Posts by Jon C Melusky

1) Message boards : News : SETI@home hibernation (Message 2035460)
Posted 3 Mar 2020 by Profile Jon C Melusky
Thank you for all your hard work over the years. Glad to help out for 19+ years. I also am confused as to why a certain portion of the money wasn't used to analyze the data being crunched so far. Anyway, hibernation it is and I'll wait with everyone else until crunching is needed. I haven't ever been a one project person though so I always have 10 or more other projects that are crunching. The ones I have now are Universe, Collatz, Cosmology, Asteroids, Einstein, Gerasim, MilkyWay, Rosetta, WorldCommunityGrid, and yoyo. They all seem worthy of help. (^: Again, thanks for the education of BOINC and computer innards learning! Much appreciated. (^: .... PS If you set up BOINC on your cell phones to crunch, be sure to set it low usage because my Samsung Galaxy 7 cell phone overheated and now the battery is partly fried. Good luck!
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Crunching order (Message 717350)
Posted 23 Feb 2008 by Profile Jon C Melusky
Most scientists have a good reason for what they do and I don't see what good reason they could have in mind for this situation. Allen

I sometimes wondered if some of the WU deadlines were set because of funding planning and/or volunteers schedules. (^:

3) Message boards : Number crunching : Over-heat (Message 717345)
Posted 23 Feb 2008 by Profile Jon C Melusky
It will also, as you have discovered, throttle down if it gets too hot to prevent damage, but should return to normal speeds when it considers reasonable to do so.

This might not be related, but I was told by a friend to not use a laptop on the carpet floor as it sucks the fine dirt and carpet fibers into the fans and can cause problems.

4) Message boards : Number crunching : Preferences advice needed for Celeron 1.4 ghz. (Message 314398)
Posted 23 May 2006 by Profile Jon C Melusky
@ Jon,
Let us know in about another week and a half or so, and see how its working then. It may still need a bit of time after that to get into the swing of things. Let us know how it goes.

Hi Jeremy,

Things are back to normal and working well. No more over committed messages now.

Predictor acts up from time to time, but I won't post here about it.

5) Message boards : Number crunching : Preferences advice needed for Celeron 1.4 ghz. (Message 245177)
Posted 9 Feb 2006 by Profile Jon C Melusky
When coming back down from a high setting, it takes a while for it to kick in like its supposed to. I'd at least give it about a week or so to allow it to "Get into the grove" again. Good luck and let us know how that works for you.


Hi Jeremy,

It has been over a week now with my new .5 days settings change for how often BOINC connects to send in WUs and I am getting odd results. I suppose BOINC is still getting in the groove, but anyway, I'll just post what I see and see if anyone has any suggestions or if I should keep it the same, then that is ok as well. (^:

Since moving from 8 days to .5 days, Predictor, Rosetta, & Einstein have really loved the new settings. CP is still at 1.26% done so far. I guess this seems ok since it is due in December of 2006. But I have seen this due date change on me, so I am worried that CP will never get any action or at least it might hog my computer for all of November and December to get CP's WUs done on time. (^:

SETI and Einstein have disappeared from my work tab. I heard SETI was down, so I guess that accounts for that. So putting two and two together I am assuming that Predictor, Rosetta, & Einstein are each using my unused cpus for half a day and then they sorta trade off with each other. At least that is what the statistics look like to me.

A few odd things have happened lately. If I leave BOINC on for 2 days, then it seems to not release control of cpu power very easily or at all sometimes. Sometimes I will try to send out email with Netscape and it will timeout and it cannot send. So I basically put that email into a draft folder and exit Netscape Email and restart it, and then I can send email out. In other oddness, my computer sometimes gives 100% of cpus to BOINC and I can't seem to start any program without restarting the computer. Luckily it is not a soft or cold reboot. (^: I guess I am to assume that each program I have does indeed have a priority setting and a few of my programs are duking it out or perhaps two fat32 programs are trying to get through the same thin doorway. Slapstick comedy !

Anyway, to sum up, I don't run BOINC all the time. I run it when I am messing with photos and some programs, but shut it off while I do email, but only if BOINC has been running for two of more days straight. And I run BOINC before heading to sleep so it will run all night. (^:

6) Message boards : Cafe SETI : signature testing (Message 240640)
Posted 1 Feb 2006 by Profile Jon C Melusky

I'm testing my signature file also. How do I get all my projects to show in one box ?

7) Message boards : Number crunching : Do we have a Boinc virus? (Message 240633)
Posted 1 Feb 2006 by Profile Jon C Melusky
[quote] This thread is already no doubt being indexed by Google. Don't expect someone using the search words 'BOINC virus' to bother with the tiny detail of reading the text, a match will be enough to prove the case.

If certain critical mass is reached, there will be 1000s of know-nothings reporting bad news, for every 1 who does know trying to tell the truth. The larger number wins

FYI, "boinc virus" search with google brings up 69 results. But it only shows 11 as the others are repeats or too similar webpages according to google search parameters. Most of the 11 are from April 2005 or August 2004. This thread is not yet indexed by google. Hey now it is indexed ! Luckily I rechecked google just now and I am still in time to edit this post before the 60 minute time window closed editing. (^: Ok so google has 71 results now.

8) Message boards : Number crunching : Do we have a Boinc virus? (Message 240581)
Posted 1 Feb 2006 by Profile Jon C Melusky
He wrote he did not know how to write viruses. I wrote I'd be very interested in his opinion and explanation, since I assume he had to see the RAC increase. I am just afraid he won't answer anymore. I am temped to call him, but again, I am no official BOINC representant, and it is not my business to make any such investigation.

Hmmmmm... I don't think anyone smart enough to put BOINC on other people's computers with a virus would leave any trace of their own ID number. But they could be smart in some ways and not in others. But I wonder if such a person would create it to benefit BOINC, but not realize that it hurts BOINC when this is found out eventually ? Or perhaps the person who benefits from the virus has

9) Message boards : Number crunching : Preferences advice needed for Celeron 1.4 ghz. (Message 239046)
Posted 29 Jan 2006 by Profile Jon C Melusky
Your welcome. When coming back down from a high setting, it takes a while for it to kick in like its supposed to. I'd at least give it about a week or so to allow it to "Get into the grove" again. Good luck and let us know how that works for you.


Rodger that Jeremy. You make it sound like the algorithms are dancing and by tweaking I keep changing the beat. (^:

10) Message boards : Number crunching : Preferences advice needed for Celeron 1.4 ghz. (Message 239044)
Posted 28 Jan 2006 by Profile Jon C Melusky
Here are my resource settings :
rosetta - 50
climateprediction - 10
Einstein - 50
Predictor - 50
SETI - 50

Be aware that the numbers are not percentages. Yours works out to 23% for each of the 8 and about 5% for CPDN...

Yep, the nice thing about BOINC 5.2.13 (and perhaps earlier versions) is that it automatically figures the percentages right on the projects tab.

I only have one computer crunching at the moment, so I have no farm to calculate the percentages. Hmmm.... I guess I have a "house plant" instead of a "farm". (^: I have two other computers, but they refuse to network with each other. Someday someone smart will invent plug and play networking. (^:

11) Message boards : Number crunching : Preferences advice needed for Celeron 1.4 ghz. (Message 238565)
Posted 28 Jan 2006 by Profile Jon C Melusky
One thing that I have seen across the boards is this:

If your just going to run 1 project, its ok to have a higher connection setting. However, the more projects you run, you want to lower that connection setting.
Myself, I am connected to 7 projects, and have my connection setting set for .5 days
I hope this helps you out a bit.
Take care and happy crunching!


Thank you for the tips ! I am tweaking it back down to .5 and see how it affects things and I'll check on it again in a few days.


12) Message boards : Number crunching : Preferences advice needed for Celeron 1.4 ghz. (Message 238334)
Posted 27 Jan 2006 by Profile Jon C Melusky
What are your resource shares set to? If you have recently just set up BOINC and/or changed your settings, it could take a few days for the scheduler to settle down and get you into a Round Robin mode. I wouldn't overly stress for now.

Thank you for the reply. I actually did, thankfully, not overly stress about it, but I was sorta worried about causing undue server use on the various projects. (^:

Here are my resource settings :
rosetta - 50
climateprediction - 10
Einstein - 50
Predictor - 50
SETI - 50

I'm not sure why I chose those settings, but they seemed like what other people were doing with similar machines to mine. I don't want to timeout on getting WUs done as that would slightly stress out the projects as well. (^:

The latest changes I have been looking at were the # of days I connect to servers. I tried 8 days and it seemed too much, and now I tried 2 days. I was hoping the messages would give me details on if my tweaking was working more effeciently, but "overcommitted" seemed slightly ominous, but I had the feeling that it wasn't really. I guess it is hard to tell between messages that are BOINC talking to itself and BOINC talking or being talked to by other project servers ?

13) Message boards : Number crunching : Preferences advice needed for Celeron 1.4 ghz. (Message 238185)
Posted 27 Jan 2006 by Profile Jon C Melusky
Hi All,

Here is my messages log:
1/27/2006 2:32:38 AM||Starting BOINC client version 5.2.13 for windows_intelx86
1/27/2006 2:32:38 AM||libcurl/7.14.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8 zlib/1.2.3
1/27/2006 2:32:38 AM||Data directory: C:\\Program Files\\BOINC
1/27/2006 2:32:39 AM||Processor: 1 GenuineIntel Intel(R) Celeron(TM) CPU 1400MHz
1/27/2006 2:32:39 AM||Memory: 382.52 MB physical, 728.66 MB virtual
1/27/2006 2:32:39 AM||Disk: 93.15 GB total, 15.12 GB free
1/27/2006 2:32:39 AM|rosetta@home|Computer ID: 78725; location: home; project prefs: default
1/27/2006 2:32:39 AM||Computer ID: 273629; location: ; project prefs: default
1/27/2006 2:32:39 AM|Einstein@Home|Computer ID: 457198; location: home; project prefs: default
1/27/2006 2:32:39 AM|Predictor @ Home|Computer ID: 183422; location: home; project prefs: default
1/27/2006 2:32:39 AM|SETI@home|Computer ID: 1817497; location: home; project prefs: default
1/27/2006 2:32:39 AM||General prefs: from SETI@home (last modified 2006-01-25 02:48:58)
1/27/2006 2:32:39 AM||General prefs: no separate prefs for home; using your defaults
1/27/2006 2:32:41 AM||Remote control not allowed; using loopback address
1/27/2006 2:32:41 AM||Deferring computation for result sulphur_hz7b_000838775_0
1/27/2006 2:32:41 AM|SETI@home|Resuming computation for result 20se04aa.18132.19377.23586.1.2_0 using setiathome version 418
1/27/2006 2:32:41 AM||Suspending work fetch because computer is overcommitted.
1/27/2006 2:32:41 AM||Using earliest-deadline-first scheduling because computer is overcommitted.

Is overcommitted bad ?

Here are my BOINC preferences:

Processor usage
Do work while computer is running on batteries?
(matters only for portable computers) no
Do work while computer is in use? yes
Do work only between the hours of (no restriction)
Leave applications in memory while preempted?
(suspended applications will consume swap space if 'yes') yes
Switch between applications every
(recommended: 60 minutes) 150 minutes
On multiprocessors, use at most 1 processors
Disk and memory usage
Use no more than 10 GB disk space
Leave at least
(Values smaller than 0.001 are ignored) 0.3 GB disk space free
Use no more than 75% of total disk space
Write to disk at most every 60 seconds
Use no more than 75% of total virtual memory
Network usage
Connect to network about every
(determines size of work cache; maximum 10 days) 2 days
Confirm before connecting to Internet?
(matters only if you have a modem, ISDN or VPN connection) no
Disconnect when done?
(matters only if you have a modem, ISDN or VPN connection) no
Maximum download rate: no limit
Maximum upload rate: no limit
Use network only between the hours of
Enforced by versions 4.46 and greater (no restriction)
Skip image file verification?
Check this ONLY if your Internet provider modifies image files (UMTS does this, for example).
Skipping verification reduces the security of BOINC. no

I have 15 gigs free on my 100 gig hard drive. I am running 5 BOINC projects. SETI is currently using 6.3MB of space. All the other projects are larger. CP is the largest at 292.34MB. This is my first post.

Are these settings optimized ?


©2025 University of California
SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.