Profile: spaz

Personal background
Born and raised in Springhill, Nova Scotia. Currently living in Dartmouth, NS. Married, with 2 children, 2 dogs and 2 many bills! Have been in retail management for 20 years....and believe have done nothing until you work at K-Mart in the toy department at Christmas time.......I know life on other planets exists....because they come here to shop at Christmas time......
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
To answer the above questions

1. Of course extraterrestrial life exists! We would have to be pretty naive and closed minded to think that we are the only intelligent (?) life form in the entire universe! I wouldn't say for sure that humans will discover e.t. life....I am more inclined to believe it will discover us....or has it already? Benifits?....Maybe an advanced society can help us with disease control or elimination....knowledge of things we don't even know exist....or we may discover a less advanced civilization....someone, somewhere in caveman mode...or as advanced as we were 500 years ago...we could learn from these "people", our own history, perhaps! The dangers?...Could be endless...I think a lot of people on earth would panic and "freak out" once word was released that aliens were among us....worldwide pandemonium....a ton of suicides...because some people would not know how to handle amazing fear of the unknown would drive them over the edge..other scenarios may include visits from hostile life forms, advancing there own civilization by destroying ours, or unknowingly introducing strange diseases in our world..

2. I believe we should transmit a should include the obvious...location of our planet in relation to the sun...our solar system in the galaxy and our galaxy in relation to others...greetings in all known languages...

3. I run SETI@home because I want to help....plain and simple.....there is information out's just a matter of time until it is discovered....and the more computing power we can put on this, the quicker something will come down the pipe! Personally, I can't wait until life is discovered or we are discovered....of course, with the way things are progressing on our fair planet, any new life form would probably be subject to a "shoot first, ask questions later" mentality...hopefully, mankind will not be that stupid...and if the alien is hostile and has the means and the will?...Well. I guess it wouldn't matter then, would it?
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