Profile: sofaslug

Personal background
I'm from Traverse City Michigan and I have been interested in the SETI project since I was a child. I am really enjoying the opportunity to help out with this ongoing search. Let's only hope that Intelligence `out there' is also just as dedicated to finding other life as we are.
I'm 24 and I'm a digital imaging tech. In my spare time (what I have of it) I enjoy reading Arthur C. Clarke.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
1. Yes, I believe extraterrestrial life exists. Really, I guess we will discover it either by accident or when it wants to be discovered. I believe a benefit of discovering ET would be a uniting of Man into a brotherhood. No longer feeling alone, but feeling a part of something larger. A danger would have to be an up-heavel of religion. Possibly, we could see a cultural stagnation, a loss of interest in our own terrestrial community and the developement of our own planet. Cultural cross-contamination from the influence of a greater intelligence.

2. Yes. Primary numbers in pulses. Aliens should get a kick out of receiving that simplistic symbol of

3. I run it because I believe that our world is heading for an untimely end unless something happens to completely shock the human community. We need hope in something beyond ourselves. Science has destroyed religion for many people, and a world without anything to believe in is doomed. Right now there are very few things to believe in. I believe the project is a good one and we must all have faith in the work we are doing. Someday we will hear what we are waiting for.
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