Posts by sambernardo

1) Message boards : SETI@home Science : i'm not reciving SETI AT HOME work!! (Message 158247)
Posted 27 Aug 2005 by Profile sambernardo
i'm not reciving SETI AT HOME work!!, ¿can anybody tell me if the server is down or something else??
since two weeks i don recive anything, it tell me "27/08/2005 01:27:19 p.m.|SETI@home|Scheduler request to failed
27/08/2005 01:27:19 p.m.|SETI@home|No schedulers responded
27/08/2005 01:27:20 p.m.|SETI@home|Deferring communication with project for 42 minutes and 54 seconds.

thankx if answer me to , and if is in spanish, Better!!! (:D)
tanks a lot!!!

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