Personal background |
A woman listens at the Ocean's Edge,
hearing untold secrets
Carried on the waves of time.
Haiku by Storm Cat
Who is Ocean's Edge? Well, From What I have heard, OceansEdge is: you heard the winds whistling and seen the loon gliding on it? Have you heard the waves lapping and seen the loon playing in the surf? Have you heard the crackle of the bonfires and seen the dreams of the loon in the flames? Have you heard the grass growing in the earth and seen the loon build his home in it's soft embrace? Then you have seen my friend OceansEdg... yep she's a LOON.
Ok... well really she's a 40 yr old polar bear living in the wilds of Manitoba, where she's a professional flight dispatcher, mother, lover, poet, scientist. Always an enigma, with a passion for art AND science, and the connections between them that create the great beauty and wonder that is the universe we live in. It's that and the sure knowledge that "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio , Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.", that led her to become a Seti@home member in 1996 (or was it 97)... and to remain one ever since.
Oh and she's overly fond of talking about herself in the 3rd person
http://oceans.anobviousdistraction.com - a work in progress |
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