Posts by GeirA

1) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Learning foreign language (Message 1938255)
Posted 4 Jun 2018 by Profile GeirA
And a Swedish Kock is a Cook. Nothing else.

Ah, the Swedish Chef of Muppet Show is an all time favorite 😂, and (being norwegian) I never suspected him of being anything but a 'kock' 🤭

Check this out:)

Oh, have to check this 'Norwegian' restaurant out sometime! 6440 Elnesvågen is not that far away 🚗
They apparently use a Swedish web designer 😯. This results in a wonderful 'svorsk' blend of languages in their home page text. Norwegian spelling of words like "lunsj", "en rekke" and "rekkevidden" nicely combined with Swedish spelling in "hem" and "hitta oss". Some menus are naturally written in English. Even a typo: "foretter" is included!
Running an Asian kitchen in Norway ain't easy. The food may still be good though 🤗
2) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Learning foreign language (Message 1938149)
Posted 3 Jun 2018 by Profile GeirA
You will find interesting signs and adverts not just in Scandinavia 😄

3) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Learning foreign language (Message 1936856)
Posted 23 May 2018 by Profile GeirA
Just another surprising picture to water your mouths. Taken from an Italian ice cream bar in my mid-Norwegian neighborhood.
The big surprise is: The ice cream bar is now closed! The locals didn't appreciate this ice cream enough to make the bar profit over time!!?

4) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Learning foreign language (Message 1936851)
Posted 23 May 2018 by Profile GeirA
Funny that in Norwegian cream is called fløte and in Danish fløde, meaning float.

I rather like to call it logical: Fløte/fløde floats on top of the milk!
Cfr even cRunchy's explanation:
Cream is the fatty part of milk that does float to the top of the milk. We may all have different words for it but the fatty part still floats.

How do you explain the swedish 'grädde' (cream)?
5) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Learning foreign language (Message 1935515)
Posted 13 May 2018 by Profile GeirA
Eurovision Song Contest on TV right now.
In the old days there was a rule that you had to sing in your own language.
Now however most prefer to sing in English.
I think that's a pity.
And who cares what they are singing about anyway:)

6) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Learning foreign language (Message 1935514)
Posted 13 May 2018 by Profile GeirA
First I thought it was meat skewer (kjøtt spyd) because Pinne means a stick in Swedish

'Pinne' means stick in Norwegian too. The Wikipedia article is maybe ambiguous, but the term 'pinne-' in this context comes from the fact that the meat is traditionally cooked on top of a checked pattern of birch sticks 'pinner' in the pot ❎

Interesting to learn that 'smalahove' also is a local dish of Gotland 🤔

Please AndrewMarcio, let us hear about some typical, but unknown Italian specialities! 😋
7) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Learning foreign language (Message 1935387)
Posted 12 May 2018 by Profile GeirA
Must admit that I've never braced myself for trying 'surströmming' 😄
As stated earlier by moomin, it belongs solely to northern Sweden. It's quite infamous though, even in northern Norway, where the distance to Sweden is just a few kms. Rumor has it that the cans, pressurized by fermentation, are best opened under water: to avoid the contents splashing all over the eager diners, the furniture or the whole room.

Normally, Norwegians are not too keen on food from the Baltic Sea, with the occasional exception of fresh 'strömming' on 'knäckebröd' when visiting its shores. Think of all the large cities surrounding the Baltic Sea, and all the rivers that have conveyed their sewers and other pollution to that shallow and limited water-mass for so many years ⚠☣

Other typical, 'famous / infamous, Norwegian (or even Scandinavian) dishes are:

Most of these dishes are sesonal and festive and usually accompanied by akevitt and brown ale 🥂🍻

8) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Learning foreign language (Message 1933076)
Posted 2 May 2018 by Profile GeirA
To me, a Söderkis from Stockholm, everything above about 100 km north of Stockholm is very northern.

Ah Stockholm, the prettiest capital in Scandinavia 👍 And Söder, the 'trävligaste' district in town; full of sidewalk cafés and nice music stores (Halkans, Hellstone, 4Sound Folkungagatan). I usually visit sometime during summer, and the season really gives credit to the city. I know it may be a bit harsh during winter though, but never mind 🏒
In comparison Oslo is merely a dump by the fjord 😯 In Oslo, you'll also find people who think there is nothing of interest north of 'ring 3' (ring road apx 5 miles north of city center). It seems like human life stops there. Everything beyond is just empty white plains with occasional mountaintops 🏔

Oh. We in Sweden have some editions of Norwegian glossaries with words that Norwegians seem to have forgot.
Guleböj, Kempetorsk, Kybelkanin, Klantetejp, Pansartax, Brusefotölj, Tallefjant ...

😄 I may fill in the list: Orangekule, Periskophäst, Blötebytte, Tuttekasse, Rullebrum, Sprattlevann, Fjuneflås, Snurremaskin, Stavangerägg, Pingvinkofte ... 😄
No, the Swedish glossary is not forgotten. You don't have to talk long with a Swede before questions about these words arise. Some even ask in total seriousness 🤣

Despite being mainly an expression of friendly neighboring rivalry, some of these words are not far off. In fact:
- Hybelkanin [no] = Dammråtta [sw] \ Dustbunny. Sounds nicer though
- Klapperslange [no] = Skallerorm [sw] \ Rattlesnake
- Gulrot [no] = Morot [sw] \ Carrot
- Homse [no] = Bög [sw] \ Gay (man)
- Lyspære [no] = Glödlampa [sw] \ Lightbulb

In my opinion Norwegian also uses some words which are actually more 'spot on' than their Swedish counterparts:
- Rusbrus [no] > Alkoläsk [sw] \ Bubbly soda (brus) to get drunk (rus). Spot on!
- Stresskoffert [no] > Portefölj [sw] \ All these stressed men with briefcases (koffert) hurrying off to work. Spot on!
- Lommedisco [no] > Freestyle [sw] \ Sony's old walkman. A disco in your pocket (lomme). 'Freestyle' what's that?
- Kringkasting [no] > ?? [sw] \ Direct translation of broadcasting. Cast broad (kring). Is there even a Swedish word?
- Olabukser [no] > Jeans [sw] \ Denim pants (bukser) which John Doe (Ola/Svenne) puts on for daily toil.
9) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Learning foreign language (Message 1932682)
Posted 29 Apr 2018 by Profile GeirA
Ah, Robert Gustafsson tests dialects 😀

I'm not familiar with all the dialects Robert demonstrates here, but am able to recognize a few.
To me, 'Mora', 'Karlstad' and 'Göteborg' seem spot on! based on occasional trips through Värmland to reach Göteborg, and through Dalarna to reach Stockholm.

But .... does anyone live on the Swedish side of the northern border anyway? 😄
Yes. My mother grew up in northern Värmland:)

'Ack Värmeland, du sköna!'
Yes, I am quite aware that some Swedes live in nice towns like Arvika & Karlstad. To a Norwegian, however, Värmland hardly counts as being on the NORTHERN border. I mean, Värmland is on the same latitude as Oslo. That is pretty much down south-east 🙂
No, by northern border I mean places like: western Dalarna, Härjedalen, Jämtland and (above all) Lappland. Obviously, I know of towns like Östersund and villages like Älvdalen & Åre, and I've even heard of a couple of skiers from Tärnaby, but that's pretty much it!
Driving through (north-)western Sweden, I get very familiar with pine woods, I may see some marshes and spot an occasional red cabin. Any people to form a dialect seems scarce.
On the Norwegian side of the border, in contrast, there seem to be people clinging to hamlets and farm houses along every country road.
Please, I am not trying to be spiteful by these observations, but I find it fascinating that 2 neighboring countries have developed such different patterns of settlement.
I wonder if this is a result of a wanted policy or happened merely by (mis)chance? 🤔

However 'Nordlendinger' from places like Tromsö, they speak very much like Swedish.

I'm afraid I totally disagree. 'Tromsøværinger' (inhabitants) speak a beautiful, coastal dialect not similar to any Swedish dialect I've heard.

Have you ever heard an angry Norwegian or 'Värmlänning'?

Oh yes, I have heard many angry Norwegians, and with various dialects 😄
No, I haven't heard any angry 'Värmlänning' (yet). That may of course be because I haven't met enough 😄
10) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Learning foreign language (Message 1932534)
Posted 28 Apr 2018 by Profile GeirA
What a great thread! 👍
So many thoughts and opinions on a subject so far from SETI 👽
Much kudos (greek?) to thread starter moomin for conceiving the idea 👏

I love it when people say a letter is pronounced "like the English letter in word" - English has many regional variations in pronunciation, and I spend the next few minutes trying to work out which variation is actually meant

I tried to avoid this problem by using the terms 'vowel sound' and 'consonant sound', but realize now that this may just have obscured the subject further 😁

I wrote an illustrated book "Esperimenti con i grandi scienziati" ...... I have now only the Norwegian edition. Since I don't understand it, can somebody tell me which kind of Norwegian is this back cover text and what does it mean

Congratulations on having a book published in Norwegian!
Your back cover text is in 'Bokmål', and moomin has already given an excellent translation of it.

I suppose you have too different dialects from zones. For example, a Norwegian from the '' north '' has a different pronunciation than a Norwegian from '' south ''?

Yes, Norway is full of various dialects, as mentioned in the last paragraph of message 1932214 (above), and their pronunciation varies greatly. Particularly items like sentence melody, palatalization and guttural 'r' show a great variation between Norwegian dialects. Some dialects also love chopping off the ending of various words as well as offering alternative conjugations.

Like people from the northern part of Norway speak almost Swedish.

I am afraid you will receive a lot of north Norwegian disagreement by that statement. Not many 'Nordlendinger' will admit to speaking Swedish! A bit of nationalism will surely kick in 🙂
What may be tolerated is the assumption that northern Norwegian and northern Swedish dialects differ less from eachother than comparing dialects from other regions of the countries.
But .... does anyone live on the Swedish side of the northern border anyway? 😄
11) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Learning foreign language (Message 1932410)
Posted 28 Apr 2018 by Profile GeirA
I have a question: in your language (Sweden, Norwegian and maybe Finnish) this letter how pronunce?
---> ø
It's like the ''O'' of Latin?

Actually Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland and Finland have different alphabets.
Here we have the letters ÅÄÖ (in Sweden) as an addition to the Latin alphabet.
A problem though is that our Swedish letters doesn't look the same in Norway and Denmark.

As explained above, Nordic alphabets usually end with 3 extra letters. In Norwegian and Danish these letters are:
æ, ø, å - (capitals) Æ, Ø, Å
In Norwegian (at least) they are pronounced:
æ - like vowel sound in English 'sad', 'mad', 'cat' or 'hat'
ø - like vowel sound in English 'learn' or 'burn'.
Ã¥ - like vowel sound in English 'saw', 'bought' or 'fought'.

The same vowel sounds are also found in Swedish (and Finnish I think), but the 2 former are written:
ä (= æ), ö (= ø) - similar to German

Icelandic also has the vowels æ and ö. It also contains 2 extra consonants:
ð - pronounced like the 'th' sound in 'those' or 'though' (voiced)
þ - pronounced like the 'th' sound in 'thin' or 'think' (unvoiced)

Pronunciation ain't easy for visitors to the Nordic countries (Norden) 😉
12) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Learning foreign language (Message 1932347)
Posted 27 Apr 2018 by Profile GeirA
Another thing. I can read Danish quite well but when a Dane speak it...
"What? Say again please. Subtitles please."
Sounds like that they are eating Danish while speaking:)
Not even the Danes can understand Danish.

Methinks thou hast a point in thine evaluation of spoken Danish 😀
Much to the enjoyment of most Norwegians (and maybe others too).
Check this video to support my (our?) view. Even americans might have a laugh 🤣
13) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Learning foreign language (Message 1932214)
Posted 27 Apr 2018 by Profile GeirA
I'm a Swede and I never heard someone speeking Nynorsk

I am not surprised, as it is a formally written variant of the Norwegian language (as is the other variant Bokmål).

The spoken (oral) language is a collection of various dialects, some of which sound closer to Nynorsk and some closer to Bokmål.
In fact the very foundation of Nynorsk is a compilation of various rural dialects made by the poet Ivar Aasen after his journeys through the Norwegian countryside in the 1840s. Mr Aasen compiled and formalised the dialects he heared, and founded what he called 'Landsmål' (a predecessor of modern Nynorsk).
His work was a reaction to a national debate which arose in the 1830s on the need of a separate written Norwegian language. Up till then written Norwegian was basically Danish, due to Norway being part of a royal union with Denmark for a period of >400 years. This union ended with the 'treaty of Kiel' (after the Napoleonic wars) and the signing of the Norwegian Constitution on May 17th, 1814 (Constitution Day).
The other written Norwegian language variant 'Bokmål' is rather based on another, more soft and evolutionary, separation from Danish. Even today, >200 years later, the differences between writtten Bokmål and Danish are surprisingly small.

I can comfort you by saying: You won't find anyone speeking Bokmål either, (the other written variant).
In oral form the dialects hold a strong position in Norway, perhaps stronger than compared to its Nordic siblings. Dialects are well kept and used, even in national media. The dialect trends are many and evident. This contributes to the fact that most Norwegians easily reveal their regional origin when speaking. This is partly a result of a conscious oral language policy, but also a historical result of long geographical distances between people (many long fjords, steep hills, and high mountains).
14) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Learning foreign language (Message 1932048)
Posted 26 Apr 2018 by Profile GeirA
Interesting that Swedes and Americans discuss details of the Norwegian language and the fact that we have 2 written variants: Bokmål and Nynorsk.
The 2 written variants are mutually understandable (apart from a few odd words), but still elementary and high schools pupils are obliged to learn both variants. They consequently waste time that would otherwise be well spent learning more useful subjects (eg: technology or science), or even learning that Norway in fact has a 3rd official language: Sami. Sami is of the Finnish-Ugrian language family and thus totally different from Bokmål/Nynorsk.

Norwegian (bokmål & nynorsk) is of Germanic origin, closely related to both Danish and Swedish, and mutually understandable with both.
The 2 variants of Norwegian are formally equal in legislation and education, but presently the bokmål variant dominates quantitatively among pupils, mainly because of its preferred position in the densly populated capital area (+ most other major cities). About 10-12% of the pupils study nynorsk as their 1st language (hovedmål). All pupils then have to study the other variant as their 2nd language (sidemål).
The nynorsk core areas are rural western Norway (fjord & fjell) with towns and villages, plus certain mountain communities east of the east-west geographical divide.
15) Questions and Answers : Windows : no graphics (Message 183254)
Posted 28 Oct 2005 by Profile GeirA
I'm experiencing same screensaver problem on my laptop.
Installed BOINC version 5.2.2 as single user + project Seti@home.
Video adapter: ATI MOBILITY FireGL V5000 with 128 Mb RAM.

Screensaver works OK in preview and inside BOINC Manager, but displays only black screen when kicking in automatically.

Please anyone, a solution to this problem!

For reference: Installed same SW on desktop PC with video adapter: Intel 82865G and 64 Mb of RAM.
No problems encountered. Screensaver works nicely both manually and automatically.

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