Profile: Sudip Ghosh

Personal background
I am a 34 year old guy from Hyderabad, India. I am a Scientist by profession, working in a Medical Research Institute. I love music, computer programing and reading
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
The Milky Way Galaxy alone, where our Solar System is located, harbors about 200-400 billion Sun like stars. Some other galaxies can have diameters of more than 6 million light years (compare to about 100 thousand light years for the Milky Way)and may have 100 times more the number of Suns than that Milky Way has. If you consider these facts, it seems that ET life most probably exists and they may be more intelligent than us. But something we should think beforehand. Are they aggressive? We may end up into something like as shown in a flick "MARS ATTACKS!" Some aliens probably had come to the earth earlier or still coming secretly (Please read some Erich von Daniken). We can transmit a radio beacon, but I wonder how many years it may take to reach them as our own galaxy itself is 100 thousand light years in diameter! We can discover them with our small collective efforts (but with big hearts)through S@H though probably they have already discovered us. Lets HOPE for the best.

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