Profile: XJamRastafire

Personal background
Born 1964 Slovenia, Celje. Since Stephen Hawking wrote in his book "The Universe in a Nutshell" that before the year 2007 CPUs would work on 10@GHz and shall be able to 'compute' 400,000,000 mathematical operations per second guys at Arecibo have to hurry up to swamp all those signals from up of the skies ... What else to say in this limited frame? Let me try.

Who shall first find who? We them or they us? I am talking about this known Universe - let us name it N\\tau 1 - as according to present rigorous physics there are quite many possibilities that inteligent life can be produced even from a slight different universes than ours. We shall discover them before 2012. Yes the year 2012. We went from Arthur Charles Clarke's year 2001 to the next year 2002 []->[] and nothing seriously happened about getting contact with an Extratterestrial life. This is regard to the famous Mayan date [] which will happen on Friday 21st of December 2012. So be prepared - just in case. And I can't really imagine what CPUs would be in usage in 2020s. And finally really nobody knows when we shall "get" a contact.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
I do not believe that inteligent life would be so different than ours. Creatures from Aliens or Pitch Black movies are possible of course but they are probably just relics of our own deep fears. Furthermore I do believe that it is quite the similar. Just think about the Nature itself. Everything in space is somehow in connection with simple atoms as hydrogen or helium are. Oxigen is produced in a very sofisticated sphere as star is. Yes, as Isaac Asimov argued that life can be based not just on carbon but also on other elements as silicon is and such. But this star for carbon and oxigen based life have to be the right one, otherwise dies too fast and life can't evolve. So planets around G class stars are very probable for such lives. It is harder to imagine much more developed life than ours, because we know something about our past and almost nothing about our mutual future. And is it possible that such life would forget what an electromagnetic wave is as Herbert George Wells showed in his novel "The Time Machine"? And I hope that someday we won't find his Morlocks. Just another childish fear. We have to grow up. It is time. We can make it if we try. We have to make it. We are not just ants or snails. This is what Universe and Nature is telling us all the time.
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