Posts by Kurt Savegnago

1) Questions and Answers : Preferences : merging madness (Message 85051)
Posted 11 Mar 2005 by Profile Kurt Savegnago

I know boinc is having problems but one of my machines has be re-assigned a different identity.
I don't know why. I've been waiting for the seti
server to recognize this and allow me to merge the old identity into the new one. How long does it take
before this occurs?
2) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Only one cpu in dual system detected (Message 52712)
Posted 11 Dec 2004 by Profile Kurt Savegnago
Hello again,

Bag my question. I fixed it by un-installing Setiboinc, but and I mean but.
I had to go back and manually delete the files off the hard drive. Don't know
why but I uninstalled using the uninstaller and used an old dos file program to go back and look. All the boinc files were still there. I manually deleted them, shutdown, rebooted, re-installed setiboinc and the machine was detected as a dual smp machine, all parameters are correct. I have the work machine listed under Linux and the home machine with Win 2000.

Kurt Savegnago
3) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Only one cpu in dual system detected (Message 52624)
Posted 10 Dec 2004 by Profile Kurt Savegnago
Switched over to setiboinc from old seti
a couple of weeks ago. I have originally signed up
in July but became confused in running the Linux
software. I started a Win 2000 client on a dual K7X
board and only one cpu is detected and running under setiboinc. All my preferences are set for a multi
cpu system.
Also I did get the linux client running and I did notice that both my clients were detected but the
information was incorrect. I merged the wrong computer into the other and I want to know how I
can get the linux box detected again? I did use the command-line reset and it does not do anything. Do I have to unload the software from the linux box completely and start over?


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