Posts by Buckeye4LF

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Setting up Linux to crunch CUDA90 and above for Windows users (Message 2043204)
Posted 5 Apr 2020 by Profile Buckeye4LF Project Donor
If you are going "around and around" with Ubuntu 18.4.x for anything from the logon loop to not being able to get the Nvidia drivers to install via "Launchpad" then you might want to try Zorin (core).
Now that I've refreshed my ux head a bit, I can't say I've found much grief with 18.04.
There are a few things I do, however, that make life easier.
1) Load Samba, so I can use my Win10 box across the network for basic file edits and admin, especially LAMP admin.
2) Enable local SSH and load PuTTY on the Win box, for places where Win across the network can't handle the job (e.g. ownership, permissions, symlinks, etc.)
3) Forget Gnome/Nautilus exist. Not needed with 1,2 above in place.
4) Do use dos2unix across SSH where needed after edits.
5) Do updates and installs across SSH from a terminal window. Easier than GUI anyway.
These days, about the only time I go downstairs is when I actually need to touch the box itself.

Do you ever use the LInux box to remote into windows? I am having a heck of a time......
2) Message boards : News : SETI@home and COVID-19 (Message 2042004)
Posted 31 Mar 2020 by Profile Buckeye4LF Project Donor
For those wanting to do Covid-19 tasks, use Rosetta@home if you still want to use the BOINC umbrella. I would say 75%-100% of tasks I am pulling are Covid-19 related. It should be noted that Rosetta is RAM intensive and can use up to 2GB RAM per CPU job. Unfortunately, the project does not support GPUs.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : SETI orphans (Message 2041570)
Posted 30 Mar 2020 by Profile Buckeye4LF Project Donor
About how much system RAM is required per CPU job for Rosetta?

Up to 2GB
4) Message boards : Number crunching : SETI orphans (Message 2041569)
Posted 30 Mar 2020 by Profile Buckeye4LF Project Donor
Yes they don't have GPU apps unfortunately.
Please note nothing against Rosetta, i like the project and participate sometimes and wish to do that now.
But is a "relatively small" project who grows exponential in the last days, exactly maybe the Covid-19 crisis.

Some projects will let you pick the specific applications you want to run. So far I haven't been able to see where we can select the Corona-19 only.


Other Note: Rosetti@Home uses significantly more memory than Seti@Home. So you may get a "waiting for memory" message.

And I had to reduce available memory in BOINC to 75% when a user is active or the screen response became very, very sluggish.


Rosetta uses up to 2GB of RAM per CPU job. It adds up quickly if you are multithreaded....
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Don't know where it should go? Stick it here! (Message 2039614)
Posted 22 Mar 2020 by Profile Buckeye4LF Project Donor
They did a month ago and provided results. But I don't think they are currently running any Corona virus campaigns.

I am running Rosetta and currently have a bunch of WUs with Covid-19 in name.....
6) Message boards : News : SETI@home hibernation (Message 2039613)
Posted 22 Mar 2020 by Profile Buckeye4LF Project Donor
Sad to see the hibernation, but there is an urgent need now to "solve" the Chinese Disease COVID-19 problem.

I'm switching to Rosetta@Home to process protein folding/modeling.

SETI lost my previous data and accounts; I had joined early 1999 and ran the SETI project on all available workstation hardware and the servers at a 5000+ employee organization. Wish I had those numbers!

Best to all!


I am going to mostly do Rosetta as well near term.... I am not sure why it is so unpopular....
7) Message boards : Number crunching : The Server Issues / Outages Thread - Panic Mode On! (118) (Message 2033261)
Posted 21 Feb 2020 by Profile Buckeye4LF Project Donor
Thanks, this bash file helps a lot
8) Message boards : Number crunching : The Server Issues / Outages Thread - Panic Mode On! (118) (Message 2032854)
Posted 18 Feb 2020 by Profile Buckeye4LF Project Donor
for i in `boinccmd --get_file_transfers | sed -n -e 's/^.*name: //p'`;do boinccmd --file_transfer $i retry;done

This command will give the boot to stuck transfers if you don’t want to run additional software.

Do you just run this every time you power up the machine or do you wait for an issue to come up? I am new to Linux as well, what options if any do you set for the watch command?
9) Message boards : Number crunching : Setting up Linux to crunch CUDA90 and above for Windows users (Message 2032118)
Posted 12 Feb 2020 by Profile Buckeye4LF Project Donor
No worries, I only check this a few times a day and usually am behind the conversation when I do. I have the count set to 1 and I am much faster now. I look forward to tweaking later this weekend.

What I really need to do is put a custom cooling loop in for my CPU and OC the shit out of it........
10) Message boards : Number crunching : Setting up Linux to crunch CUDA90 and above for Windows users (Message 2032077)
Posted 12 Feb 2020 by Profile Buckeye4LF Project Donor
I am using the amd app, i changed the flag in the app_info file. I will defiantly grab the 4101 file. I am not sure what is going on yet..... thanks for your suggestions.
11) Message boards : Number crunching : Setting up Linux to crunch CUDA90 and above for Windows users (Message 2032072)
Posted 12 Feb 2020 by Profile Buckeye4LF Project Donor
I just changed it to 1 and they are coming in under a minute. I will look into mutex and other tweaks this weekend. Thanks for catching that my times were off as I had not had a chance to cross check them.
12) Message boards : Number crunching : Setting up Linux to crunch CUDA90 and above for Windows users (Message 2032070)
Posted 12 Feb 2020 by Profile Buckeye4LF Project Donor
I have my count set to .33 on my gpu and i suspect that is the culprit since I am running three wu per gpu. I just switched it to .5 to see if that helps

I trimmed 30 seconds off of each run by going to .5 count. I am not sure which is better a slightly longer run but multiples at a time or balls to the wall and set to 1 for 1 at a time
13) Message boards : Number crunching : Setting up Linux to crunch CUDA90 and above for Windows users (Message 2032069)
Posted 12 Feb 2020 by Profile Buckeye4LF Project Donor
I still need to tweak settings for sure. I just got up and running and when I attached to all my backup projects I downloaded a ton of WUs from them. It will be a week until this machine is only running seti. I installed the AIO and I thought that I saw -noobs set already in the supplied config file. I will have to revisit for sure as I should be under a min WU time
14) Message boards : Number crunching : Setting up Linux to crunch CUDA90 and above for Windows users (Message 2031968)
Posted 11 Feb 2020 by Profile Buckeye4LF Project Donor
i installed openCL before I updated the driver so you may have to do that as a separate command as I am unsure if it is included.
15) Message boards : Number crunching : Setting up Linux to crunch CUDA90 and above for Windows users (Message 2031965)
Posted 11 Feb 2020 by Profile Buckeye4LF Project Donor
For the most recent Nvidia drivers I installed from using the commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
sudo apt-get update

I am running Linux Mint 19.2 with dual Nvidia RTX 2070 super and have had no issues for the past two days. I installed driver 440.59 and it works great. Be warned though, these are not official drivers.
16) Message boards : Number crunching : Setting up Linux to crunch CUDA90 and above for Windows users (Message 2031724)
Posted 10 Feb 2020 by Profile Buckeye4LF Project Donor
I reverted back to cuda90 for now, do not want to mess with video drivers tonight
17) Message boards : Number crunching : Setting up Linux to crunch CUDA90 and above for Windows users (Message 2031722)
Posted 10 Feb 2020 by Profile Buckeye4LF Project Donor
no, i reformatted and reinstalled Linux those are the same machine but with different loads of linux. The drivers that came with Mint were not the same as Ubuntu.
18) Message boards : Number crunching : Setting up Linux to crunch CUDA90 and above for Windows users (Message 2031713)
Posted 10 Feb 2020 by Profile Buckeye4LF Project Donor
I noticed that, but thanks for checking. I was going to let it run for a day as is to make sure it was not random. Seemed 440 drivers worked last round
19) Message boards : Number crunching : Setting up Linux to crunch CUDA90 and above for Windows users (Message 2031670)
Posted 9 Feb 2020 by Profile Buckeye4LF Project Donor
i did a fresh install of Linux as was suggested from the beginning of my problems but went with Mint, already working better with my setup. I am not sure if it is the thread-ripper or the dual cards that were causing the problem in Ubuntu. I am maxed out now and my tower might as well be a space heater )
20) Message boards : Number crunching : Setting up Linux to crunch CUDA90 and above for Windows users (Message 2031524)
Posted 9 Feb 2020 by Profile Buckeye4LF Project Donor
no luck on ghost recovery.... guess i will only be running seti 1 wu day for the next month until everything expires. Just connected dedicated machine to Collatz and got 100+ tasks at least I can crunch something....

Next 20

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