet.
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Message 1680492 - Posted: 16 May 2015, 15:58:19 UTC
Last modified: 16 May 2015, 15:59:17 UTC

Seriously? People are getting upset and comparing Mad Max to a North Korea movie because I said it was a feminist movie? Have any of you even seen it yet?

Talk about showing up how little you understand feminism.

..and yes. I like escapist movies, and sometimes they aren't particularly escapist for me when the female characters are used as objects to drive the motivation of the male character. I don't call that escapist. I call that pushing the message of the patriarchy about what women are worth.

Go see Mad Max and see what a feminist movie looks like then come back and realise just how much you've shown yourselves up with some of the comments here.
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Message 1680493 - Posted: 16 May 2015, 16:16:59 UTC - in response to Message 1680492.  

I have seen it & don't know what all the fuss is about. Good film but much prefer the original trilogy.
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Message 1680494 - Posted: 16 May 2015, 16:35:38 UTC - in response to Message 1680493.  

I have seen it & don't know what all the fuss is about. Good film but much prefer the original trilogy.

There is no fuss. Its a feminist movie, and all that means is that the female characters are treated as people.

The director actually got advice from Eve Ensler to make the reactions of the women in the movie credible considering what they had gone through.

If you like ridiculous insane non-stop action movies, go see it. I look forward to seeing more movies where the female characters are written as if they are actual people rather than stage props.

Oddly enough it tackles some of the themes of this thread that the newly proclaimed anti-feminist men here seemed to previously agree were bad things, rape, infanticide, and slavery.

But mostly the movie is about car chases and things exploding.
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Message 1680498 - Posted: 16 May 2015, 16:51:56 UTC - in response to Message 1680494.  

What are your views on The Hunger Games and the character of Katniss Everdeen as a lead?
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Message 1680500 - Posted: 16 May 2015, 16:57:16 UTC - in response to Message 1680498.  

What are your views on The Hunger Games and the character of Katniss Everdeen as a lead?

I like them, or course the trilogy is pretty much accepted as being feminist.

Oddly enough it was my 14 year old son the got me into the books. He also liked the Divergent series which follows another strong female lead in a dystopian future.

He enjoyed the Mad Max movie too.
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