Posts by John Rickert

1) Message boards : SETI@home Science : Question relative the the big bang.... (Message 754784)
Posted 17 May 2008 by Profile John Rickert
One of the things I have been thinking about recently is, just how far are we from the big bang? I believe in the big bang and for that reason, I am wondering just were we sit relative to all the other stuff in outer space. I would think, but have no data to prove it, that the further out you are from the big bang, the less advanced you would be. I think that stuff closer to the big bang is where we should be concentrating our energy. This is the reason for my question.

Any comments? John
2) Message boards : SETI@home Science : Have we found anything....? (Message 752576)
Posted 13 May 2008 by Profile John Rickert
I am just back crunching numbers after some time away. I have always wondered, and maybe the answer is somewhere on the site, has there been any observed data that shows we have discovered signals that are not just random noise? Just wondering. John
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Why pending tasks... (Message 752570)
Posted 13 May 2008 by Profile John Rickert
I have at least 4 completed tasks that say pending for credits. Can anyone tell me why they are pending if completed well before the time limit? John

Every task is issued to 2 hosts and the results have to agree for the WU to validate. Until the second result is returned, the WU is "Pending" for the first that returns it. So you are waiting on your "wingmen". I've got just over 6000 credits pending at the moment - it's "in the bank" and will be paid eventually.


What happens if my wingman never gets it right? Does the task then get passed to another until two people agree or are your efforts lost? Thanks.
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Why pending tasks... (Message 749236)
Posted 6 May 2008 by Profile John Rickert
I have at least 4 completed tasks that say pending for credits. Can anyone tell me why they are pending if completed well before the time limit? John

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