Posts by jshenry1963

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Can we get a science statistic? (Message 169595)
Posted 19 Sep 2005 by Profile jshenry1963
The link for the sky map at:
is broken.
But this is a good thing to have.
I as a user, would like to see graphically what ALL of Seti users have searched (classic and new included together), and marked possible candidates. Maybe a couple of them showing good gaussians, one for triplets, etc. Whatever really makes sense to break apart, and is not too hard to generate. Maybe a volunteer could generate the data periodically and post it to the site. For those that cannot contribute money, but could volunteer expertise or talent, this would help.

Then, a second level using the mapview is perfect for someone wanting to know what he/she alone has done. But the only problem here, is that it only includes those that were done since the log program started. So if someone has 4 gabillion credits already, or 4 credits already, then it won't show them.
Can the mapview programs that exist provide a way to "consolidate user data"? e.g. go to the databases online and rebuild the log directories based on the data in the databases for a given user or team?
I think that this would be a nice addition to make to the individual stat logging programs if it doesn't already exist.

Just my 2 c or is that pea, don't know, don't care, just keep crunchin', ET is out there, or in here, or????
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Multiple Projects is a good thing (Message 163952)
Posted 6 Sep 2005 by Profile jshenry1963
Especially since over the weekend a couple projects could not be reached, and could not get new work units, but since I was had multiple projects attached, I was still able to crunch.

Even if you have them set for 1% only, and when you can't get to seti or get seti units, you will then get your 2nd favorite project crunchin, but if that 2nd project is down, then your 3rd will get it.

Meaning, "multiple projects is a good thing", a good way to keep on crunchin something.

sorry, putting my pom poms away, but facts is facts, sometimes u feel like a nut, sometimes u don't.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Nice Clean BOINK MANAGER (Message 162018)
Posted 2 Sep 2005 by Profile jshenry1963

sorry, couldn't resist. all in fun.

ditto, all three puters have transfered everything needed to "Appear" normal.


THey can take the system back down now and fix the remaining issue. (waiting for the screaming,,,,covering my ears....LOL)

4) Message boards : Number crunching : Are fourth-result-crunchers second class crunchers? (Message 161985)
Posted 2 Sep 2005 by Profile jshenry1963
ALinator, I was typing when you were, and if I had read your message, then my suggestion would not have occurred. Thanks for the input. I do think then that the only addition needed would be to extend deadlines by days down. This seems easy, but may be nasty as deep doo doo if the code isn't written for adjustable deadlines.


I lost results during the long outage. I know that I lost these results, because they were the fourth results of already validated WUs and are not needed anymore in scientific terms.

But why do you ignore these not needed but valid results?

Kind regards,

Ordinarily, there is no penalty involved with being the fourth result in a work unit. As long as they come in before their deadline they get credit regardless whether the WU validated on three results or not.

The problem his time was the reason for the long outage was the need to purge the file system of the antique results which had accumulated, and an unfortunate side effect was that some slower returning "fourths" got hung out to dry so to speak during the validation/purging process. However, this was preferable to the quick and dirty approach which would have been to merely delete everything and start from scratch.


5) Message boards : Number crunching : Are fourth-result-crunchers second class crunchers? (Message 161981)
Posted 2 Sep 2005 by Profile jshenry1963
Just one last word. (yeah right)
This 4 out, first 3 back = good, 4th one back = no credit, will lead to a lot more people panicing when the outages occur.
People will be more prone to sit there and continually hit retry until theirs are in, for fear of losing credits because they weren't one of the ones continually hitting retry and ended up being the 4th one in.

I vote for an even different way.
You want 3 valid similar results to post credit.
Fine, when the first three come in, compute credit, validate, and post their credit.
As long as the 4th is within the deadline (as extended by outage days), and it is validated similar to the other three, then the 4th should also get his/her rated credit.

sorry, a new argument will brew, time will stop because we think differently,
sorry, digressed.
Think about it, there may be ways to alter a little code to help maintain some peoples desires.
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Are fourth-result-crunchers second class crunchers? (Message 161978)
Posted 2 Sep 2005 by Profile jshenry1963
If this is truely the way it is handled, then I can see where you could lose crunchers. Imagine the guy with the 3.xGHz machine that is on dial up. connects once a week, crunches umpteen results, faithfully connects once or twice a week. But because the other three got theirs in on day two, and he connects on day three, his umpteen results mean nothing, and are rejected. Not a good scenario.
Same for anyone that faithfully crunches, connects, even the slower machines on 100% of the time 100% online 100% crunching. They will get their results in after getting one after only a day, and the speedy machines that got theirs in within 2-6 hours of getting them, get the credit, and the slower one doesn't. Continually, then, to make matters worse, he has more to go, that are probably already validated by the three others before he can even run them.
I know, not a perfect world, and the sending 4 method does ensure that the results are validated quicker, due to probably 10% of the time one of the 3 doesn't respond, or sends bad data, or????
OH well, catch 22, what do you do.
Either way, someone is screwed.
Either way, someone will yell.

I do vote for the send 3 to get 3, and if after 1/4 of the deadline you don't have all results, send it again to a 4th. Since most serious setiers will get theirs back in a few days, usually 1/4 the deadline, this should work.
Yep, rewrite, and also, .... sorry, rambling...

Patience, Persistence, Truth
7) Message boards : Number crunching : SETI@BOINC on a RamDisk? (Message 161965)
Posted 2 Sep 2005 by Profile jshenry1963
I know this isn't exactly the topic, but...
I haven't tried it on a ramdisk, but did try it on a thumbdrive.
The thumbdrive was a usb2.0 1Gb drive.
When I did this approach on seti classic, I was able to crunch a unit in 70% of the time as compared to when I was on a hard drive.

I did the same attempt with boinc, whereby I installed boinc to the thumbdrive and even upgraded with the Maverick optimized seti.
Times actually were longer per work unit than with it installed on the C drive and using the standard seti app.

I understand seti-classic getting faster, since it was hd instensive, so this way, it was memory intensive instead, similar to a ramdisk.
But I cannot explain boinc/seti being slower, but those were the results.
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Slowly Uploading (Message 161947)
Posted 2 Sep 2005 by Profile jshenry1963
Well, (back to topic).
I now have all but one work unit uploaded, so I'm confident it will finish some time today.
I also have all downloads downloaded.
So it seems to have worked itself out.
As many of the "cheerleaders" have said, and in this vein I count myself as a cheerleader, be patient, and just wait, it will work itself out.
I do have one worrysome remark, it seems that 35 of the ones I had crunched during this time frame, are now shown as no reply, and are no longer on my machine, and are all past deadline as of aug 30 and sept 1. OH well, I can see it coming now, since that many didn't get back with valid results, I will very soon be put back on the 4 wu quota per day.
But that is OK, as I know it will then work itself out in a few more days.
And the work units that I didn't get credit for crunching, that is OK to, as it will be sent back out to someone else, so the end goal will be attained. Someone will see if any of those 35 work units have a signal in them.
After all, that is what I am here for, to find a signal, to patiently work with the system that is in place, and to help where I can.
If it were too cumbersome and no positive results ever occurred, then I could just leave. But then that would not be the Gallileo (sp?) in me, nor the adventurer, nor the enthusiast, nor the techie, nor the.. well, got off topic.

On Topic.. Seems to be working for me now, and just hope that sometime someone finds something promising. And it may even be the factor that decides where a future space mission goes. Who knows. A "possible" on a single work unit could direct a space flight to go in a specific direction, to a specific place, and then we will be united with our ETs out there. sorry, dreaming.
I go now.

Keep on crunchin'

Patience, Persistence, Truth
9) Message boards : Number crunching : I can U/L & D/L (Message 161305)
Posted 1 Sep 2005 by Profile jshenry1963
This is the best information that anyone can give.
LET IT DO ITs OWN THING, and it will eventually clear out.
I'm sure 90% of the users now are at the point where they are frustrated and want to try to push theirs through so that theirs gets counted,
Each time each of us hit the retry buttons, you add unnecessary traffic, and that is one reason why so many can't get through.
There are even some who have modified it so that their retries happen quicker than the normal boinc timeouts... shame on you. All that does is bog down the server with multiple unnecessary hits and therefore FAILS.

Give it a break, let it do its own thing, and everyone will be happier in a day or so.

Patience, Persistence, Truth

Hmm, no problems on D/L or U/L. Maybe because I just let it do it's own thing instead of hammering the Update button.

-Mr. anon

10) Message boards : Number crunching : Slowly Uploading (Message 161303)
Posted 1 Sep 2005 by Profile jshenry1963
I changed to the proxy server, and it seemed to upload several, not all, which is OK with me, as long as they are starting to get through.
However, when it tried to connect with E@H and P@H and CPDN, it comes up with no communication to server.
Then, I changed back to not using the proxy server, and it connected to the three just fine (just not seti).
So, it seems to me if you set the proxy server in boinc, it uses it for all projects, and since this proxy server is for seti, AND it is now getting heavily overloaded, it will start failing also.
This means that your comms to any other project will now also go through this proxy, and will put much more load on the seti scheduler than had already been.
Yes, it seems to work when there is almost no one else using it, but now, there must be thousands of people trying to use it now, and it is failing.
The big problem, is that all of your other projects will also use this route. Meaning I don't think anyone should use this proxy now, as it will give way too much traffic into seti much more than it should, especially since it is limping along at best.

So, I suggest everyone switch out of this proxy if you are a multi project cruncher. If you are crunching only seti, fine, keep it. That way it only adds seti traffic, and not all of the other projects traffic.

my two pea
11) Message boards : Number crunching : Slowly Uploading (Message 160927)
Posted 31 Aug 2005 by Profile jshenry1963
Yep, just uploaded another one.
So that makes 3 today that made it so far, be patient, and if you are constantly connected, they will slowly make it. It will take many attempts, failures, but they seem to be going slowly.
If you are not constantly connected "dial up", then you will have a tougher time, but occasionally when you do dial up yours may make it, or not, but eventually, they will all drain.

Patience, Persistence, Truth
12) Message boards : Number crunching : How about a news update (Message 160923)
Posted 31 Aug 2005 by Profile jshenry1963
geeesssuuussss louise.
everyone calm down.
everyone be patient.
we are all in this to help search for et.
so everyone quit posting and get back to civilization, regardless of who is wrong.
if all quit posting this crap, then you will really show how mature you are, and you will all have shown others that you really care about the science, and blah blah blah

everyone... chilll
13) Message boards : Number crunching : Slowly Uploading (Message 160920)
Posted 31 Aug 2005 by Profile jshenry1963
It appears that I have uploaded a couple of the work units that are pending upload since last week.

I have also completed downloading 2 of the 10 or so work units that it has been trying to download for a day.

So be patient, it may be slowly working.
I can imagine even if they are all up 100%, it will take a few days to get the uploads cleared up, and the downloads finished.

Patience, Persistence, Truth
14) Message boards : Number crunching : Back in service! (Message 160688)
Posted 31 Aug 2005 by Profile jshenry1963
As of the posting of this message, I still haven't uploaded any WU, and am in the process of downloading several seti wu. But all getting errors, so they keep trying.
15) Message boards : Number crunching : Give Me WU's Or Give Me... (Message 160686)
Posted 31 Aug 2005 by Profile jshenry1963
2005 Honda VTX (oops, already got one, gotta ask for something different)


1969 Shelby GT 500 KR convertible. vrooom
16) Message boards : Number crunching : Give Me WU's Or Give Me... (Message 160685)
Posted 31 Aug 2005 by Profile jshenry1963
Ford and Mercury is mainly Ford in the non-US world. So you will see the typical Mercury names with the Ford name. Actually, they are the same company, so it really doesn't matter. Both built in the same factory, and then Mercury runs down a separate finishing line, and typically puts more gadgets on them then Ford does. For instance the Mercury Grand Marquis has more bells and whistles than its same named Ford Crown Vic. But at the same price usually.
And to make things even more interesting, Ford puts their better (as in more HP and more features) into Europe than in the US.
I would have taken the Ford Escort I got in Europe and raced it against almost any Ford Mustang GT in the US, and would have blown it away. Sorry, but that is the facts. I know from experience having rented many Euro cars on business trips there. AND driven many US cars to boot.
17) Message boards : Number crunching : Give Me WU's Or Give Me... (Message 160158)
Posted 30 Aug 2005 by Profile jshenry1963
some good corn squeezins
18) Message boards : Number crunching : Smallest hardware used for SETI crunching (Message 159981)
Posted 30 Aug 2005 by Profile jshenry1963
I use to do seti in my own mind, but then I woke up and was scared to death because it was empty (my mind). I had actually contacted outerspace, and it was full of gonzos. oh no, that wasn't my dream, that was the muppet movie... sorry for wasting the bandwidth with dribble.
19) Message boards : Number crunching : BOINC 4.72 (Message 159978)
Posted 30 Aug 2005 by Profile jshenry1963
I also agree.
4.72 will clean itself up after a while.
Don't panic, just turn it on, set a low connect time, e.g. less than a few days, 3 AT MOST. Then go out to a movie, go exercise, go have dinner, go live a life, and be content that your machine will crunch itself into oblivion, and settle to a normal state after a while.
This is good advice, because I too had been many times one of the "this damned thing ain't working" crowd. Only to listen to the longtimers, and wait, and eventually, it has always cleared up.
IFF (IFF = if and only if to those non-aware) you leave it alone, and set it to a low connect time, e.g. LESS THAN 3 DAYS. (hmmm, see a pattern here, maybe you should set it to 2 or 1, uh)
If you have a few days only, AND you also attach to at least one other project, you won't go dry, you will always crunch something, and 99% of the time, you will then be happy.
If you are in this for credits only, then set your second project at 1%, and you will see that it will always take care of your idle time when seti is off line.

I've gotten pretty irate at these guys in the past, only to find out that you just let it run its course, and it will eventually seem to work correctly.

Life is too short, go have fun, and know that your crunching will work out in the long run.
20) Message boards : Number crunching : software development - who does what? (Message 159975)
Posted 30 Aug 2005 by Profile jshenry1963
My first personal was a commodore 64. Did amazing things on it until I had my son and he spit up on the keyboard. The keyboard was also the motherboard was also the cpu, .... well, it was toast.
I can also remember a commodore, maybe it was an Amiga, back in 1986, this guy at a flea market was transferring pictures to it, while he was printing on a Tshirt, while he was running a music program, while his wife was also editing the previous persons face on a new pic, AND running his cash register out of it at the same time. Never crashed on him. This means running real time data acquisition, communication with another HW device, running memory intensive picture editing programs, tasking back and forth between that and the cash register program, all windows up and alive on the screen at once, running seemless, flawless, never failing.

All of this, back in 1986, and windows today, running a Pentium 4 HT and Windows XP crashes whenever you try to do that much on it. or it slows, or it locks or it.... well, burps.

Oh well, but then that is progress isn't it.

I just wish that commodore had won the war, but oh well. We would all have 10* the computing power and 100* the interactivity more than we have today. Oh, and it wouldn't give you the blue screen of death, kernel dump, too slow.....

Next 20

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