About me:
I enjoy "Cycles." Not just the motor kind but cycles in mathematics.
I count Collatz Conjecture as one of those cycles I like except i study the full range of [3x+d,x/2] where d is an odd integer. I look for Cycles.
I also work with dynamic unary encoding which generates dynamic integers. I have a poorly written paper on arXiv which can be googled. I'm not an academic and that paper is not peer reviewed however we know about dynamic unary now. So I contributed nonetheless.
I have spent a lot on computer equipment over the years and am currently willing to stick with AMD and the 9590 for a while. I hope to burn out a motherboard and Cpu or two before I spend for new CPU which I hope will be an AMD 64 core 5.0 gHZ cpu priced at $800.00 or less so yeah that means I will be waiting a while.
I write some C code. I want to learn OpenCL and I watch a lot of news.
I am afraid it is true what the Chinese say "We live in interesting times."
As to "ET" being out there? I already know that it is true because from every other place in the Universe "We are out there."
As to "Intelligent design" of the Universe? I like to say that there is proof of that too. That everything is so far away that the Human Race can't go there and mess it up. That is a hard argument to overcome.
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
I have good equipment. From time to time I push it hard with code I write but mostly it does little work and it cost a great deal.
So I can be a part of a non-partisan world wide effort with little extra cost to me.
I'd love to know if there is anything we can detect in my lifetime. I can wait for someone to tell me or I can help.
I'm too new to have suggestions. Convince AMD to support Fedora with OpenCL 1.2 and above maybe. Fedora is orphaned and cannot run GPU for Seti@home because AMD will not support it.
SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.