Profile: Felix

Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
I definatley believe extraterrestrial life exists. I figure we will discover alien life in another 50 years or so. I think someone participating in the SETI@Home project or maybe one of the other readio telescopes will discover E.T. There is the possible benefit that maybe the E.T. lifeform could bestow some knowledge upon us, or there is that theory that the aliens that visit Earth will be hostile and bent on harvesting our natural resources for their own benefit.
No, I don't think humans should broadcast a beacon. We should lay low and wait for the extraterrestrials to come to us.
I run SETI@Home because I believe I'm using my computer's excess power for a good cause. I mean how could you be selfish enough to withhold power you're not even consuming? Do something with it! My only suggestions are to make the GUI a little more interesting (it's kid of dull, make it loook, I don't know furturistic or spacy, something a little flasy) and to advertise somehow (there are too may people who don't know about or use this software, make it widely known).
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