Personal background |
My name is Ralph. As long as I can remember I was already interested in astronomy and spaceflight.
The landings of men on the Moon no doubt belong to my most cherished memories from childhood.
And I will be ever grateful to my late parents who stimulated always that interest, took me - a little boy as I was at the time of the first Lunar landings -
in the middle of the night out of bed so that I'd be able to see what was going on there on our nearest celestial neighbour.
Yeah, they even were not unwilling to let me skip a few hours from school when there was something going on in space.
Not that it harmed my education to much, the teachers at the time understood and now, in my forties, I have a good job which I do with a lot of pleasure.
Nowadays it is my wife who stimulates to pursue the quest for extraterrstrial life, explore other, strange worlds.
(One of the many reasons I love her deeply :-))
These things taught me one very important thing: science is not only important,
it also is fun and can give deep emotional satisfaction.
Well, to make a long story short, still up to this day when a Shuttle blasts off...I in my thoughts am with the crew.
I am looking forward to see again fantastic pics from the surface of Mars when two rovers will land there...
One day we'll go ourselves there, no doubt about it.
And what will Cassini and Huygens find at the Saturnian for sure will surpass our wildest imaginations.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home |
Does Extraterrestrial Intelligence exist? No doubt in my mind although I can of course not give the scientific proof for it.
That's what SETI is set about to do in the first place, isn't it?
But to speak with with the words from the movie Contact, based on the novel by late Carl Sagan (Wish he would still be around to see what a marvellous project SETI has become over the years)
it would be an awful waste of space if we turned out to be alone.
(Yes, the accompanying pic was inspired on the movie).
To approach the profound question of wether or not we are alone from a different side, one might just consider that there is a good possibility that soon we'll have proof of life in a sub-surface ocean on such an at first sight
inhospitable place as Jupiter's moon Europa.
We found life in such nasty places on Earth like black smokers on the ocean floor, in Antarctica at extremely low temperatures,
bacteria that seem to be very comfortable in environments ranging from high levels of radioactive radiation to salmost boiling sulfuric acid.
So I think that wherever life is will be there.
And given the right circumstances and enough time...why could life not develop on another world to a stage at which it is able to ask, like humanity, where it comes from, what its destiny is, what place it occupies in our vast and magnificent Universe
which for its incredible beauty it can only admire in awe.
And suppose we would detect one day a signal that beyond any doubt is from an extraterrestrial civilization: I am sure we will then find soon more.
ET has in that sense a little bit in common with carbonbased Buckeyballs and also extra solar planets.
Once the first were found...many more were at an even increasing pace found.
To stick with the extra solar first it seemed hopeless to go out and look for them.
Then, all of a sudden the first were found and now a many more are known than there are planets revolving around our Sun.
Yes, I believe that we are not alone. I believe that there ar |
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