Profile: Owner

Personal background
Dick Silage is 68 years old. Now retired, Dick has a BS in Applied Physics from Hofsta University, Hempstead, NY. His business career was in computer systems analysis and implementation. Dick is a retired partner from the Management Consulting Department of KPMG LLP. Major other positions included Principal at IBM Global Services, Senior Consultant at StorageTek's Teris Consulting Group, and Owner and General Manager of COMTEC, a netork integration sales and consulting firm.

Dick presently lives in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, with his wife Ruth. His main hobbies include tinkering in Electronics and Home Theater, and playing with their two dogs. Travelling on vacation trips across the world are also of periodic interest.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
I run SETI because I believe there has to be senient life, that we could contact, somewhere else in our Universe in view of the probabilities from the number of possible locations that may support life and the operation of natural selection. By the same token, life in other Galaxies is deemed probable, but unknowable due to distance/space-time limitations on earthly signals and any responses.

SETI's application of PC-based networked distributed computing to "crunch the numbers" from monitored signals is brilliant. I am proud to be a participant.

Better Public Relations activities should be employed to expand the PC user-base. One related recommendation is to get SETI on the radio and TV news and talk shows on a frequent basis. The general public is just not as aware of this program as they should be.
Another recommendation is to simplify the average PC operator's processes for downloading and running SETI@Home. Right now, at 2006, it is still to "techy" for the average citizen to do this properly.
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©2024 University of California
SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.