Profile: xnnc

Personal background
Hi there,
I'm french, born on 1976 and live in Orthez.. I am working as a computer engineer from 8 years. I wanted to put a lot of Seti Client on computers' office, but unfortunetally, there is no internet connection there, then I only use my own computer to do all this stuff, imagine how hard it is to complete as many as the other.. in fact it's impossible.
Keep trying keep trying...
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
ET.... what a good question... an interesting question.. In fact, I don't know if we're alone or not, but thinking like a scientific man, it can't be impossible, in other words : ET could exist..
We all are seeking some informations, some signals, something to prove that we are not the only crazy beast... Though, why don't we send something like a music from U2 in space ?? to prove that human are somewhere in space, eheh.. just an idea anyway.
In my quest, I only want to help seti project in order to know if we are alone..or not..
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