Personal background |
I am now 36 years old, working for an consulting company here in Germany, and have studied electronics. My hobbies are all computer related, mostly Linux, on old boxes like the IBM PS/2 series and m68k based Macintosh. In the meantime (two years later) I have added some sparc, ppc-boxes, an indy, and some more. No wife, kids, pets. No hassle and enough time to live my life. If I have spare time I prefer reading science fiction (like Jules Verne), fantasy (like Pratchett, Adams or Tolkien), or book about astronomie (just stuff, that I am interested in). |
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home |
Extraterrestrial live? I am sure they exist, but in current time I do not expect that some human can contact them. Or the other way. The distance is to large, the energy needed to much (who can control a black hole, quasar or pulsar), the travel time for the information to be sent is to long. But even
with this opinion I think SETI is a important project for mankind. |
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