Personal background |
I have held a variety of jobs since moving to Montana in 1982. I currently work in IT and inventory control in a local hardware store and have a couple part time jobs on the side. I have always been a sci-fi person and would love to go into space. I am 53 and started computer training in the mid 1970's. I currently run four distributed computing programs on three computers at home. My newest computer uses an AMD 3600+ 64bit with 1 gB of RAM and WinXP Home. I also have an AMD 2400+ and AMD 1300 running Ubuntu distro of Linux. I still keep operational my 286 DOS 5.0 machine to remind me from whence I came, but it is idle for the most part. Most of my computer training is self taught. My primary hobby is genealogy for which I have gone back a dozen generations for myself and some friends. I also love to take long walks along the beach at Canyon Ferry Lake. |
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home |
I became interested in SETI@Home from a mailing from one of my computer software advertisers a few years back. Once I found out about Seti@home I became a member and have been a member through four computer upgrades. I would hope that the program could give researchers some information to work on for several years to come even if it doesn't find any direct evidence of ET. I would also hope that distributed computing could be used to evaluate other data that may already be on file in order to spot evidence of asteroids, ET or anything that might help increase our understanding of ourselves if nothing else. Whether or not ET exists? Many people paraphrase Jodi Foster in "Contact", I think the same way and I believe that most would be peaceful. I believe we already transmit our own signals and would doubt that a selective signal would be viable unless we could run multiple signals to different star groups. I think when we do find ET, we will be totally amazed at what we find. Explorers are adventurers first and foremost and to paraphrase Spock: "Sometimes the wanting is more enjoyable than the having. It is not logical, but it is often true." I hope what we find is as enjoyable as our search has been. |
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