Profile: Silviu

Personal background
Hello Seti@home community. My name is Silviu, I'm from Romania, i'm 21 yo and i study computer science at The Univerity of Bucharest.What can i tell you about myself ? I like sport (especially soccer and basketball), i like listening to music, reading, playing computer games, browsing the internet, chatting, pretty much the usual things.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
First of all I must congratulate you for your work and it's outcome.I think this is a major achievement to be able to connect so many computers from all over the world for the purpose of analizing signals from out of space. I really hope that the first person who discover ET life to be one of us, the users of SETI.
1). Of course i think ET life exists and i really hope we will discover it soon and with the help of the SETI program. Naturally the benefits of discovering an advance alien life form will be the technologies we will achieve from them but also it exists the dangers that they will be an agresive race that will atack us. But i think that are little chances that we will discover an agresive and advanced life form because if they are that way they would've found us first. I like to believe that we will discover a peacefull and advance race.
2).I think i've seen on tv that we have already sent messages in space. If i am wrong than we should send some messages containing information of us, our history, our DNA and a map for them to find our location.
3).I run seti@home because i like to give a little help(as little as i am able) in this grandious program that u have created.As for suggestion i think the program is good but the site could use some improvements. Maybe u can create one with Macromedia.
Anyway i wish that the moment when a seti user discover an signal that was sent from an inhabeted planet is soon so that this program have a well deserve result.
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