Posts by ADLKIRK

1) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Truth in Science Fiction (Message 565067)
Posted 11 May 2007 by Profile ADLKIRK
My question is, which book or movie in the science fiction genre is the most accurate and closest to actual science, or the events in the work is the most plausible or likely to happen? For example, H.G. Wells predicted the development of nuclear weapons in The World Set Free, of which actually did happen two decades after its publication.
I think H.G. Wells, other classic, The Time Machine, is also pretty plausible, that the human race would probably de-evolve into a race such as the Eloi due to human politics, technology and art.

How about 2001: A Space Odyssey. I thought that the technology in that movie was more realistic compared to many other science fiction movies.

Actually, except for the AI called HAL, we had all ofthe necessary tech to do everything in the movie, right down to the fission drives (Nuclear Thermal Rocket) on the Discovery. Developed in the late 50's as the Kiwi and the Nirva, it is theorized that instead of the slide rules used and early materials tech, with modern CADCAM and materials tech an NTR might be able to make Mars in as little as 6-8 weeks.

Such an undertaking, and any large scale development of space (like colonization) is going to take an alliance of sorts beginning with the US, Russia and China with other interested nations playing vital roles..even if only supplying brain power. The tech advances and spin-offs would be tremendous even to the consumer if what came of the Apollo program for Joe Consumer is any indication.

Besides, we should be doing this. Comets and meteors have struck the Earth causing GEEs..we know this. However, it is now thought that the greatest GEE Terra has ever seen was caused by the supervolcano complex in Yellowstone National Park.

If we are doing nothing to insure the survival of our species, do we have a right to continue? Or, will the Earth erase us through climatic catastrophe, to regain itself down through time and allow another life form to rise to self-awareness?

Or..will we wise up and store our sum of knowledge in colonies through the solar system, each self-sufficient and able to ride out and assist through such a possible eventuality?

Just the materials we could harvest in the asteroid belt, forming lighter, stronger micro-gee forged alloys would virtually eliminate alot of mining of the Earth's precious resources.

If ITER is successful, we mayn't even need the fission drive: we'll be able to jump right to a much more powerful and efficient fusion drive.
2) Message boards : SETI@home Science : How do you 'go' in space? (Message 565060)
Posted 11 May 2007 by Profile ADLKIRK
Eventually, for long-term voyages, something like the Leonov from 2010 will need to be developed for a host of health reasons, not the least being bone-density loss.

Having artificial gee will mostly eliminate the need for fancy air-flushes, but from a practical standpoint of being able to carry linited water supplies, still necessary.

One might be ableto forsee and iris-style outhouse resovoir below the actual toilet affair that could be emptied occassionally by a pulse of high pressure air.

The iris could be mounted at a point analogous with the p-trap, and opened by pressing a button before you sit to go, and closed afterward....or it could be controlled via a proximity sensor.
3) Message boards : Technical News : Soon-to-be Up Time (May 04 2007) (Message 562180)
Posted 7 May 2007 by Profile ADLKIRK
It appears I'll have to wait until the new server is up and running. I have been making repeated attempted to u/l my results on the last WU's completed, and keep receiving a "5/7/2007 7:39:59 AM|SETI@home|Scheduler request to failed with a return value of -106" error message.

Oh well, stuff happens...
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Mac OSX: The Most Unpopular Platform (Message 409995)
Posted 29 Aug 2006 by Profile ADLKIRK
Why are Mac users snubbed by so many projects? I looked at Mac support, but all the screen shots of BOINC projects are shown on an iMac G5. Quite confused. Climate/BBC have completely snubbed Mac's.
I remember Linux being so alien to some folks for so many years, but now it seems Mac's are on the way out. even the addon's for projects are lacking so much for Macs. Anyone wanna buy my Mac?

Well a not -so-long-tiome ago, Bill Gates stole the idea fro mWozniak and Jobs and got it to market alot quicker. Now, possession being 9/10ths of the law.....he had a great headstart.

In the beginning there was 3.1 and it had many bugs. So he improved the number of bugs greatly with Win95 and decided he needed more and went on to Win98 and Win98SE. Now this wasn't nearly good enough to consternate the consumers so out he whipped WinME. After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, and the consumers demanded more with less, XP, XPPro, and Xp64 arrived on the scene.

If you want a Win system to work as it really should, get an Apple. If you want to have a wide variety of progs to run, and don't really mind the tweaking you have to do, get a PC.
5) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Where has ‘Community Spirit’ gone? (Message 409992)
Posted 29 Aug 2006 by Profile ADLKIRK
Hi all,

In the not too distant past, I was thinking (Yeah, I know….dangerous!) that apart from SETI@Home and any other BOINC/distributed computing projects, will anybody do anything for nothing anymore?? All sense of community spirit seems to have been lost! (Well, over this side of the pond it has!)

So… an attempt to ‘restore’ some community spirit, I have set up a completely FREE to use, no catch (I promise), international classifieds directory, so people can buy and sell their things online for FREE. This is not intended as a commercial message, but that of an informative one that I hope you all may find useful, and help, once again, to bring a sense of community back!

Please visit – there might be stuff just dying to be turned into a crunching farm!



If this was a rhetorical question, than please disregard the following soapbox tirade.

Community spirit has gone by the wayside for the most part because of the me-first generation teaching their kids...welll.."me first and screw you".

That carries alot of implications and inferences that if one just looks around and watches all the Darwin Award nominees, you'll see all the corollaries of that in their tarnished splendour.
6) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Doc's Aquarium thread!!! (Message 409991)
Posted 29 Aug 2006 by Profile ADLKIRK
Knightmare: most of the pros will agree that charcoal doesn't do much of anything after about 45 minutesto 2 hours. You're best off with a bio-wheel and/or a wet dry, which are most prevalently used on saltwater tanks (like the large one I have on my 268 gallon saltwater aquarium.)

Doc: it's sounding like your angelfish are just territorially sparring, and an open wound is highly susceptible to infections they'd otherwise not contract.

I do partial water changes weekly, but no more than 10%...more is really unneccessary more than monthly/bimonthly as you mentioned.

And yes, water test kits are an absolute necessity...they're the only way to empirically know for sure what's going on in there.

It also can help if one does a little research on how large of ammonia producers a particular fish is. For example, although some ornamental goldfish are quite coulourful, I won't keep them in my fresh water tanks: they pee alot.
7) Message boards : SETI@home Science : Question about 'Dyson Spheres?' (Message 409185)
Posted 28 Aug 2006 by Profile ADLKIRK

If we were to build one, might we not wish to conceal ourselves and perhaps build within a nebular or some other obscuring gas cloud that could mask the infrared leakage?

Well and like I said above... the sheer denisity of something like a Dyson's Sphear would produce a huge dint in space time. I would think that factor alone would actully make finding one easyer.

Right, but our present technology doesn't really allow usthe resolution to differential between a small dense object in the midst of a nebula and something, say 1 AU radius, in the midst of said same.

Out in open space? Umm yeah we could with ease differentiate. As distance increases, our resolution leaves something to be desired.
8) Message boards : SETI@home Science : Russians are going to win race to Mars (Message 409179)
Posted 28 Aug 2006 by Profile ADLKIRK
Personally, I have always thought of the space shuttle the US has as a piece of garbage as summarized by Rockhound in Armageddon. It has also proven to be a largely backward step, science experiments or no.

Our shuttle was never the best design put forth, just the cheapest with every negative connotation of the certainly hasn't been inexpensive.

The space shuttle program was designed for building space stations, and the original expectation is that it'd have been retired by now. It was not intended to be the "only" way for the US to get people into space, and it certainly wasn't designed to be the "all things to all missions" that NASA tried to make the Shuttle into.

It's called a Shuttle for a reason. It shuttles people and material between Earth and Earth orbit.

Somewhere along the way the Shuttle became The Shuttle, and any follow-on replacement had to be The Shuttle Replacement. A victim of its own success (if we define success as being able to survive endless scope creep of its mission), the expectiations on any follow-on projects have become unreasonable. No one should expect any one vehicle to do all the things that the Shuttle program currently does... because the Shuttle program wasn't designed to do all those things and somewhat-specialized vehicles would do the job much better.

Agreed, 100%. Someplace along the line, we lost our vision, our drive.

It's like requiring a plane in a modern air force be capable of all air missions because that's what the British RAF's first effective plane, the Sopwith Camel, did. With that kind of thinking we'd never have mid-air refuelers, gigantic cargo planes, etc.

EDIT: grammar

I don't find fault with that characterization of what the shuttle has become.

The problem is, that all the tech depicted in 2001: A Space Oddessy was in existence , but not assembled together, prior to the movie's release...even down to Nirva/Kiwi NTR.

Incidentally, CW is that if we went throught the Kiwi with CADCAM and modern materials tech, it wouldn't take six months to fly to mars via NTR. Some estimates are as low as 4-6 weeks.

However, with treehuggers the way they are, it would be problematic to get fissiles into space, even though we pulled out of the "No Nukes In Space Treaty" awhile back.

People would be asking "what's in it for me" uncognizant of what we received out of the Apollo program in our day-to-day lives... from velcro and modern electronics, to materials tech that found its way into automotive safety designing to the digital watches we wear (okay, back then they were led watches.....).
9) Message boards : SETI@home Science : Of Faith and Facts: Is SETI Religion? (Message 409169)
Posted 28 Aug 2006 by Profile ADLKIRK
It is pretty arrogant to think we are the first human civilization. Our brains haven't changed in 320k years, and we're no smarter than we were then. So, all that is left is arrogance.

Calling something 'arrogant' isn't an argument. That's absurd.

Secondly, latest evidence shows human minds began to acquire certain new genes only in the last few thousand years.....much much later than your 320k. There are 2 sets related to abstract thinking, logic, and consciousness. 1 exists in about 80% of all of us. The other in perhaps 25%.

Jeffrey believes it and so do many others and that is why my question was directed at him.

You can explain it all away with quotations from other scriptures but my challenge will remain unanswered won't it? Noah's WORLDWIDE flood? really?

Lazarus rising from the dead? Angels? A burning bush? The list is endless. Take your pick. If we used our hypothetical time machine and you believe those things existed then we could watch it on a tv monitor. Period. Do you REALLY believe that?

To get some ideas why and how a worldwide flood may have happened, you might try reading The HAB Theory and one other book I'll have to go look in my library for the title of with an open mind. The second book is by a Russian writer, iirc.

To believe we are the first and pinnacle of human civilization(s) is arrogant by definition. To completely exclude the possible there were other advanced civilizations (compared to us) before 6k year mark when al lwe have sifted through of the Earth's crust amounts to little more than .001% is also arrogant by definition.

You must remember too, that is possible that the Bible's various writers viewed some things that they had no accurate context with which to write about them.

Suppose you saw a missile and didn't know what it was, didn't have the technical saavy to describe it. Is it possible you might desrcibe it as a flying scroll?

And yes, arrogance is an appropriate appelation for scientists in general that contended nearly evrything we take for granted was impossible because they knew everything there was to know about science.

I never claimed it was an argument, merely a context for which to take science with something of a grain of salt.

You assumed I was making an argument and you also put things in there based upon your own belief of what I was saying.

Did I anywhere make an argument for religion?


And if you wish to add something into there inre genes, please provide a link so I may puruse this. Otherwise, genetically speaking, we aren't anymore intelligent than we were 320k years ago when we appeared upon the scene. The latest texbooks indicate we may have seen some very minor and relatively inconsequential genetic shifts in the last 2-3k years....but "may" doesn't mean "conclusively" so.
10) Message boards : Number crunching : What to do about hanging workunits? (Message 409159)
Posted 28 Aug 2006 by Profile ADLKIRK
Across my clump of old windows servers, I'm experiencing several (say, 3 to 6) workunits per day which are hung. Specifically, the unit's <active task state> is 1 but 15 or more minutes have elapsed since the unit's state.sah file has been updated. There is an approximately even split between hung units which have stopped using cpu and hung units which are using all the cpu they can acquire.

Since I have BOINC running as a service, I've found a simple way to get them to error out is to just restart the boinc service when I find one.

Question is, since I'm now detecting them with a little utility program, is there any place I might want to automatically ship these off to for analysis of the problem?

I occasionally have that problem and I learned that usually you can correct this by:

1) Suspending all BOINC activity and

2) Thence rebooting.

So far, I haven't had any further issues when this occurs.
11) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Doc's Aquarium thread!!! (Message 409158)
Posted 28 Aug 2006 by Profile ADLKIRK
Heyyyyyy....there's something FISHY going on in here.....

Sorry...terrible joke but I just couldn't resist.

Good luck with the aquarium Doc. :-)

Tnx buddy!
Its going wary good now that i haw desinfected the fish and got active carbon:)

I'd liketo ask two things, and perhaps these questions may help you prevent future infections:

1) How often do you do partial (up to 80%) water changes?


2) Do you use an isolation/hospital tank(s) before introducing your fish into general population?

If one isn't doing weekly partials (roughly 10-20% and how much is dependent upon to whom you speak), and larger ones monthly to every two months, the crud that builds up in the tanks can weaken the fishes immune systems leading to infections otherwise fought off.

Also, the best way to avoid infections in the tank, even if you have one or two dealers you implicitly trust, is to have an isolation/hosipital tank where you can keep the fish for a couple of weeks while you acclimate them to your particular water chemistry, watch for infections to start and/or treat sick fish before putting them (back) into your main tank(s).
12) Message boards : SETI@home Science : Russians are going to win race to Mars (Message 405204)
Posted 24 Aug 2006 by Profile ADLKIRK
Personally, I have always thought of the space shuttle the US has as a piece of garbage as summarized by Rockhound in Armageddon. It has also proven to be a largely backward step, science experiments or no.

Our shuttle was never the best design put forth, just the cheapest with every negative connotation of the certainly hasn't been inexpensive.

The space shuttle program was designed for building space stations, and the original expectation is that it'd have been retired by now. It was not intended to be the "only" way for the US to get people into space, and it certainly wasn't designed to be the "all things to all missions" that NASA tried to make the Shuttle into.

It's called a Shuttle for a reason. It shuttles people and material between Earth and Earth orbit.

Somewhere along the way the Shuttle became The Shuttle, and any follow-on replacement had to be The Shuttle Replacement. A victim of its own success (if we define success as being able to survive endless scope creep of its mission), the expectiations on any follow-on projects have become unreasonable. No one should expect any one vehicle to do all the things that the Shuttle program currently does... because the Shuttle program wasn't designed to do all those things and somewhat-specialized vehicles would do the job much better.

Agreed, 100%. Someplace along the line, we lost our vision, our drive.
13) Message boards : SETI@home Science : Of Faith and Facts: Is SETI Religion? (Message 405193)
Posted 24 Aug 2006 by Profile ADLKIRK
Jeffrey, if man someday invents a time machine (or aliens do) we'd be able to take a videocamera back in time and literally film Adam being created up out of the soil and Eve being transmorphed out of one of his ribs right? We could all watch it on tape, right?

Hmmm I really don't believethat to be a literality.

Why? Well if Cain and Abel were the first kids, making them human #3 and #4, how could they go to the land of Nod to find wives?

I believe the Bible to be a somewhat accurate historical dicument with important teachings in it that has been misconstrued by the power-hungry to gain control over the masses. Does God exist? What I believe is irrelavent in the scheme of what we can empirically observe and formulate ideas about.

After all, Catholicism did hold science back for roughly 500 years...
It's highly doubtful that homo sapiens, being roughly 320k years of age only recently learned about technology.

It's likely the Bible tells the rebirth of civilization since inthat book "world" and "Earth" are meant in two different contexts.

Take "The world was without form". That implies it existed already, but simply was in a disorganized state.

Now if one assumes that civilization had existed prior to 6k years ago and the world did too in a disorganized state, then what ctaclysm destroyed the last incarnation of human civilization?

It is pretty arrogant to think we are the first human civilization. Our brains haven't changed in 320k years, and we're no smarter than we were then. So, all that is left is arrogance.

The arrogance of those that mix religion with faith (yes two diff things, related, but diff), the arrogance of those that feel we know pretty much all there is to know about the laws of nature, and the arrogance of those that use might to make right. Arrogance abounds in our culture.
14) Message boards : SETI@home Science : Question about 'Dyson Spheres?' (Message 405183)
Posted 24 Aug 2006 by Profile ADLKIRK
It should still emit heat we could detect. There's no such thing as a perfect insulator.

Yes, I was wondering, an entire solar system and sun surrounded by one of these spheres might create a little too much heat inside wouldn't it? I don't suppose the astronomers would be pleased either if they couldn't view the universe.


The astronomers could just take an elevator "down" to the outer surface and have all the space they could want to set up observatories that are always in "night."

The theoretical motivation to build a Dyson Sphere is to harness all of the star's output... presumably the civilization would have a use for all that energy and a means of getting rid of the waste heat. The waste heat would be the most obvious "leakage" that astronomers could look for, but there is no reason to expect it to be sent out uniformly in all directions.

Well, yes, there would be low-energy infrared leakage through the Dyson shell....which should be detectable if such structures exist within our own galaxy.

If we were to build one, might we not wish to conceal ourselves and perhaps build within a nebular or some other obscuring gas cloud that could mask the infrared leakage?

15) Message boards : Number crunching : IBM has 500GHz Transistor (Message 405180)
Posted 24 Aug 2006 by Profile ADLKIRK
Germanium exotic???
The *first* transistors were made of germanium!
Even before that, the original "crystal" radios used germanium crystals!
There's nothing exotic about germanium. Maybe in the way they use it, but sure not in the material itself! Talk about going back to the roots! Haha.

I remember had the 15 or 20' long wire antenna...and a transistor to help boost the signal coming through the diode. Then you also had a wound air-core tuner......

Uh-oh...I just put an age on myself! rofl
16) Message boards : Number crunching : IBM has 500GHz Transistor (Message 405178)
Posted 24 Aug 2006 by Profile ADLKIRK
I wonder what a theoretical upper limit on switching is.

I'd have to venture the "length" of an electron wave/particle, with a space somewhere near equivalent to that dimension, divided into a 1 light second length would give one a theoretical upper limit. I guess I'll go figure that out.....

How many Googolhertz will that be? rofl
17) Message boards : Number crunching : Core 2 Duo vs. Dual Core (Message 405170)
Posted 24 Aug 2006 by Profile ADLKIRK
Core 2 Duo is a brand name by Intel - Dual-Core is a generic description meaning two separate physical cores in one chip package.


My understanding is that the Core 2 Duo ius actually the laptop version of the P4D 800/900 series (dual core) and is more energy efficient simply because it's a more 'militaristic" dual least as explained by a mega computer geek to me.

That "mega computer geek" is incorrect. The Core 2 Duo Conroes are the desktop versions of the Pentium 4/Pentium Ds. They are more energy efficient because they were made from the ground up to be, seeing as Intel was hitting the power ceiling on some of it's CPUs within large corporations. They had to cut power consumption because some localities have power restrictions on companies and only allow them to consume so many kilowatt hours. If these companies need more processing power but have already run into this restriction, you start looking at less power-hungry chips, such as those from your rival competitor. Intel, in order to stay competitive, had to produce a much more environment friendly CPU. Besides, Intel did have a 10GHz Pentium 4 in their labs, but the power requirements were above that which any motherboard could feed without burning up. The circuits on the motherboards were overloading. Plugging in a more powerful power supply didn't help, as it wasn't a power supply issue, but rather too much power flowing through the motherboard.

It is the Core 2 Duo "Meroms" that are the laptop versions of the Conroes. Kentsfield is the server version of this new architecture.

Yes you are correct, and had I done a wee bit of research, it'd have been very easy to find that answer out for myself.

The good news for me is it's

1) an LGA 775

2) 65 nm tech both of which my motherboard already support.

So guess how I'll be upgrading? ;)
18) Message boards : Number crunching : Core 2 Duo vs. Dual Core (Message 404424)
Posted 23 Aug 2006 by Profile ADLKIRK
Core 2 Duo is a brand name by Intel - Dual-Core is a generic description meaning two separate physical cores in one chip package.


My understanding is that the Core 2 Duo ius actually the laptop version of the P4D 800/900 series (dual core) and is more energy efficient simply because it's a more 'militaristic" dual least as explained by a mega computer geek to me.
19) Message boards : SETI@home Science : Russians are going to win race to Mars (Message 404420)
Posted 23 Aug 2006 by Profile ADLKIRK
Just food for thought. ;)

Well actually Russia has a lot of money at the moment. They have just paid off their Soviet era debt of $22 Billion and with high oil prices will make that up soon.

And the Soviet Union did get to the moon with Luna 2 before the US. They may not have got a man there but that doesn't mean they didn't have the technology to do so.

And also, who do you think has been supplying the astronauts on the ISS for the last 2 years ?

Eart orbit isn;t a quantum leap in exploration that getting a man on the moon was. I am aware of Luna 2, and just about anyone nowadays can throw trash at the moon. Getting it there and back is the rub.

Personally, I have always thought of the space shuttle the US has as a piece of garbage as summarized by Rockhound in Armageddon. It has also proven to be a largely backward step, science experiments or no.

Our shuttle was never the best design put forth, just the cheapest with every negative connotation of the certainly hasn't been inexpensive.
20) Message boards : SETI@home Science : Of Faith and Facts: Is SETI Religion? (Message 404417)
Posted 23 Aug 2006 by Profile ADLKIRK
Sadly, I can only assume that your current state of Knowledge can be summarized as "In the beginning there was nothing----which then exploded."
Who do all you people think GOD is anyway???? HE is the HIGHEST of All Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Who do you think made the NOTHING explode???

You're new to these boards. That is obvious. I believe in nothing of the sort. Assumptions are for those who don't look at the evidence before making a conclusions.

Would you also characterize these highly respected scientists as 'schizophrenic'?

I really don't know these people, so I cannot judge them as schizo. I've met many unstable scientists though. The better and generally more successful ones, tend to not be deep into religion.

Selective Hearing"
Right. I read the bible. On my own as a youngster, I went to sunday school, I went vacation bible school at three churches in my area every year, I listened to the sermons, and I made a conclusion. I gave it a chance. Have you tried atheism? I doubt it. So please, quit being full of yourself.

By the way, can you tell me how to construct the alter for the animal sacrifice to god as it was done in the old days?

Many people also misunderstand Einstein's statement "God does not play dice with the universe" to mean something it really doesn't. Einstein, at best, was agnostic

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