Profile: Fox Mulder

Personal background
From:   Vic, Aus
Age:   14
Dob:   2/5/1988
Year:   10
Hobbies:   Computers, Electronics, I.T., Bike Riding

Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
I think it exists and humans will probably either discover it by directly comming in conact with it or byt recieving some sort of signal. The benifits of such a discovery could be that they could help us with our technology and help us in the field of medicine but the down side is that they could be a hostile race.

Transmitting a beacon will probably be useless becuase the intelligent life most likely does nto understand English.

I run Seti@Home becuase I try and contribute to anything i can. I have an optimistic veiw for the project and I hope this project continues way into the far future.
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