Profile: Fertigline

Personal background

Location: Ohio, U.S.A.

Age: 30

Education: High School/Trade School

Occupation: ...uhh let me get back with you on that one.

About me: I grew up watching star trek, and stars wars, so I think that I have a natural inclination for this kind of stuff. Also watching "contact", a few years ago really helped me understand what seti is all about.

Computer: HP, 400mhz Pentium 2, 384mb ram, Windows XP

Programs: SETI Client Version 3.07

Club: Team Art Bell

Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home

My theory: I think it is very likely that we are not alone in the universe, it's a big place, and I am glad to participate in this.

Why am I doing this? Because it takes almost no effort or my time at all, and I like being a part of science. I feel like, in my own small way, I am exploring the galaxy.

What if we find something or someone out there? Well I hope they are friendly and not like science fiction movies.

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