Posts by Simon

1) Questions and Answers : Wish list : Work from A to B (Message 137545)
Posted 17 Jul 2005 by Profile Simon
I suggest for this idea :)
this is possible

if with a disk , or a usb stick you get the WUs
and put them to the folder this is possible

how can we get just a WUs
with the name and na email and code
also together
for example they know you have the 16ja3637892 unit
and they must take somethink in the days you told them

that is the idea

may the force be with YOU
2) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Just a Suggestion (Message 137449)
Posted 17 Jul 2005 by Profile Simon

Simon, C, C++, and C# is not easily learned, that's why people take classes! And OOP is not easily understood neither! But good luck!

It would maybe be an idea for you to join communities on sites like C# Corner and C/C++ Users Journal, where you can get code and exchange code with others! These sites may be more usefull for you than here.

I have got a lot of good ideas from C# Corner myself.

thanks for this tip
is a very good Idea
I also have the

3) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Just a Suggestion (Message 137434)
Posted 16 Jul 2005 by Profile Simon
[quote]If I did get an idea, I'd propably have rely on some programming help - it most likely being open source ;)

Which could be an option for Simon - starting a boinc project with help from interested coders on sourceforge

thats exactly i have in my mind
open source
the problem is that I do know C , C++
yet ;)

I buy a book for C and I find some pdf in emule
it is not very easy

wish me luck

but I will be back with some programme code , to listen to your suggestions guys

May the force be with you
4) Questions and Answers : Wish list : My suggestion is my wish (Message 137405)
Posted 16 Jul 2005 by Profile Simon
I see this

so I want to make a programme that it is like boinc or to use boinc also
but working like chat and p2p , like emule and gnutella

my problem is that I do know C to do a good programme yet

for now I just want see if you see this suggestion good and what is you opinion about this

a user i think he can choice what off all this seti folding Einstein @home etc...

one or 2 or 5 of this programme

:) we have very good CPU now at 4ghz 2005 :) 1998 was 200mhz :)

I try to do somethink in visual basic , but I think I give you an image what i have in my mind
5) Questions and Answers : Wish list : IRC Server (Message 137312)
Posted 16 Jul 2005 by Profile Simon
hello from greece]
where are you from

I like this idea with irc

see this
its my idea

if we have a programme like emule with irc in there
but get from it only doc and pdf files
ebooks and data from science project like CERN
and info we like

chat rooms

and be any body a server , from users to user we can create , net on den internet with information . and a good ground , that can get the units from seti to the servers they must go

how is my opinion?
my english is not so good
so tell me what you do understand

see you
6) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Just a Suggestion (Message 137305)
Posted 16 Jul 2005 by Profile Simon

tell me about your opinion :)
7) Questions and Answers : Wish list : My suggestion is my wish (Message 137304)
Posted 16 Jul 2005 by Profile Simon
read this
I think this is the key for a better server
and for more people for seti

Tell us your thoughts about SETI@home 1. Why do you run SETI@home? I run SETI@home and also Folding@home because it is a way to help science , find the truth about many question we have and make our world better, from time to time. 2. What are your views about the project? My views? , I think many many projects like SETI@home is Folding@home and CERN and we will see much more I also see that we will see results in the way we see internet now and in the future , from the technology we get from this projects 3. Any suggestions? I suggest to do a programme p2p seti that have the ability to transfer doc pdf and info about science for free , a library (p2p) together with the processing for seti. This is a good idea I think , and many people will learn about seti from this , many projects like seti will help. For example I run 2 programmes SETI@home and Folding@home with out e problem may be others programmes do the same, and every PC can run 2 or 5 programmes like seti@home { Thats all folks say your opinion about this }

I want to hear somethink
I know some Visual Basic
I do not know C or C++
but that my idea and I want to help
8) Questions and Answers : Windows : suggestion from my profile (Message 137148)
Posted 16 Jul 2005 by Profile Simon
Thoughts about SETI and SETI@home
Tell us your thoughts about SETI@home 1. Why do you run SETI@home? I run SETI@home and also Folding@home because it is a way to help science , find the truth about many question we have and make our world better, from time to time. 2. What are your views about the project? My views? , I think many many projects like SETI@home is Folding@home and CERN and we will see much more I also see that we will see results in the way we see internet now and in the future , from the technology we get from this projects 3. Any suggestions? I suggest to do a programme p2p seti that have the ability to transfer doc pdf and info about science for free , a library (p2p) together with the processing for seti. This is a good idea I think , and many people will learn about seti from this , many projects like seti will help. For example I run 2 programmes SETI@home and Folding@home with out e problem may be others programmes do the same, and every PC can run 2 or 5 programmes like seti@home { Thats all folks say your opinion about this }

(write SETI for the Subject , i do not want to get you may get for spam :))


9) Questions and Answers : Windows : I finish all I cant donwload new units (Message 137146)
Posted 16 Jul 2005 by Profile Simon
15/7/2005 8:11:43 ìì|SETI@home|Message from server: No work sent
15/7/2005 8:11:43 ìì|SETI@home|Message from server: (there was work but you don't have enough disk space allocated)
15/7/2005 8:11:43 ìì|SETI@home|Message from server: No disk space (you must free 5273.0 MB before BOINC gets space). Review preferences for minimum disk free space allowed.

It tells you right here. Free up some disk space.

I see this but I have to much space for the seti
I had 10gb free to my options and I put 4gb and it is work
I now download units
but it is still a bug
1 .I have 2 partisions so I put for the second free space
so may be this no a good idea

the units is not above 15mb to 20mb
10) Questions and Answers : Windows : I finish all I cant donwload new units (Message 137089)
Posted 16 Jul 2005 by Profile Simon
I had problem with the uploading but I upload them all
and finish all units

I have BOINC manager version 4.45

but I cant get new units

here is the message :

15/7/2005 7:35:35 ìì||request_reschedule_cpus: project op
15/7/2005 7:35:35 ìì||request_reschedule_cpus: project op
15/7/2005 7:35:36 ìì|SETI@home|Scheduler request to succeeded
15/7/2005 7:35:36 ìì|SETI@home|Message from server: Not sending work - last RPC too recent: 4 sec
15/7/2005 7:35:36 ìì|SETI@home|No work from project
15/7/2005 7:35:37 ìì|SETI@home|Deferring communication with project for 10 minutes and 4 seconds
15/7/2005 7:44:42 ìì||request_reschedule_cpus: project op
15/7/2005 7:44:43 ìì|SETI@home|Sending scheduler request to
15/7/2005 7:44:43 ìì|SETI@home|Requesting 604800 seconds of work, returning 0 results
15/7/2005 7:44:45 ìì|SETI@home|Scheduler request to succeeded
15/7/2005 7:44:45 ìì|SETI@home|Message from server: Not sending work - last RPC too recent: 548 sec
15/7/2005 7:44:45 ìì|SETI@home|No work from project
15/7/2005 7:44:46 ìì|SETI@home|Deferring communication with project for 15 minutes and 42 seconds
15/7/2005 7:45:08 ìì||request_reschedule_cpus: project op
15/7/2005 7:45:28 ìì||request_reschedule_cpus: project op
15/7/2005 7:45:36 ìì||request_reschedule_cpus: project op
15/7/2005 7:45:36 ìì|SETI@home|Sending scheduler request to
15/7/2005 7:45:36 ìì|SETI@home|Requesting 604800 seconds of work, returning 0 results
15/7/2005 7:45:38 ìì||request_reschedule_cpus: project op
15/7/2005 7:45:38 ìì|SETI@home|Scheduler request to succeeded
15/7/2005 7:45:38 ìì|SETI@home|Message from server: Not sending work - last RPC too recent: 54 sec
15/7/2005 7:45:38 ìì|SETI@home|No work from project
15/7/2005 7:45:39 ìì|SETI@home|Deferring communication with project for 26 minutes and 56 seconds
15/7/2005 7:45:41 ìì||request_reschedule_cpus: project op
15/7/2005 8:11:40 ìì||request_reschedule_cpus: project op
15/7/2005 8:11:41 ìì|SETI@home|Sending scheduler request to
15/7/2005 8:11:41 ìì|SETI@home|Requesting 604800 seconds of work, returning 0 results
15/7/2005 8:11:43 ìì|SETI@home|Scheduler request to succeeded
15/7/2005 8:11:43 ìì|SETI@home|Message from server: No work sent
15/7/2005 8:11:43 ìì|SETI@home|Message from server: (there was work but you don't have enough disk space allocated)
15/7/2005 8:11:43 ìì|SETI@home|Message from server: No disk space (you must free 5273.0 MB before BOINC gets space). Review preferences for minimum disk free space allowed.
15/7/2005 8:11:43 ìì|SETI@home|No work from project
15/7/2005 8:11:44 ìì|SETI@home|Deferring communication with project for 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds

i read your problems but I cant help me

I do upload but cant get it
may be I can new project? or what?

Thank you for you time

©2024 University of California
SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.