Posts by Alan Smith

1) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Any fishermen/women here? (Message 1000415)
Posted 3 Jun 2010 by Profile Alan Smith
I did most of my fishing for trout in cold Colorado streams. I recently moved out of state and now fish in a warm water lake. This morning while fishing for smallmouth bass (yeah, I caught a few) using a 3 inch lure, I caught a bluegill on it. Now, this 'monster' was a good 4.5 inches long. Are bluegill always this aggressive, or did this guy have delusions of grandeur? Even if the lure had been a real fish, I don't see how it could have eaten it. Maybe all the fish here are aggressive. I also caught a 12 in bullhead on a spinner. Never got one before without using bait.
2) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Puns O Fun 2 (Message 991484)
Posted 24 Apr 2010 by Profile Alan Smith
... but then I eat too much and need milk of magma-nesia.

You could try your milk of magma-nesia with some orange juice and vodka...

'Course, then it would be a Phillips Screwdriver.
3) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Puns O Fun 2 (Message 989662)
Posted 16 Apr 2010 by Profile Alan Smith
I'll probably make an ash of myself...
4) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Puns O Fun (Message 987809)
Posted 9 Apr 2010 by Profile Alan Smith
Boy, this message board has really died... I mean, it's totally dead in here....
5) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Puns O Fun (Message 986449)
Posted 4 Apr 2010 by Profile Alan Smith
great whale of a tail...

A great whale's tail? Now that's pretty finny...
6) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Puns O Fun (Message 986423)
Posted 3 Apr 2010 by Profile Alan Smith

Researchers at the Texas State Zoo in Austin have found that if they feed the porpoises a diet of a particular mynah bird the porpoise’s life span is greatly increased. The other day, while bringing a cage full of the birds to feed the porpoise, the zookeeper had to cross a small bridge over their lion pit. Halfway across he was stopped by a Texas Ranger who stated he was under arrest for violation of the Mann Act. The zookeeper didn’t understand, and asked for an explanation. The Ranger said “The Mann Act… you know, ‘Transporting mynahs across state lions for immortal porpoises’”!
7) Message boards : Number crunching : So, wot happened? (Message 985459)
Posted 31 Mar 2010 by Profile Alan Smith
Thanks, just never saw this before...
8) Message boards : Number crunching : So, wot happened? (Message 985456)
Posted 31 Mar 2010 by Profile Alan Smith
OK, so awhile ago I had a task ( 27mr07ae.26750.15205.9.10.62_1_0) finish, and I uploaded it. Nothing unusual in the messages:

3/30/2010 6:10:44 PM SETI@home Computation for task 27mr07ae.26750.15205.9.10.62_1 finished
3/30/2010 6:10:44 PM SETI@home Starting 01mr07aj.24198.5794.15.10.50_0
3/30/2010 6:10:44 PM SETI@home Starting task 01mr07aj.24198.5794.15.10.50_0 using setiathome_enhanced version 603
3/30/2010 6:14:29 PM Resuming network activity
3/30/2010 6:14:30 PM SETI@home Started upload of 27mr07ae.26750.15205.9.10.62_1_0
3/30/2010 6:14:34 PM SETI@home Finished upload of 27mr07ae.26750.15205.9.10.62_1_0
3/30/2010 6:14:48 PM SETI@home update requested by user
3/30/2010 6:14:49 PM SETI@home Sending scheduler request: Requested by user.
3/30/2010 6:14:49 PM SETI@home Reporting 1 completed tasks, not requesting new tasks
3/30/2010 6:14:54 PM SETI@home Scheduler request completed

However, when I look at the Tasks I see:

1551528984 5223345 23 Mar 2010 6:53:45 UTC 30 Mar 2010 15:25:54 UTC Completed, waiting for validation pending SETI@home Enhanced v6.03
1551528985 5337013 23 Mar 2010 6:53:45 UTC 10 May 2010 7:25:50 UTC In progress --- --- --- --- SETI@home Enhanced v6.03

(My computer is 5337013, still shows 'In Progress')

But when I look at the Task ID screen there is:

Task 1551528985

Name 27mr07ae.26750.15205.9.10.62_1
Workunit 587504527
Created 23 Mar 2010 6:20:08 UTC
Sent 23 Mar 2010 6:53:45 UTC
Received 31 Mar 2010 0:13:43 UTC
Server state Over
Outcome Success
Client state Done
Exit status 0 (0x0)
Computer ID 5337013
Report deadline 10 May 2010 7:25:50 UTC
Run time 191803.15625
CPU time 132028.2
stderr out

setiathome_enhanced 6.02 DevC++/MinGW
libboinc: 6.3.6

Work Unit Info:
WU true angle range is : 0.398246
Optimal function choices:
v_BaseLineSmooth (no other)
v_vGetPowerSpectrum2 0.00210 0.00000
sse2_ChirpData_ak 0.09532 0.00000
v_vTranspose4x8ntw 0.04359 0.00000
AK SSE folding 0.00685 0.00000
Restarted at 20.30 percent.
No heartbeat from core client for 30 sec - exiting
Restarted at 24.66 percent.
Restarted at 59.50 percent.
No heartbeat from core client for 30 sec - exiting
Restarted at 87.45 percent.
Restarted at 87.59 percent.
Restarted at 92.18 percent.
Restarted at 92.86 percent.
Restarted at 99.01 percent.

Flopcounter: 43714680438915.648000

Spike count: 6
Pulse count: 1
Triplet count: 0
Gaussian count: 0
called boinc_finish


Validate state Valid
Claimed credit 115.695677919708
Granted credit 115.679892921798
application version SETI@home Enhanced v6.03

As you can see, it shows being returned, finishing, and granting credits.
I don't care that much about the credits, but will this now just sit out there until it times out?
Anything I can do so my wingman doesn't have to wait until it get crunched again?


9) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Puns O Fun (Message 985095)
Posted 29 Mar 2010 by Profile Alan Smith
My next door neighbout bought a dog...

I had a dog that was sort of strange. You could never tell what kind of mood he would be in. On different days he would be playful or sad or brave or cowardly etc. I guess it makes sense though. You see, he was a Sybil Shepard.
10) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Puns O Fun (Message 984680)
Posted 28 Mar 2010 by Profile Alan Smith
Im to tired to tackel any more fish puns.

Does your head hurt too? I mean, do you have a haddock?
11) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Bumper Stickers (Message 984666)
Posted 28 Mar 2010 by Profile Alan Smith
My Karma ran over your Dogma
12) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Puns O Fun (Message 984077)
Posted 26 Mar 2010 by Profile Alan Smith

O sole o mia, I'll be waiting with baited breath, if I can catch it.

I don't mean to be too crabby, but did you type that on porpoise or was it just for the halibut?
13) Message boards : Cafe SETI : THE Joke Thread . . . Part Deux (Message 883299)
Posted 8 Apr 2009 by Profile Alan Smith
At the state zoo in Austin, Texas, research has shown that feeding a particular species of porpoise Mynah birds greatly extended the life span of the porpoises.

One day, while a zookeeper was carrying a cage full of the Mynah birds to the porpoises, he had to cross a small bridge over a pit containing the zoo's lions. When he was nearly across the bridge, he was approached by a Texas Ranger and immediately arrested! When the zookeeper asked what the charge was, the Ranger said (what else): 'Transporting Mynahs across the state lion for immortal porpoises!'
14) Message boards : Number crunching : The Neverending WU? (Message 883294)
Posted 8 Apr 2009 by Profile Alan Smith

Well, my 'Neverending WU' finally ended.

The method for the estimate I got earlier from Josef W.Segur turned out to be surprisingly accurate. We estimated 168 hours (WAY down from my initial est of 700 hrs) and the actual ended up to be 166 hours.

Did'ja ever notice just how long 166 hours is when your waiting for something? ;-)

Guess the Astropulse jobs gotta go
My computer is simply too slow
I'm still gonna crunch
M.B.s by the bunch
But opt apps I just do not know

Thanks to all...
15) Message boards : Cafe SETI : THE Joke Thread . . . Part Deux (Message 882846)
Posted 6 Apr 2009 by Profile Alan Smith
Maybe off-topic, but I thought I'd post this obituary...

Bakersfield, CA

The Pillsbury Dough Boy died yesterday of a yeast infection and
complications from repeated pokes in the belly. He was 72.

Dough Boy was buried in a lightly greased casket. Dozens of celebrities
turned out to pay their respects, including Mrs. Butterworth, Hungry
Jack, the California Raisins, Betty Crocker, the Hostess Twinkies and Captain
Crunch. The grave site was piled high with flours.

A long time friend, Aunt Jemima, delivered the eulogy. She described
Dough Boy as a man who never knew how much he was kneaded. Dough Boy rose
quickly in show business, but his later life was filled with turnovers. He was
not considered a very smart cookie, wasting much of his dough on half-baked
schemes. Despite being a little flaky at times, he still, as a crusty old
man, was considered a roll model for millions.

Dough Boy is survived by his wife, Play Dough, two children, John Dough
and Jane Dough, with another one in the oven. He is also survived by his
elderly father, Pop Tart. The funeral was held at 3:50 for about 20 minutes.
16) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Stupid Laws part #2 (Message 882669)
Posted 6 Apr 2009 by Profile Alan Smith
In Denver, I break the law every week...

It's against the law to drive a black car on Sunday.


I have read also that it is against the law in Colorado to collect rainwater for use!?

True or not?

I wouldn't have believed it, but I guess...

But according to the state of Colorado, the rain that falls on Holstrom's property is not hers to keep. It should be allowed to fall to the ground and flow unimpeded into surrounding creeks and streams, the law states, to become the property of farmers, ranchers, developers and water agencies that have bought the rights to those waterways

17) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Stupid Laws part #2 (Message 882558)
Posted 5 Apr 2009 by Profile Alan Smith
Colorado is the only state in the nation — and most likely the only government in the world — that makes it a crime to disparage food

(And this law isn't all that old...)
18) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Stupid Laws part #2 (Message 882495)
Posted 5 Apr 2009 by Profile Alan Smith
In Denver, I break the law every week...

It's against the law to drive a black car on Sunday.

19) Message boards : Cafe SETI : What Is Your Weather Like? III (Message 882287)
Posted 4 Apr 2009 by Profile Alan Smith
Let's see...

27 degrees
44 mph wind
Freezing drizle

Oh, it's just *$^%@)% GREAT...

20) Message boards : Number crunching : Teeny, tiny bug... (Message 881779)
Posted 2 Apr 2009 by Profile Alan Smith

It's already been fixed...


Next 20

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