Posts by Autolycus

1) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : BOINC service on Linux/Unix (Message 102579)
Posted 22 Apr 2005 by Profile Autolycus
Thank you...I also am going to post here what I used so that others may gain from it. I modified the generic CHKCONFIG script I was using for seti 3.08 so that it would run my setiboinc.

# chkconfig: 35 90 15
# description: Starts and Stops the SETI BOINC service
# Source function librairy
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

#This script is a sample script to allow the seti
#client to run as a service on a linux box.
#Install Notes :
# customize the two first variables of the script
# make a symbolic link from
# You have to link /etc/rc.d/rc./S99seti
# to this file to make it run.
# start the service (or reboot :-) )
# check it works with the status option
#How this works ?
#When using the script, your seti client will always
#run in the same folder (that you can choose) ,
#this is a "clean" way to run it.

#The service can be:
# -launched with "/etc/rc.d/initd/seti start"
# -stoped with "/etc/rc.d/initd/seti stop"
# -restarted with "/etc/rc.d/initd/seti restart"
# -watched with "/etc/rc.d/initd/seti status"
# -be logged with "/etc/rc.d/initd/seti log"

#As the last option (log) in quite unsual,
#it is intended to be used with the cron daemon
#to allow users to log their progress in some file
#so that can get a good idea of there current score
#and progress.
#Here are the 2 lines to type in your crontab :
# SHELL=/bin/bash
# 30 0 * * * "/etc/rc.d/initd/seti log"
#You must have write permission on all the files
#to add it to your crontab.

#Author Stephane NICOLAS
#This program is distributed under the terms of the GPL.
#You can get a copy of it at

#This variable points to the client's executable directory
#change this value to define the location of your client.
#We do NOT need the client to be in your $PATH

#This direcory contains the root of setiathome's workspace
#you can customize it.

#This file is generated by setiathome and we need it

#this file is lock file we create to ensure one and
#only one client is launched

case "$1" in
echo -n "Starting computing seti: "
more ${SETI_DIR}/user_info.sah | awk -F = '$1 == "nresults" { print $2}'

echo -n "Shutting down seti: "
more ${SETI_DIR}/user_info.sah | awk -F = ' $1 == "nresults" { print $2 }'
killall setiboinc

$0 stop
$0 start

echo -n "Seti work unit completed: "
more ${SETI_DIR}/user_info.sah | awk -F = ' $1 == "nresults" { print $2}'

running=`ps -A | grep setiathome`
#thanks to Toan for this bug fix
if( [ "${running}" = " " ] )
echo "Seti client is not running."
echo -n "Seti client runs since "
echo ${running} | awk -F " " '{ print $3 }'
echo -n "The current work unit is completed at "
more $SETI_LOG_FILE | grep prog | awk -F "=" '{ print $2 } '
echo -n "Last result returned at ("
more /var/log/seti/user_info.sah | grep last_result_time | awk -F "(" '{ print $2 }'
echo ""

/bin/date >> $SETI_DIR/log
$0 status >> $SETI_DIR/log
echo "*******************************************" >> $SETI_DIR/log

echo "Usage: seti {start|stop|restart|status}"
exit 1
2) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : BOINC service on Linux/Unix (Message 98898)
Posted 15 Apr 2005 by Profile Autolycus
Has anyone written an init script for Boinc yet? If so, can you share it's location.



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