Climate Change, 'Greenhouse' effects: Solutions

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Message 1510178 - Posted: 30 Apr 2014, 5:49:27 UTC - in response to Message 1509930.  

But it seems like they slit there own throats by not reinvesting in there own damn company for the sake of corporate greed.

I lay all of this off to the Harvard Business school which touts quarter over quarter profits instead of a proper look at the overall state of a corporation. Their simulations allowed reducing inventory, finished goods to sell, plant, equipment and employees to make the books look good.

I attended an IBM-sponsored training session where they brought these clowns in to run the business simulation. I was appalled to see how they measured success. Not the way I would run my business.

As for inventory the term the company used was just in time delivery. We called it not in time. I cant tell you how may times when I worked at a UTC company that we ran out of things we needed because the truck was delayed by weather, An accident or the ship had to fight nasty seas getting to port. So what happend we got sent home beacuse we could not do anything. So for the sake of reducing inventory they had no production. Wonder if it was worth it.

Old James
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Message 1510335 - Posted: 30 Apr 2014, 17:59:17 UTC

In a previous existence the company I worked for got hit with some significant penalty payments that were the direct result of delayed delivery of components stopping the track. It took the management some time to work out that it was better to have a small buffer stock and keep that topped up - it is embarrassing if a company is hit for tens of thousands quid in penalties for a missed milestone because the hundred quid bolts bolts didn't arrive in time, meaning the rest of the build has to be stopped....
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Message 1510495 - Posted: 30 Apr 2014, 22:11:14 UTC - in response to Message 1509791.  
Last modified: 30 Apr 2014, 22:20:34 UTC

I dont know about you. But it seems like they slit there own throats by not reinvesting in there own damn company for the sake of corporate greed.

My power company was the owner of the now melted Three Mile Island nuclear plant. I'm still paying for that one as the cleanup cost fell on one regulated utility. Making power is a very different business than delivering power so I can see them being separate. The delivery part is guarantied a % profit as a monopoly utility so why should a power plant be protected that way?

My power delivery company doesn't care where it gets the power from as long as it is at the lowest wholesale cost, even if it is from a solar roof on a residence that is also a customer because they sell it back to him retail.
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Message 1511739 - Posted: 3 May 2014, 11:09:00 UTC
Last modified: 3 May 2014, 11:13:13 UTC

Perhaps this is where politics radically reshape the use of Fossils pollution?:

How does Europe wean itself off Russian gas?

Each escalation of the crisis in Ukraine sends a jolt of nervousness far beyond its borders as Europe worries about its energy supplies. With about one-third of Europe's gas coming from Russia and about half of that gas flowing through Ukraine, these are tense times...

... So why are western countries not immediately trying to wean themselves off Russia's gas?...

Note that the option of shipping LNG or even liquified fracked methane is horribly inefficient that will likely add to pollution rather than offer a useful lower (let alone zero) pollution 'alternative'...

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Message 1511743 - Posted: 3 May 2014, 11:42:27 UTC
Last modified: 3 May 2014, 11:44:46 UTC

A real solution or merely an excuse for the politics of continued business-as-usual procrastination?

Climate countdown to Paris -- the Avaaz blog

In December 2015, world leaders will meet in Paris to agree on how the world will respond to climate change...

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Message 1511902 - Posted: 3 May 2014, 20:16:49 UTC - in response to Message 1511743.  

A real solution or merely an excuse for the politics of continued business-as-usual procrastination?

Climate countdown to Paris -- the Avaaz blog

In December 2015, world leaders will meet in Paris to agree on how the world will respond to climate change...

Unfortunately, is the scene already set for a very expensive "Plan B"?

Climate fixes and Plan Bs: The IPCC’s guide to staying below two degrees of global warming

Cutting emissions, ramping up renewable energy, adapting to a new way of life and sucking carbon dioxide out of the air: recent reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) appear to offer a number of ways to limit the scale and seriousness of climate change.

Which are the real climate solutions, and which are pretty risky bets? Here's what the IPCC says about what will and won't work when it comes to fixing the climate...

... Is there a "Plan B"?

What if we move too slowly with mitigation? Is there a back up plan?

The IPCC says letting greenhouse gas concentrations temporarily 'overshoot' and then return to levels consistent with two degrees is a possibility.

The way the IPCC suggests this could be achieved is through attaching CCS technology to power plants burning biomass instead of fossil fuels, a process known as BECCS...

To my paranoid eye, the promoted "Plan B" and BECCS look to be a vain excuse to pollute more to cost us more to then cost us even more dearly to fix the pollution for yet extra cost...

So why not go CSS ASAP and avoid the damage done by being clean at source sooner rather than deliberately too late?...

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Message 1511904 - Posted: 3 May 2014, 20:20:15 UTC
Last modified: 3 May 2014, 20:20:55 UTC

There is yet the very much needed political impetus to get real about real solutions. Perhaps the financial opinions are what are really already hurting the dirty fossils polluters:

Ban Divestment? No way.

Coal companies in Australia are pushing the government to make our fossil fuel divestment campaign and other boycotts illegal. We need your help to push back.

The Minerals Council of Australia can't win the fossil fuel divestment argument on the merits. Their desperate insistence that climate change isn't an issue, Australians love coal, and their toxic products are good for the world rings increasingly hollow...

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Message 1512554 - Posted: 5 May 2014, 18:11:05 UTC - in response to Message 1497964.  

Is this a sign of the recognition of the end of the old and polluting dirty to instead profit from the rise of a clean industry new way of our living on our planet?

World’s largest sovereign wealth fund will invest in renewables

The largest sovereign wealth fund in the world has pledged to invest more in renewable energy technology. ...

The fund currently has 9 per cent of its holdings in the traditional coal, oil and gas industries and owns the equivalent of 1 per cent of the world's stocks. However the move to invest more in renewables signifies a move towards divestment from fossil fuels and could resonate throughout the global investment community...

... The news comes weeks after an alliance of 17 major funds pledged to divest $2 billion from fossil fuels and re-invest into clean energy. The divestment movement has been gathering traction in recent months...

And another dumps the dirty and polluting:

Carbon divestment activists claim victory as Harvard adopts green code

Managers of university's $33bn endowment adopt UN-backed responsible investment rules...

... The new guidelines, set by the Principles of Responsible Investment organisation, do not commit Harvard to selling existing holdings in fossil fuels.

But campaigners still claimed the step as a victory for a divestment movement that has now spread to more than 500 university campuses and other institutions across America and Europe.

Nine colleges have so far divested fossil fuels, the campaign said.

“A year ago Harvard was no way no how. But science is pushing everyone in the direction of action; students should be proud they've breached the dam of resistance,”..., which has led the campus divestment movement...

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Message 1512557 - Posted: 5 May 2014, 18:19:13 UTC
Last modified: 5 May 2014, 18:21:10 UTC

Is this where the polluters are getting worried that their own pollution is going to hurt their business?

Or are they shooting unrealistically high to guarantee business-as-usual to cost us all and our only one planet all the more (profitably for them) dearly?

BT, Shell and corporates call for trillion tonne carbon cap

... The companies, which have a combined turnover of $90bn, say the world needs a "rapid and focused response" to the threat of rising global carbon emissions and the "disruptive climate impacts" associated with their growth.

In a communiqué coordinated by The Prince of Wales's Corporate Leaders Group, the signatories demand governments put in place policies to prevent the cumulative emission of more than a trillion tonnes of carbon, arguing that passing that threshold would lead to unacceptable levels of climate-related risk.

The statement urges political leaders to set a timeline for achieving net zero emissions before the end of the century, design a credible strategy to transform the energy system, and create a plan to tackle the global economy's reliance on fossil fuels, especially unabated coal power.

The intervention follows the publication of a renewed warning from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that the world is on track for dangerous levels of warming and needs to urgently strengthen efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions and enhance climate resilience measures. ...

... "We need to get beyond the concept that progressive climate change policy is bad for business: it can be a huge driver of innovation and create opportunities for growth and prosperity," he said. "Conversely, there isn't an organisation I know of which isn't already being impacted by climate change at some level. ...

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Message 1512669 - Posted: 6 May 2014, 3:06:02 UTC

Well, I am going to do my part. I now have two LED lightbulbs. One on my front porch which is replacing a 150 watt halogen bulb. And one on the back deck replacing a 150 watt equivelent CFL bulb. Both the LED lights have the light output of a standard 75 watt bulb. But to my eyes they appear to be just as bright. And the upside is there is no time lag like the CFL when turning on a LED light.

I paid $16.00 US for each bulb. Thats a lot yes but I see LED's starting to come down in price here in the US.

Next weekend I will replace my dawn to dusk flood lights with CFL bulbs, With a motion detector with LED lights. I had tried the CFL's with the motion detecor but in really cold weather it took to darn long for the bulbs to get bright enough to see by.

So as the price of LED's falls I will replace all my CFL.s with LED's. Then I wont have to worry about the mercury in the CFl bulbs either.

Just by not running from dawn to dusk I should save money.

Old James
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Message 1512684 - Posted: 6 May 2014, 3:46:45 UTC - in response to Message 1512669.  

Well, I am going to do my part. I now have two LED lightbulbs.

I did that a few years ago. One month of crunching used up a life time of LED saving. How big a carbon foot print does SETI contribute?
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Message 1512842 - Posted: 6 May 2014, 13:36:19 UTC

This project intrigued me:

Massive Arizona energy tower will dwarf every building in the USA

To be constructed by a company called Solar Wind Energy, the Solar Wind Downdraft Tower is a pretty simple in concept. Cool water is pumped to the top of the massive tower, where it is sprayed as a fine mist over the opening. The hot dry air absorbs the moisture, which causes it to become denser and fall into the top of the tower. By the time it reaches he bottom, the air is moving at high speed, and can be diverted into a cluster of wind turbines grouped around the base.

Solar Wind Energy says that the tower will produce about 1,200 Megawatts during the hottest months, which is more than all but the very largest nuclear power plants.


Link with video explaining concept.
Life on earth is the global equivalent of not storing things in the fridge.
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Message 1512992 - Posted: 6 May 2014, 22:09:55 UTC

Another smaller idea but following up more safely and efficiently on something that wagon drivers already do in their driving hypnotized sleep:

'Greener' freight key to more sustainable global trade

... As the vehicles shelter behind each other in the "road train", aerodynamic drag resistance is reduced leading to 15% fuel savings...

... Heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) alone accounted for 19% of UK transport emissions in 1999-2010, and vans a further 12%, according to the Department for Transport.

And transport generally accounts for about 35% to 40% of global total energy end use.

US logistics giant UPS has 3,000 alternative fuel vehicles globally, but is also piloting electrically assisted cycles for package delivery...

There is a lot that can be positively done yet and all without sacrificing too much of our ways of life...

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Message 1513131 - Posted: 7 May 2014, 8:19:36 UTC - in response to Message 1512684.  

Well, I am going to do my part. I now have two LED lightbulbs.

I did that a few years ago. One month of crunching used up a life time of LED saving. How big a carbon foot print does SETI contribute?

I don't have a separate freezer here, nor an oven or a dryer, no dishwasher either and CFL everywhere. Only them computers use up a lot indeed but I can live with that:))
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Message 1513193 - Posted: 7 May 2014, 14:09:40 UTC - in response to Message 1513131.  
Last modified: 7 May 2014, 14:12:21 UTC

Well, I am going to do my part. I now have two LED lightbulbs.

I did that a few years ago. One month of crunching used up a life time of LED saving. How big a carbon foot print does SETI contribute?

I don't have a separate freezer here, nor an oven or a dryer, no dishwasher either and CFL everywhere. Only them computers use up a lot indeed but I can live with that:))

Hi Julie. Ditto (apart from a gas oven. Only one computer too.) Will look into LED light bulbs to replace the eco long life ones when they blow.

I tried a test on the "only boil enough water for one when making yourself tea or coffee" against boiling enough for two or three and pouring the remainder in a thermos flask. The latter definitely proved more economical... so slightly smaller carbon footprint. Of course an even smaller one would be to drink water from the tap... I'm working on it for the summer... who knows... might get a couple of days worth of savings then :)
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Message 1513281 - Posted: 7 May 2014, 18:36:04 UTC - in response to Message 1512842.  
Last modified: 7 May 2014, 19:02:25 UTC

This project intrigued me:

Massive Arizona energy tower will dwarf every building in the USA

This is what intrigues me.
Yesterday's session saw Solar Wind Energy Tower, Inc. (OTCMKTS:SWET, SWET message board) continue its news-driven surge up the charts, closing 51% up, at $0.04 per share.

I know how we can stop global warming; volcanic winter. We just have to get Krakatoa to blow its top again.
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Message 1514037 - Posted: 9 May 2014, 11:48:06 UTC

Wind Farms Severely Harmful to Wildlife, New Study Finds

A new study from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, combining an impressive six hundred other studies, describes the severe effects wind turbines can have on wildlife. Not only are the disturbances and noise of the building of turbines an issue but also the sound of the windmills rotating and electromagnetic fields (EMF) caused by transferring the electricity produced to the mainland.
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Message 1514382 - Posted: 10 May 2014, 13:50:05 UTC - in response to Message 1514037.  

Wind Farms Severely Harmful to Wildlife, New Study Finds

A new study from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, combining an impressive six hundred other studies, describes the severe effects wind turbines can have on wildlife. Not only are the disturbances and noise of the building of turbines an issue but also the sound of the windmills rotating and electromagnetic fields (EMF) caused by transferring the electricity produced to the mainland.

:( Thanks WinterKnight
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Message 1514551 - Posted: 10 May 2014, 23:45:42 UTC - in response to Message 1514037.  
Last modified: 10 May 2014, 23:50:05 UTC

Wind Farms Severely Harmful to Wildlife, New Study Finds

A new study from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, combining an impressive six hundred other studies, describes the severe effects wind turbines can have on wildlife. Not only are the disturbances and noise of the building of turbines an issue but also the sound of the windmills rotating and electromagnetic fields (EMF) caused by transferring the electricity produced to the mainland.

That's just silly propaganda when compared to reality.

By those arguments, then we should immediately shut down all fossil fuels plants and infrastructure due to the vastly greater harm being done by the fossils plants to everything around them and including their infrastructure!

Note that burning fossil fuels is even more radioactive than the total fuel needed for a nuclear reactor for the same power... And as for all the other physical pollution...

And the gentle sounds of a wind farm are far more pleasant than requiring ear defenders when similarly close to a large unsightly polluted fossils plant... Huge contrast!

Looks like the fossils promoters/apologists are getting ever more Goebbels desperate...

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Message 1514579 - Posted: 11 May 2014, 0:36:22 UTC - in response to Message 1514551.  
Last modified: 11 May 2014, 0:36:58 UTC

Wind Farms Severely Harmful to Wildlife, New Study Finds

A new study from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, combining an impressive six hundred other studies, describes the severe effects wind turbines can have on wildlife. Not only are the disturbances and noise of the building of turbines an issue but also the sound of the windmills rotating and electromagnetic fields (EMF) caused by transferring the electricity produced to the mainland.

By those arguments, then we should immediately shut down all fossil fuels plants and infrastructure due to the vastly greater harm being done by the fossils plants to everything around them and including their infrastructure!

All on our only one planet,

True. And we haven't done so :( I think it is disappointing that we are still some way away from being able to produce power without causing harm to nature though. But less harm is a good start - and perhaps more careful consideration of potential impacts from green energy solutions will mean more intelligent siting of wind farms and the like in the future. The industry is in it's infancy compared to fossil fuels. I believe it's young enough and flexible enough to learn from any mistakes and miscalculations. It's caught the imagination of a generation of pre and post graduate university students, who are determined to do better than even their most forward thinking of parents.
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