Profile: Dennis Ahlers

Personal background
Hello dear readers,

My name is Dennis, age 42. I am currently living in the north of the Netherlands. There I work as a Quality Control / Quality Assurance Officer, [chemical laboratory technician]

In daily life I see myself as an 'out-of-the-box-thinking-do-it-myself-scientist'. For example, I like to combine different things idea's so to come up with new idea's and theorie's. Then try to implement these new ideas in practice by making them and try them out. The best part is to continue to develop and improve these new theory's and ideas.
I also like to innovate equipment that already exists or to build and use it for other purposes.Physics [Quantum Mechanics], Chemistry, Astronomy and computer science are therefore my big part of my life. Music is also another big hobby of mine.
Ever since I was a little boy, I have been fascinated by the universe.
I am very phased by electronics. How electronic equipment works, how they work and how they are made, both analogue and digital. Computers and software are also a big part of my interests.

But I am particularly fascinated by transmitters and receivers [radio and non-radio]. Basically the entire electro-magnetic spectrum. The frequencies, wavelengths, band widths and their transmission range. The Ultra Low Frequency band [ULF 300Hz] up to and including the Extremely High frequency [EHF 300GHz].
My interest lies in the range of the Very Low Frequency [VLF 3KHz] up to and including
Super High Frequency [SHF 30GHz]. That's why I also really enjoy building transmitters, receivers and various antennas for it myself and testing it all.
For example, I also build various [small] radio telescopes, so that I can detect terrestrial and non-terrestrial, more interesting, [radio] signals and static noise from space. To subsequently analyze these signals.

As I already told you, my name is Dennis, age 42. I am currently living in the north of the Netherlands. I have lived and worked in many different countries, particularly as a laboratory technician [QA / QC] at various large companies around the world.
If I have awakened your interest and you would like to get to know me more, or if you would like to talk to me, I would like to refer you to my LinkedIN profile. You could get in touch with me there.
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Just that I will not belief weér alone in this univers
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