Profile: S@NL - eFMer -

Personal background


A hardware/software engineer by profession, now for fun....

What I used to do:
Build 6800 computers from scratch with wires running to all pins....
That was the time I made a 1K byte (1024 bytes) on a huge pcb, about the size of a laptop. With 16 IC on it.
Programming of course in assembly.

Later on 80186/80386 in assembly of course.
XScale Arm system design and programming and C++ programming for the supporting Windows Applications. Windows 3.11 of course, highly stable.

At present:
I do a lot of programming, reading and hiking. Not necessarily in this order.
You find me most of the winter and spring in the place below. Seeking out the warmth of the low desert.

Programs I made for fun.
BOINC programs I make, because they told me it was too difficult.

Anza Borrego When I'm not computing, this is the place you can find me.
Other places I hiked.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
Been running SETI in the days that the program was not that stable for a work computer. And it took forever....
Always been interested in Astronomy and had a telescope when I was young.
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