Profile: Genya

Personal background
Hi fellow SETI-seekers!

My name is Genya and live in Loughborough near Leicester in the Midlands, United Kingdom with my partner Sue - and our rescued dog Bryson! I wear two hats when employed: my fulltime job is within Construction. I also work part time for the Open University tutoring a degree course involved with computing and the Internet.

I have been interested in Astronomy since the age of 7 - I was born in 1950, so the launch of Sputnik 1 and the ensuing \\"Space Race\\" occurred during my formative years. I have owned many telescopes over the years and currently have a 200mm SCT and a recently acquired 150mm f8 short tube refractor. My other hobbies include amateur radio (callsign G4O**) and these two interests - plus my \\"love\\" of computing - made the goals of SETI very much my own!! Unfortunately, I was unable to download the SETI program when it first appeared due to some unknown problem I encountered and it was only in July of 2001 that a \\"chance\\" browse proved I could download it and take an active part! I run two networked P4 machines, 2Ghz and 2.6Ghz, at home constantly with SETI running and, with a 2Mbs cable modem and router, I\\'m always delighted to submit another work unit to the server!
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
Extraterrestrial life exists - of that I have no doubts whatsoever. Academically, I could quote the Drake equation but intuitively I *know* that Life must exists elsewhere. The \\"parochial\\" view, that Life only exists *here* is just too outlandish to be considered, IMHO!! As for when we discover it? Well, that;\\'s the beauty of SETI, isn\\'t it?! We simply *don\\'t* know - but the more of us who eliminate data - and possibly capture those elusive signals - the sooner we *will* find their leaked TV signals!! !! As for dangers of possible contact? Well, someone once suggested that \\"Was there intelligent Life on *Earth*?\\" and, let\\'s face it, witht the challenges of eco-disaster - and our own war-like frame of mind, danger of \\"invasion\\" from \\"out there\\" must be very low on our list of priorities? I think the benefits of contact will be very meaningful and show *us* that we are *not* alone - and, maybe, make us understand each other better?

I run SETI at home because, as both an amateur astronomer and a radio \\"ham\\", where else could I use the data provided by a 1000 foot radio telescope??!! I think the project is fantastic and is true science: anyone who has a computer can take part - tell all your friends - NOW!!

Thanx for \\"listening\\" to me!! Hope to CU sometime!

I\\'ve updated this entry on `19th Dec 2005 - current SEI Classic stats are 12 262 with some more to upload (I hope!) before Classic closes on 15th Dec 2005. I fully intend to migrate to BOINC and \\"start over\\". i\\'m exctied by the prospect, though a litle concerned about the \\"bad press\\" that BOINC has received about server downtimes etc. However, I\\'m hoping to participate in projects other than SETI, and BOINC will - I trust - give me an opportunity to do that... I will wait and see!! LOL!!

Best wishes!
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