Posts by Brian Hillard

1) Questions and Answers : Windows : Latest version install gripes (Message 190385)
Posted 19 Nov 2005 by Profile Brian Hillard
Where are you install from and to.....????


I downloaded the setup file from the site to my hard disk, and tried to install to the normal location.
On my main hard disk.
2) Questions and Answers : Windows : Latest version install gripes (Message 190224)
Posted 18 Nov 2005 by Profile Brian Hillard

I tried to install the latest version of BOINC, and had the following error.
The feature you are trying to use is on a
network resource that is unavailable.

Click OK to try again, or enter an alternative path to a
folder containing the installation packaage 'BOINC.msi'
in the box below.
In the box, the following path was displayed;
C:\\WINDOWS\\Downloaded Installations\\{5B7B52CF-9DBD-43B0-B04E-A4B989284EB7}\\
I performed a search for BOINC.msi, and found this installer package in the following location;
C:\\WINDOWS\\Downloaded Installations\\{EC88762E-D2EB-49F1-9D43-C44CD3DC3837}

When I used that source, it gave me the following error;
The file 'C:\\WINDOWS\\Downloaded Installations\\{EC88762E-D2EB-49F1-9D43-C44CD3DC3837}' is not a valid installation package for the producy BOINC. Try to find the installation package 'BOINC.msi' in a folder from which you install BOINC.

Any ideas?

3) Message boards : SETI@home Science : BOINC 5.2.7 Installation gripes (Message 190223)
Posted 18 Nov 2005 by Profile Brian Hillard

Brain failure.

4) Message boards : SETI@home Science : BOINC 5.2.7 Installation gripes (Message 189833)
Posted 17 Nov 2005 by Profile Brian Hillard

I tried to install the latest version of BOINC, and had the following error.
The feature you are trying to use is on a
network resource that is unavailable.

Click OK to try again, or enter an alternative path to a
folder containing the installation packaage 'BOINC.msi'
in the box below.
In the box, the following path was displayed;
C:\\WINDOWS\\Downloaded Installations\\{5B7B52CF-9DBD-43B0-B04E-A4B989284EB7}\\
I performed a search for BOINC.msi, and found this installer package in the following location;
C:\\WINDOWS\\Downloaded Installations\\{EC88762E-D2EB-49F1-9D43-C44CD3DC3837}

When I used that source, it gave me the following error;
The file 'C:\\WINDOWS\\Downloaded Installations\\{EC88762E-D2EB-49F1-9D43-C44CD3DC3837}' is not a valid installation package for the producy BOINC. Try to find the installation package 'BOINC.msi' in a folder from which you install BOINC.

Any ideas?


5) Questions and Answers : Windows : Missing Workunits (Message 47068)
Posted 16 Nov 2004 by Profile Brian Hillard
> The S@H staff has started a process that trims old WUs from the user DataBase
> after they have been moved successfully to the final science database. This
> means that the WUs will be removed from display in your account, but the
> credit you earned will still be there. The process has also apparently gotten
> some of the stuck WUs unstuck.
Thanks, it makes sense, to purge the old results, and keep the system fast.


6) Questions and Answers : Windows : Missing Workunits (Message 46371)
Posted 14 Nov 2004 by Profile Brian Hillard
The number of units I have done is reading 20. I done a damn-sight more than that. What's happened now.
My credit seems to be OK. Even though 18 out of the 20 listed are pending, which is also weird. My "View results" page was two pages long, it is now only 1.

This is starting to freak me out.
Where are the rest of my results gone?
7) Message boards : Number crunching : Watching the SETI Odometer Turn (Message 45748)
Posted 12 Nov 2004 by Profile Brian Hillard
I have only recently switched from SETI Classic to BOINC.
I have been stuck on 997.65 for the last couple of days. What does it take to get my 1st 1000!!
I think i'll have to track down everyone that is still crunching the workunits I have completed, and give them a friendly message in their ear!

Long-live SETI.

8) Message boards : Number crunching : Watching the SETI Odometer Turn (Message 45347)
Posted 10 Nov 2004 by Profile Brian Hillard
> 49998.37
> I am reaching 50000 Credits today. I have been crunching since 1999 using all
> kinds of equipment in my quest for E.T.
> I have learned more about the world and people in it
> since the start of SETI2. There are a lot of great people here and of course
> some buttheads, But most realize we are all connected for a common goal.
> I am proud of being part of SETI and wish all peace and happiness!
>Here, here Timmy.
I have been part of SETI around about the same time, and I can't think of a better way to spend my CPU cycles. They are out there somewhere.
As for Peace & Happiness, that would be nice.

9) Questions and Answers : Windows : BOINC in taskbar (Message 45206)
Posted 10 Nov 2004 by Profile Brian Hillard

I didn't notice this with the earlier version, but as BOINC is running in the systray as normal, after a period of time, it appears on the taskbar even though it wasn't open at the time.
Clicking the taskbar icon will not restore the window. And I have to bring it up from the systray, and close it again, It then goes from the taskbar, only to re-appeaar a hour-or-so later.

I will check to see if any of my other apps do the same thing.
Actually I do think this is a Windows thing(again).

10) Message boards : Number crunching : Average (Message 44802)
Posted 9 Nov 2004 by Profile Brian Hillard
> Yep...
> Mine currently says : 973.45
> It's just a matter of total computing power involved when all Systems are
> working under the same Account.
Hi Thanks for letting me know, very impressive.

11) Message boards : Number crunching : Average (Message 44785)
Posted 9 Nov 2004 by Profile Brian Hillard

Is it possible to get an average credit of 623.86?
Flipping heck.
It isn't mine unfortunately.

12) Questions and Answers : Windows : How to run SETI on a computer without internet? (Message 44289)
Posted 8 Nov 2004 by Profile Brian Hillard
> Copying files from one PC to another is not a solution: a WU send the a PC
> HAS to be crunched and the results send by the same PC. Otherwise there
> is no credit granted for that WU.
> Try to find a solution by building a network between both PC's, or try to find
> a way so that that PC can use Internet also is the only way to solve the
> problem.
>Yep, I agree. A couple of cheap NICS, if you haven't got them already, and a length of cable is the best way.

13) Questions and Answers : Windows : S@h 4.07 and WinXP SP2 Pro(blem) (Message 44283)
Posted 8 Nov 2004 by Profile Brian Hillard
This aint gonna help in the slightest.
I am running an AMD Athlon on Windows XP Pro, with the "answer to all our problems" Service Pack 2. That was a joke btw:
So far there hasn't been any problems I can see with the new update, apart from missing stats on the screensaver, but that has been reported everywhere.

Forgive a stupid question, but have you ran a benchmarking util, like 3D Mark, without BOINC running, for a while to see if your PC stops responding during the test process?

Other than that, I have no answer to this at the moment.
Keep a look out for other reports of this just in case.

Sorry for such a totally useless answer.

14) Questions and Answers : Windows : Missing Stats (Message 43910)
Posted 7 Nov 2004 by Profile Brian Hillard
Thanks Thierry.

I had most of the forums filtered in this way.
Why this one wasn't is still open to debate.
It will be know though.

15) Questions and Answers : Windows : Missing Stats (Message 43909)
Posted 7 Nov 2004 by Profile Brian Hillard
I wasn't aware of the problems with this version.
I am know though, thanks. I will carry on and wait for the problem to be fixed.
As for my stats. I haven't a clue yet, why it bought up four flipping pictures.
I have turned it off, until I do!
Thanks again.
16) Questions and Answers : Windows : Missing Stats (Message 43567)
Posted 6 Nov 2004 by Profile Brian Hillard

For reasons unbeknown to me, the BOINC screensaver for SETI has decided to show no team or credit info.

The main client is showing it OK, so I am not that concerned. It is weird though.

17) Questions and Answers : Windows : Differing credit. (Message 42299)
Posted 2 Nov 2004 by Profile Brian Hillard
> > The screensaver is updated each time the BOINC client contacts the
> server.
> > This happens when a result is submitted or you do a manual update.
> >
> This gets the number in the client updated. The screensaver will normally only
> show this new number when the worker application is restarted or a new
> workunit is started.
>Thanks, much appreciated.

18) Questions and Answers : Windows : Differing credit. (Message 42203)
Posted 2 Nov 2004 by Profile Brian Hillard
> The screensaver is updated each time the BOINC client contacts the server.
> This happens when a result is submitted or you do a manual update.

I don't normally do a manual update. It's normally left to it's own devices to upload and downloaded on it's own throughout the day, and so hadn't noticed this before.

Thanks again.

19) Questions and Answers : Windows : Differing credit. (Message 42195)
Posted 2 Nov 2004 by Profile Brian Hillard

I have noticed on occasions that the BOINC Projects page shows different credit readings from the screensaver.

For instance, BOINC reads 511.49, and the screensaver shows 396.24. Where does the graphical display/screensaver get its credit readings from, considering it shows 511.49 online? The stats below are a day out of date of course. These stats were updated in the morning as per usual, and I was awarded credits a few hours later. I would have thought though, that the SETI BOINC screensaver would mirror what the BOINC client, is showing. At least the percentage done is correct though!
I do love BOINC.
Long live SETI@home.

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