
Personal background
Hi There, My Name is Martijn Beekhuis, Born 20-12-1977 in the Netherlands. i Must say thanks to my parents, who have always stimulated my knowledge quests and my father for the fact that i grew up with computers. i am an System administrator (service Engineer) and momentarily in between jobs. i have run Seti for almost 1,5 years now with all my private systems. I created a group for my LAN namely: Recently i made an assignment for school about Seti@Home witch can be found on my WebPages ( ). Kind Regards, Martijn Beekhuis

Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
1. a) Personally i believe in infinity. need i say more? infinite numbers/amounts equal infinite options, infinite planets, infinite lifeforms, etc etc infinity is the concept to grasp before judging about e.t. b) hmm, i can't say, maybe we will find zero in our existence. (please study the drake equation (variable L)) if we find something, my guess will be electromagnetic waves (like seti@home is searching for) the other option is that we are found first, with infinite options, who know's? we might turn out to be some study project of some higher lifeform (i'm not trying to put a religieus twist in this! ) c) one theory of me is, we'll probably end up in conflict because of cultural misunderstandings, and hopefully this event will make humanity aware that we are the race.. not black, white, jew, gypsy, whatever just human! Secretly i'm hoping for some kind of federation idea (like in star trek by gene rodenberry) 2. bad idea. again in the idea of infinite options, changes are that it'll fall in the wrong hands. besides,

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