Profile: SCL411

Personal background
I was born in West London at the end of September 1972, so I'll let you do the maths! I have remained in West London and am emplyed by my local education authority to administer/maintain/troubleshoot school computer networks and to supply ICT training to the staff within these schools.

I have been interested in the possibility of extraterrestrials for as long as I can remember and keenly follow reported sightings on the internet. I do believe that a good many sightings can be explained but that does leave a large number that can't.....

Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
I do believe that life exists elsewhere in the universe. To be certain that it does not has always struck me as pompous! I am in two minds as to whether or not we have been visited yet. My sensible side says no, but I do think it's quite possible that we have.

As for benefits/dangers, if they have the technology to reach us then they could do pretty much as they want, so it would depend on them!!!

I decided to get involved with Seti because it encapsulated my two great loves, computers and space and seemed like a great way of putting to good use all that idle processor time. I hope that Seti will run and run!!!!
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