Profile: [Cx]

Personal background
Originally from Hong Kong, educated there under the British system for Primary & Secondary schools (i.e. grades 1 through 13), and then off to Purdue Uni (IN, USA) for tertiary education, I'm currently engaged in "life" in England, after graduation and a few years "back home" in HK.
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For the longest time, I've loved the night sky, with our moon and the multitudes of stars beyond. . S T A R . W A R S . remains my ultimate favourite sci-fi fantasy. I was a toddler when my dad took me to THE first one. I grew up with "BATTLESTAR GALACTICA" on TV, LEGO space sets in my room, alongside the Star Wars toys. (Don't I wish I kept them, now!) Apologies to you Trekkies; it's my Dad and younger sis whose company you keep. I'll admit, though, I liked the Voyager series for the premise of forever voyaging; it's the _exploration_ that draws me (more than the concurrent need to survive in unfamiliar, potentially hostile space).
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I've recently seen (again) a couple of older flicks, "Waterworld" and "Titan A.E."; and I recently read an Asimov collection, entitled "Bicentennial Man" (a good movie, too, in its own right), in which the story "Waterclap" gave me pause for thought. Mankind's possible need to locate living space beyond the earth's dry surface... or adapt to living conditions to which we're unaccusomted... the concepts are highly thought-provoking and, in ways, unnerving.
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The concepts presented by both the Matrix and M.I.B. franchises are, for me, fantastically attractive. The implicit warning of the Terminator franchise, I think, ought not to be ignored lightly -- we ARE increasingly dependent on our technology, and also furthering Artificial Intelligence at a steady pace.
Unless the Three Laws (see Asimov) can be made fool-proof, infallible, we may ultimately find ourselves at the mercy of our intelligent creations...
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Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
"If we really are the only ones, it sure would be an awful waste of space..."
(Poorly quoted from Contact, the movie.)
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I think it would be great to finally locate another intelligent form of life among the vastness of the universe. If by some chance we have evolved much more slowly than another (now) far more advanced civilization, how much would we be able to learn from them? That is, if given the chance?
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What if the other civilization/s is/are - as a Star Trek example puts it - waiting for us to become more advanced before approaching us? (Ref: Star Trek Enterprise, the TV series, pilot episodes, first season)
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Are we, as a race, as a life-form, "Ready" to _responsibly_ receive new information, new technologies? With as much corruption as does exist in the world, who would kill who, and who would pay whom off, for "rights", access, exclusivity etc.. to such new technology? The further development of new technologies would automatically fall to those who have the facilities, the equipment, the skilled workers.. ultimately, the FINANCES to support this development. It would fall to them to allow/disallow, to share or not, their work with the world... and they would decide the price to be paid.
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It won't ever be easy... not until Mankind finds a reason to unite as a PLANET, and hopefully it won't take an inter-planetary / inter-stellar war to do so. (Sure, I may be exaggerating on this one, but have you ever wondered?)
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If we can't trust amongst ourselves - i.e. is Area 51's "secret" a truth or myth? - how are we to know or not to know whether we actually are ALREADY sitting on newer technologies that we are currently unable to fathom due to our own limitations in our technological development? OR are denied access because controlling forces are trying desperately to contain the secret in order to maintain "ownership"..?
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Do you really think that the USA is the ONLY nation with technology or information etc which is foreign, yea, ALIEN to our world? Whether Area 51 is truth or myth, just wondering about it focuses solely on the USA. Do you not wonder if Japan, or China, or Russia, or England, have anything similar that the world is just ignorant of, for its overzealous pursuit of the truth in only ONE area of the world? ;)
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Our time will come, one way or another. When it does I hope:
(1) that I'll be around to see it, or even be a part of it; and
(2) that we, as a PEOPLE will openly SHARE it, not squabble over it like children over a new toy in the playroom.
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Here's to our (potential) future, Ladies and Gentlemen. May we ALL benefit from it, from our living ancestors through to our grandchildren and the legacies we shall leave behind us.
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