Profile: Brandiwyne MacDonald

Personal background
My Name is Brandiwyne Elizabeth MacDonald, and I was born in San Diego, California. At the age of 13, My family transferred from the Coronado Naval Air Station to the Naval Weapons Station located at Goose Creek, South Carolina.

Growing up, my interest in the physical place and time of the 'ancients', coupled with my interests in Anthropology, Quantum Mechanics, & Biochemistry led me to ponder about life in the universe.

As I developed an understanding in Comparative Religious texts (Egyptian Heiroglyphics, Mesopotamian Coptic, Sarasvati Vedic Sanskrit, & Native American Shivaism,) I began to notice a pattern of multi-dimensional thinking, as well as possible physical (dense energy) formations of an intelligence. This led me to investigate electronic camouflage and ultimately into the world of 2nd order Tensor Equations (Sacred Geometrical Structures) & partial differential equations that were not of the 'traditional' Orthogonal (Euclidean) Structures of our 'reality.'

I am still learning and always seek those who are part of the Religio-Science 'GodHead' for mutuallu supportive understanding of our holographic existence and the rediscovery of our light-beings that do not follow the 1.7 Radians of a photonic-arc.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
Finding out in which part of the 'heavens' the Sons of God Reside will help us Daugters of Men become a beneficial part of the universal ecosystem. For Peace & Prosperity, we must overcome this narrow-minded train of thought of an isolated existence or of a 'superior' race of men or planetary animal.
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