Personal background |
OK. I am from Belgrade, Serbia. I was born on march 1982. in Sydney, Australia. I am currently working as a Team coordinator and a manager for the freelance team s0urce.org. I am a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineeir and Database Administrator. I have interests in secret societies, archeology, ZEN philosophy, Martial Arts, eXtreme sports (Aggressive Rolerblading, SK8boarding, Snowboarding ... an Adrenalin junkie), meditation and tantric sex. I am also one of the founders of 'Clan CRusadeRS'. |
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home |
1) Sure I do, why else would I be here. I think that the contact has alredy been made. Call me paranoid, but I think that the 'shadow government' (Masons, Knights Templars, Illuminates) are dealing big time with 'em. 2) Yes, we should! I dont know!? May be the coordinations of our planet 3) I hope to be the one to find the first signal ;) |
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