Profile: Francesco Forti

Personal background
I'm 62 years old, married and with two sons of 30 and 26 years (without
speaking of cats, fishes and other little animals).
I live in Switzerland, in that part of the country (south) in which we speak Italian.
I'm working in IT industry since 1978 (sometimes in Italy, sometimes in Switzerland, in both public and private sectors).
Now I'm a freelance.
Hobbies? Too much: from photograph to music, reading and writing, ... and
of course "SETIng".
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
I think that SETI is a good and clever experiment for finding something in
the space and probably in the future will be more complex and deep in
analisys, accordingly with the power of future CPUs.
Running SETI I feel to belong to a ideal and big community.

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