Posts by Dave Kentley

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Time to fold up the tent... (Message 1181358)
Posted 29 Dec 2011 by Profile Dave Kentley
if you are babysitting the project and checking it every 5 min it will drive you crazy just let it run and forget it check on it maybe once or twice a
week.mine is running 24/7 i check it once a week then go back to my regular work,taking a year off is NOT going to change anything it will still be the same.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Panic Mode On (45) Server problems (Message 1090775)
Posted 27 Mar 2011 by Profile Dave Kentley
well i just checked seti@home and its back working again this is after 10 days of nothing
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Panic Mode On (45) Server problems (Message 1090617)
Posted 26 Mar 2011 by Profile Dave Kentley
no problems with overclocking or heat before this problem 95% of my w/u's were compleated before these were ghost w/u
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Panic Mode On (45) Server problems (Message 1090292)
Posted 25 Mar 2011 by Profile Dave Kentley
i have been trying to connect ot seti@home for the passed 10 days and i am told the project is unavaliable anyone else having the same problem.
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Aborting a Task from a Detached Computer? (Message 1007874)
Posted 24 Jun 2010 by Profile Dave Kentley
why don't you use a 8gig flash drive,i've been using one for three years now and no more detached computers or wu's,before when seti was on my c drive if i had a crash or had to do a restore boy did seti get screwed up just about all my wu's got detached.i'm using a 32 gig flash drive but you could get away with an 8 gig for about $'s worth every cent.
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Panic Mode On (34) Server Problems (Message 1007629)
Posted 24 Jun 2010 by Profile Dave Kentley
i agree with you 100% it does no good to get upset when things don't go right,i've been with SETI since 07 i leave my computer running 24/7 with SETI running in the backround and go about other things checking in to see how things are going or not going once or twice a day.
7) Message boards : Number crunching : Can't connect? (Message 924335)
Posted 7 Aug 2009 by Profile Dave Kentley
try this on your menu bar click on advanced then options then click on connections and select "set default",that worked for me.
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Crunching-time exploded from 1,5 to 4 hrs! Why? (Message 924329)
Posted 7 Aug 2009 by Profile Dave Kentley
Up to 4 is not bad i've got some that are 18.hrs the avg is 10hrs.why the big increase?.
9) Message boards : Number crunching : Stats n Stone (Message 923236)
Posted 2 Aug 2009 by Profile Dave Kentley
the Stats n Stone site has gone off the air do to lack of operating funds i was communicating with Gary and he told me it costs approx.$225 a month to operate the site i think it's a great site if we use it we should help him with the costs,a couple of dollars a month is not going to break us, come on lets help him and get the site back up and running.
10) Message boards : Number crunching : Anyone toasted thier PC/laptop because of 24/7 crunching? (Message 877907)
Posted 21 Mar 2009 by Profile Dave Kentley
I've been running seti optimized 24\7 for a year now with no problems i have an Acer 5620 laptop dual core with 3 gigs of memory.
11) Message boards : Number crunching : Oh no, they say detatched... (Message 853115)
Posted 13 Jan 2009 by Profile Dave Kentley
since i've been runing on the flash drive i have had not one problem with detached wu and i've had 2 crashes, before when i had a crash and had to do the restore many detached wu now far as i'm concerned it WORKS.
12) Message boards : Number crunching : Oh no, they say detatched... (Message 853050)
Posted 13 Jan 2009 by Profile Dave Kentley
no but if you want to avoid this problem do what i did i got a 4gig flash drive and moved seti on to it now if i have a crash all is safe on the flash drive try it it works great.don't worry about the detached they will be processed do not delete.
13) Message boards : Number crunching : Panic Mode On (11) Server problems (Message 846414)
Posted 29 Dec 2008 by Profile Dave Kentley
by past histoty there's always a major problem on the weekend if they cared about this project they would have someone ON_CALL to take care of it. if they do not care then leave it the way it is and more people will be dropping out.but the main point is COMMUNICATIONS,if your having a problem let us know it does not take much a short note.
14) Message boards : Number crunching : Panic Mode On (11) Server problems (Message 845846)
Posted 28 Dec 2008 by Profile Dave Kentley
out of 40 w/u 39 go to pending what's the problem.the least they could do is post a note stating there having a problem how long does that take,no wonder people are dropping out of SETI NO COMMUNICATIONS COME ON GUYS GET WITH IT.
15) Message boards : Number crunching : Laptop Question (Message 839727)
Posted 13 Dec 2008 by Profile Dave Kentley
that's a great machine you can not go wrong,i have an acer extensa 5620 i got this one this past june and it has been running 24/7 with no problems.
16) Message boards : Number crunching : Suspend SETI@Home until Stats export works again (Message 798942)
Posted 16 Aug 2008 by Profile Dave Kentley
No stats updates for 5 days -> I will suspend SETI@Home until they figured out how to resolve this issue (going on holidays is O.K., but not without replacement!).

What's the issue, Martin?

Your credits are all there, safe and sound, and when they update the XML feed, you're gonna have a big day!!


I am with SETI@Home for almost 10 years now and I expect a little professionalism by now - or at least some information about ongoing problems on the front page. It is MY computers and MY electricity bill (plus a few donations) that I offer to the team. Therefore it is MY decision to suspend or quit this project if they do not follow the basic rules of customer relations (not to talk about customer satisfaction).

you could not have said i better,just let is know what's going on a little communication's goes a long way.
17) Message boards : Number crunching : No updates to stats pages??? (Message 797959)
Posted 14 Aug 2008 by Profile Dave Kentley
Anyone else having trouble with the stat pages? None of the pages have updated my SETI results for last 4 days.

i'm in the same boat no stat updates in 4 days whats going on?
18) Message boards : Number crunching : Boinc 6.2.14 (Message 796813)
Posted 12 Aug 2008 by Profile Dave Kentley
Has there been any explanation anywhere (here or on the Beta forum) as to why 6.2.14 has been made so darn complex ???

Basically it SUX !! I would like some answers to the following questions...

1) Why does it have some secret squirrel data directory seperate from the main BOINC directory ?

I can try to answer this one, and it probably answers all the others too, with one word. Vista. (and I'm not a Boinc Developer, INaBD). As you don't seem to have any of those on your computers page, and neither do I for my own reasons, I can understand your frustration with the transition, and the transition is causing developers plenty of hassles, and you're spotting some of the new 'best practices' gradually being put into place. I'm probably sticking with 5.10.45 for now as it seems to work fine for me, though eventually I'll have to put Vista on I hope Boinc and other programs I use will have updated to the point where I stop having to confirm everything I told it to do, costing my time and lost productivity in having to find workarounds. aahhh growing pains, gotta love 'em.


Hm, I run Vista on one my host now.
I installed BOINC 5.10.45 on it as usual, in service mode. Then changed boinc service account to system. That's all. It works just fine.
So, there is not really need to go BOINC V6 under Vista, IMHO.
Probably, you mean BOINC devs would do BOINC "like" Vista, LoL, i.e. so fat and cumbersome? ;) ;)

can you run optimized on 6.2.14 if so how.
19) Message boards : Number crunching : What's the ETA on SETI coming back to life ?????? (Message 796669)
Posted 12 Aug 2008 by Profile Dave Kentley
I'm actually sort of surprised that there, seemingly, isn't anyone in an on-call status. Nothing will get someone ready for the "real" world like some on-call for a week, sucking the time out of one's life. : )
(I just came "off-call" about 10 minutes ago.)

i agree with you somebody should be on call to maintain the servers and keep the down time to a minimum.
20) Message boards : Number crunching : Panic Mode On (8) Server problems (Message 795826)
Posted 10 Aug 2008 by Profile Dave Kentley
Read back thru today's posts -- you will see plenty of confirmation and discussion of the problem.

I´m also having issues with the uploads, it states internet connection ok, must have some problems with the data servers.

Can anyone confirm such a problem?.

i have not been able to upload since late friday night i am so backedup that i shut everything down until they fix the wonder people are leaving seti there down more than there up,if this does not improve i'll be leaving to.

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