Profile: BlacDragyn

Personal background
I am a Student at Alfred University in Alfred, New York. I major in electrical engineering and my hobbies are playing Magic: The Gathering and playing with computers. I am 21, and don't work, but hope to soon get an internship or a co-op.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
Extraterrestrial life has to exist, because statistically, they have to. With the millions of inhabitable worlds, the miracle of life is bound to happen, especially on planets that are Earth-like. Humans will come across it perhaps by accident, or maybe by monitering radio broadcasts of some kind. If we happen across a life form much like our own, carbon based bipeds with a similar body chemistry, then the liklihood of disease is a major factor. But on a nonlethal note, I think that the biggest danger is communication problems. Chances are though, that we may have a means, through the use of computers of establishing a common language. (Well... we will find out once and for all whether mathematics is in fact the universal language.) The benefits are innumerable. Technology, knowledge, interaction, travel, and etc... I run SETI@home to make a contribution. If we come across an artificial radio signal, and it was someones personal computer that did it, it would be one of the greatest feelings to have been a part of the massive project to incorporate some of the peoples of Earth to undertake such a pursuit.
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