Last updated 29 Dec 2020, 19:05:07 UTC

Igor Moura ("Bom... Como podem ver, sou Brasileiro :) O portugues nao eh muito parecido com ingles, mas,...")
Ian ("Must update this soon! Temet Nosce")
Isaacs Technology Limited ("from the Managing Director of NETNOTTS Limited... I've been interested in computing since...")
Iznogud ("i am from vienna, 22 years old and halfalien :) i like linux, the universe and good looking...")
Ivan Basch ("I am from the Atlanta GA area, an instructor at a local Technical college. My hobbies are...")
Ian Eames ("Hello! I'm Ian, I'm 29 and live in London. I've not been doing this for long, but managed...")
Ichiro (".")
Iluvapps ("I currently work as a behaviorally/emotionally handicapped teacher in a middle school. I...")
ivo ("Hello my name is marco van stel and i live in the netherlands. I am a danceteacher and my...")

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