Posts by Ricardo Lourenco ( Neo )

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Install Boinc CentOS VPS from SSH (Message 1442417)
Posted 14 Nov 2013 by Profile Ricardo Lourenco ( Neo )
(CentOS is a 'flavour' of Fedora.)

Nice to know. Thanks.

let us know how you get along.

Offcourse !

Thanks again. At weekend i will continue with this =)
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Install Boinc CentOS VPS from SSH (Message 1442375)
Posted 14 Nov 2013 by Profile Ricardo Lourenco ( Neo )
Do you have "root" access or sudo enabled for your VPS to install additional software?

Also: I'm still suspicious that you'll suffer extra charges for CPU usage...

Happy crunchin',

Good luck,

Yes, i have root access.

To speack the truth i dont want to install Boinc on the VPS if i can not do a smoothly install. I need to be sure, because is my production VPS.

Im thinking wait to do that. First i need to install on a PC at home with CentOS 64 to see if there are any problems. Testing directly on the VPS, i can not do that for now, because i dont have Linux knowledge to restore all if something goes wrong.

So for now, all is on Stand By.

At week end, i will install CentOS 64 on a PC, and then i will test Boinc Installation.

Thanks all for youre help.

PS: Oh .... Regarding CPU Usage, if is Extras Charges, dont is the problem. The problem is if im Kicked or banned.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Install Boinc CentOS VPS from SSH (Message 1442105)
Posted 13 Nov 2013 by Profile Ricardo Lourenco ( Neo )
Updating with 1 question.

I dont have any knowledge of CentOs 64. I only have a few lights on openSUSE, ubuntu and fedora.

So ... i dont know if CentOS have Boinc at their Package Manager.

I have read this article > and someone with CentOS have said that maybe Boinc dont run smoothly on CentOS.

However is Outdated ( From 2006 ). Someone know if today it exist boinc at Package Manager of CentOS ?

Sorry for make questions, but im in work so i cant spend time searching infos for now, my work today is delayed.
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Install Boinc CentOS VPS from SSH (Message 1442070)
Posted 13 Nov 2013 by Profile Ricardo Lourenco ( Neo )
Thanks @ML1 i will try at home.

thanks again
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Install Boinc CentOS VPS from SSH (Message 1442068)
Posted 13 Nov 2013 by Profile Ricardo Lourenco ( Neo )
I use GoDaddy, but I don't have a VPS. If I understand correctly, you want your virtual server rented from GoDaddy to run BOINC?


Since GoDaddy has root access to the VPS you're renting, about the only thing I can suggest is to call GoDaddy and talk to them directly. Tell them you want to run one of the linux client versions located at:

And one of the guys you talk to will either say they can't do it or they can do it.

I have talked with Godaddy by Chat, and they dont have a 'banned' list of software.

Please let us know how that goes.

Well...I have asked if i have permission to make a test. And he tell me Yes.
The only thing i need, is to be carefull with Bandwidth and Over CPU Usage.

So, im thinking making a 24 or 48 hours test. The time needed for complete a boinc cycle ( Download Tasks > Process > Upload )

Then i see how much bandwidth have spend to do that. And finally, talk with godaddy to see if pending my test, someone have getted some issues.
6) Message boards : Cafe SETI : TOP 10% & 1/4 of a Million (Message 1441996)
Posted 13 Nov 2013 by Profile Ricardo Lourenco ( Neo )
Only updating ... ive opened thread here
7) Message boards : Number crunching : Install Boinc CentOS VPS from SSH (Message 1441986)
Posted 13 Nov 2013 by Profile Ricardo Lourenco ( Neo )
Update: Also, i have ask for permission to godaddy. So, from godaddy all is OK for a 24 hours test purpose. The only thing i need, is to know how to do it =)
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Install Boinc CentOS VPS from SSH (Message 1441947)
Posted 13 Nov 2013 by Profile Ricardo Lourenco ( Neo )
Hi all,

I wish to install and run boinc on a VPS i own at godaddy. However i need to:

1) Download Boinc
2) Install Boinc
3) Attach to a Project
4) Set up to auto-run if a reboot is made

All via SSH, and i dont have Linux/CentOS64 knowledge to do that.

Can someone tell me a "How to" please? Offcourse if already exist that.

Thanks all =)

Many thanks!

Edit: I know that for:

1) I need to do wget something...
2) tar something
2.1) then cd something... ?
2.2) maybe a sh something ... ?

... I dont know more =)
9) Message boards : Cafe SETI : TOP 10% & 1/4 of a Million (Message 1441693)
Posted 12 Nov 2013 by Profile Ricardo Lourenco ( Neo )
Thanks @TimeLord04 i'll wait to see if someone can help me to do that. then if nobody know i create a Thread there. Thanks again =)
10) Message boards : Cafe SETI : TOP 10% & 1/4 of a Million (Message 1441688)
Posted 12 Nov 2013 by Profile Ricardo Lourenco ( Neo )
Thanks again !

do not be afraid to ask for help. ;-)

Well ... i need help to install and run Boinc on a VPS via SSH. Is there any "how to" to do that?
Thanks !

Edit: VPS running CentOS64
11) Message boards : Cafe SETI : TOP 10% & 1/4 of a Million (Message 1441607)
Posted 12 Nov 2013 by Profile Ricardo Lourenco ( Neo )
Thanks to all of you.

12) Message boards : Cafe SETI : TOP 10% & 1/4 of a Million (Message 1441107)
Posted 11 Nov 2013 by Profile Ricardo Lourenco ( Neo )
Hi Crunchers,

Only sharing my happiness :-D

I'm in on TOP 10% of Crunchers and i have almost 1/4 of a million points on SETI Project.

Im Happy and fighting to have my first Million.

Cheers All !

PS: Sorry for my ugly english
13) Message boards : Number crunching : Goodsearch for Seti........ (Message 1200542)
Posted 28 Feb 2012 by Profile Ricardo Lourenco ( Neo )
4103 Supporters at GoodSearch S@H Project very nice ! Oh ... By the way ...$908.92 raised.
14) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Im Happy :D (Message 1199614)
Posted 25 Feb 2012 by Profile Ricardo Lourenco ( Neo )
Done ! I have double my RAC.
Thanks all for the help and a special thanks to Lunatics Team. keep with youre great work !

Cheers !
15) Message boards : News : Project Back Online After Overnight Outage (Message 1199396)
Posted 24 Feb 2012 by Profile Ricardo Lourenco ( Neo )
Here i have full of WU. For me the update have worked at 100%.
16) Message boards : News : First Look at Kepler SETI Candidate Signals (Message 1195862)
Posted 16 Feb 2012 by Profile Ricardo Lourenco ( Neo )
No stress @Cristoph
17) Message boards : News : First Look at Kepler SETI Candidate Signals (Message 1190217)
Posted 30 Jan 2012 by Profile Ricardo Lourenco ( Neo )
Hi all,

@Steve & @Christoph i have made a little donation at GPU Users Group of 5 Bucks ( 2 Packets of Marlboro here in Brazil ) is not too much but well 5 bucks + 5 bucks = 10 etc etc ....

Order Grand Total:
Payment Method:
Order Summary:
Order #: 435

Order Date: 2012-01-30 18:08
Products Subtotal: $5.00
Total for this Order: $5.00

Products on order:
1 x Donation directly to SETI@Home - $5.00
SKU: SETI@Home-direct

Cheers !
18) Message boards : Cafe SETI : My article - Trying to get it published in the UK (Message 1187510)
Posted 22 Jan 2012 by Profile Ricardo Lourenco ( Neo )
Thanks @ianhall116, offcourse i will make a mention of you and i will make a linkback to this post.

All that in a few weeks or maybe one month or two ...
19) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Aurora over the Pole 2012 (Message 1187490)
Posted 22 Jan 2012 by Profile Ricardo Lourenco ( Neo )
I dont have words to describe the beauty of that footage. Its amazing our little planet. Thanks for share with us
20) Message boards : Cafe SETI : My article - Trying to get it published in the UK (Message 1187343)
Posted 22 Jan 2012 by Profile Ricardo Lourenco ( Neo )
WOW !!!!
Great Article @ianhall116 !!!!!

Can i translate to Portuguese and in the future input him on my team website ?

Really great !

Next 20

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