Posts by MeltWreckage

1) Message boards : Cafe SETI : hello friends! are you excited about the artificial sun? (Message 846318)
Posted 29 Dec 2008 by Profile MeltWreckage

a buddy of mine mailed this to me today... and I'm very excited! I've been really busy for the past several months, so I hope to fully engage in more discussions by January. I wish everybody a happy new year!

2) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Do you dream in color? (Message 816600)
Posted 10 Oct 2008 by Profile MeltWreckage
Yes, I dream in color. In fact, I never even realized that certain people dream exclusively in black and white until about ten years ago.

edit: I've had two (authentic) lucid dreams, kenzieB... It's an extremely bizarre experience. I knew it would only last a couple minutes - so I went wild and tried to do as much as possible before waking. I did a lot of weird stuff! haha
3) Message boards : Cafe SETI : amazing new Mercury pictures released today! can't wait! (Message 815629)
Posted 7 Oct 2008 by Profile MeltWreckage

How exciting!

4) Message boards : Cafe SETI : . . . dinner is bein' served (Message 804133)
Posted 1 Sep 2008 by Profile MeltWreckage
Ah, meatloaf! Classic! That looks great, Richard! It's been a couple years since I made meatloaf... If you don't mind, I'd like to make your recipe! For today's dinner, I ingested a chicken cesar salad and I consumed a bottle of Chablis. For "dessert", I drank a double cortado. It was a tasty meal!

Ah! I'm quite sleepy now - I think I'll retire for the evening, and do some light reading before I fall asleep. Bye for now, everybody!

5) Message boards : Cafe SETI : . . . UOTD @ SETI is Melt Wreckage - Sunday August 31 2008 (Message 803733)
Posted 31 Aug 2008 by Profile MeltWreckage
hello hello to AriZonaMoon, CR, and kaseychief! Thank you for the kind comments! You are all very friendly!


6) Message boards : Cafe SETI : . . . UOTD @ SETI is Melt Wreckage - Sunday August 31 2008 (Message 803633)
Posted 31 Aug 2008 by Profile MeltWreckage

Congratz Melt from me as well.

thank you, Mike! I'm still buzzing - a third cup of coffee is further facilitating my excitement! I'm going to listen to "Are We Alone?" now ...

7) Message boards : Cafe SETI : . . . UOTD @ SETI is Melt Wreckage - Sunday August 31 2008 (Message 803626)
Posted 31 Aug 2008 by Profile MeltWreckage
Ah! I'm really touched! Thank you very much to Dr. C.E.T.I. , Blurf, and Stealth Eagle!

I woke up this morning, read a little of the "R" issue of my old World Book encyclopedias (Revolutionary War, Rome, Rocks, Rats, Babe Ruth, Raspberries, and Albert Ryder) - then I stumbled over to the computer with a cup of coffee... began listening to The Cure --- and imagine my delight and joy upon realizing that I've been selected as user of the day! I never thought that would happen! I'm really happy!! Thank you, everybody! What a fantastic way to conclude the previous week, and commence a new one!

8) Message boards : Cafe SETI : New forum look??? (Message 794520)
Posted 8 Aug 2008 by Profile MeltWreckage
Looks kinda funky....but I like it.

mmm! me too! I like it

9) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Photos of large size...Closed For Renovation (Message 794518)
Posted 8 Aug 2008 by Profile MeltWreckage
One of the joys of living on a lake. This was taken just 10 minutes ago.

Wow. What are those things?

10) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Ghost in Space (Message 794237)
Posted 7 Aug 2008 by Profile MeltWreckage
Strange astronomical object discovered thanks to Galaxy Zoo.

And, a reminder about Galaxy Zoo

Ah! Hello kenzie! I just noticed that you beat me to it! I too posted this news item, although it's from a different source... Cool story!


11) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Ghost in Space (Message 794235)
Posted 7 Aug 2008 by Profile MeltWreckage
Hmmm! Cool!

12) Message boards : Cafe SETI : potential for life on Mars - confirmed by mid-August? (Message 792245)
Posted 3 Aug 2008 by Profile MeltWreckage

Have you seen this? Wow!
13) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Video game: SPORE.... perfect for SETI fans? (Message 772367)
Posted 23 Jun 2008 by Profile MeltWreckage
Ah! I played around with the Creature design application at my buddy's house over the weekend. It's so much fun! I can't wait for the game! I haven't been interested in playing a video/computer game since Sims 2. My enthusiasm has been rekindled! I may have to upgrade my computer in order for it to run smoothly, however...

14) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Video game: SPORE.... perfect for SETI fans? (Message 769920)
Posted 18 Jun 2008 by Profile MeltWreckage
I can't wait for Spore! I've been following its development for years. I'm extremely excited!

15) Message boards : Cafe SETI : we live in a "crowded Universe"! (Message 769895)
Posted 18 Jun 2008 by Profile MeltWreckage
hello everybody! I've been busy for the past couple weeks, so the frequency of my posting has suffered slightly. Upon reading the news this morning, I was happy to discover the article linked below...

It is as I've expected, and I feel it further strengthens our case for supporting the efforts of SETI. I believe we're on the verge of making some historical discoveries regarding the nature of off-Earth life. I can't wait!

happy Wednesday, everbody!

16) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Eurovision Song Contest. (Message 759293)
Posted 27 May 2008 by Profile MeltWreckage
No.....Dustin the Turkey got knocked out the last night :(....The Irish were living in hope!. We won this competition 7 times!

Europeans just have no sense of humor when it comes to musical singing turkeys!

haha that was great! I voted for the Irish turkey! everything else was embarrassingly bland and tacky...

17) Message boards : SETI@home Science : Have we found anything....? (Message 759051)
Posted 26 May 2008 by Profile MeltWreckage
Any sensible alien race wouldn't advertise their presence without checking first that they wouldn't be over-run and annihilated by an enenmy.

unlike us humans! haha ;)

18) Message boards : Science (non-SETI) : what's the highest-resolution image ever taken of Pluto? (Message 759031)
Posted 26 May 2008 by Profile MeltWreckage
hello everybody! thank you for all the great responses and links... I will now study their contents!

"Breaking the Gigapixel Barrier" is blowing my mind!! thank you, Dr. C.E.T.I. !!

19) Message boards : Cafe SETI : A day out in London (Message 759019)
Posted 26 May 2008 by Profile MeltWreckage
Hi MeltWreckage ;) I didn't get out as far as Tower bridge this time. I don't even know about the Telectroscope. Please tell us more :) Yes, please share a couple ;)

Hello again, Ice!

I would be happy to share some pictures! I'm afraid my online photo-sharing techniques are a little archaic, so I placed all the images into a single file, uploaded to my website:

I'm sorry they're a bit blurry, but my camera phone isn't the best - nor do I ever "aim" while photographing!

The Telectroscope is on the second, third, and fourth row of images - although the order in which everything is sorted is more or less random...

I learned about its existence here:

the bottom-left image depicts my point-of-view upon gazing into the device... It was really cool! Waving to and interacting with New Yorkers, live! haha - we were writing hand-rendered notes back and forth, trading phone numbers etc .... £1 = roughly ten minutes of interaction

edit: Dr. C.E.T.I. has submitted some fantastic images of the Telectroscope! nice one, buddy! I've yet to see the New York-side of the device ... that's really cool!

p.s. I sneaked in an Indiana Jones picture from Leicester Square! haha... my girlfriend and I attended a lunchtime screening of the new film, and we enjoyed ourselves immensely. The critical response baffles me, as it's been fairly negative. I thought the movie was great!
20) Message boards : Cafe SETI : A day out in London (Message 758901)
Posted 26 May 2008 by Profile MeltWreckage
It also had many other buildings inside, exhibitions, car show rooms, and restaurants and bars like this one, where I had my lunch ;)

hey Ice! Excellent pictures! That's great! I love this place! I used to be a frequent patron when I lived in London. In fact, I was just there over the weekend myself. Did you visit the Telectroscope on the South Bank? (right next to Tower Bridge) It was great! I took quite a few pictures also - perhaps I'll share a couple!

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