Personal background
Hello, my name is Paul Basil Festen. I was born in Chicago, Illinois on June 10th 1950. I just turned 68, and I am super lucky to have made it this far. I proudly served my Country including my 1 year Tour Of Duty in South Vietnam (June 1969 to June 1970). I was assigned to River Patrol Boats in I-CORPS, Cua Viet, River about 80 miles North of Danang. I vividly remember many a night while I was on Watch, gazing at the countless numbers of Stars in the dark skies. Back then as now, I still wonder if anybody is out there? Due to the fact that every Star we see, is a Sun just like ours, the numbers alone are staggering. The odds heavily favor that there countless Earth like Planets orbiting their Stars in our Universe. I am an educated man, and I honestly believe in the possibility that Intelligent life almost certainly must exist somewhere other than our little Earth in the vast observable Universe. There are just way too many Stars in the observable Universe, for life to be limited to just out little Planet Earth. Hopefully sometime in my life time, Science will prove without a doubt, that Life has been discovered and presently exists other than here on Earth. I humbly offer my Desktop Computer to the Seti Project. If indeed life is discovered somewhere other than Earth, It will change everything and everyone forever. I believe that a discovery like this will bring all of the People on Earth together like no time ever before. All in a positive manner of thought, the outcome from such an event, should be almost incomprehensible to even imagine.

Good luck to all involved from the top down in this SETI Project. My time on this Project means everything to me, and couldn't be any more well spent. I remain steadfast positive, and who knows?
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