Profile: Odd Angry Shot

Personal background

37 yr old male from Central Queensland, Australia. I presently run SETI@Home and United Devices (Cure for Cancer). Though I find SETI@Home far more satisfying as they actually give you credit for your work!
I have always been interested in astronomy and space and even studied science at Uni when I left High School.


I am presently back at Uni studying Psychology and working several jobs part time to make a little extra money. I have spent time in both the Army and the Queensland Police Service and have had several other jobs as well.


I am interested in many things, but my favourites are space, science, psychology and of course, computing.


I presently run SETI on 2 computers at home and my Mum & Dad run it for me on their systems. My computers are:

P3 500 @780MHz (My Box)

Celeron 300A @ 450MHz (my Wife's Box)

and I have 2 other Pentium 166's @ 200MHz that the kids have but they don't run SETI (yet!)
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
How did i find out about SETI@Home?

At the beginning of 2000, I was working for the Engineering Faculty at my Uni and some of the lecturers were talking about the program. From there I did some research and found out what it was about. Now I'm hooked on it!

[b]Why do I run it?

Well, I run SETI@Home for a number of reasons, but I guess the major one is that I truely believe that we are not alone! If we can exist, then there must be others out there! Also, the project shows that there are people in the world who are willing to band together to make a difference on something. If we are ever to explore the heavens outside our own little corner of space, then it is going to take the effort and co-operation of everyone on the planet. Programs like this are leading the way to global knowledge that is owned by the people and is free for all! The benefits of this are far reaching and may just shift the predominant paradigm away from capitalist resource hording.

At the rate we are destroying our planet we are going to need to explore options which are not currently in the realm of possibility. Maybe if we find extra-terrestrial intelligence, we can once again be humbled by nature and realize that we are part of the planet and the universe, and are not masters of them.

I believe that we should transmit our own signal. This has many inherent dangers, but the main opposition is that of our own belief systems. The church claims that we are god's children and that we have dominion over all life. The great danger in finding "alien life", is that religion, as we know it, would be proven false. And yet, it would also prove many other things about "god". We are a small part of the universe and at times that can be very daunting!
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SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.