Posts by extractr

1) Questions and Answers : Windows : BOINC Live Help Desk (Message 667153)
Posted 26 Oct 2007 by Profile extractr
I seem to be having a problem with seti@home. The following image should illustrate the problem.

It never seems to want to start this transfer and consequently I cannot start processing data. Please help

I have similar problem. After it downloads a file, it doesnt start processing it. No matter how long it goes, resuts says 0% completed. I tried aborting and getting another one but no change. I also tried reinstalling.

2) Message boards : Technical News : Slow Going (Jun 05 2007) (Message 582407)
Posted 6 Jun 2007 by Profile extractr
I have a question about the packet size. Why have they suddenly gotten longer to computate? The last one I received has a 24 hr process time. They used to take from 4 to 6 hours on my computer. The points received per packet is still the same though.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Paul D Buck, what does this mean? (Message 212173)
Posted 13 Dec 2005 by Profile extractr
I'm have some trouble sending and receiving. These are the error messages I get. At the bottom of bonic it says I'm connected to local host. Is it me or server?

It's not you.
The part of the server system that responds to all client requests has been temporarily switched off.

Once the current troubles are resolved, it will be switched back on. This could take a while though, so you might want to attach to another project in the mean time.

Ok, thanks. I'll check back in a few days. Any other projects you recomend?
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Paul D Buck, what does this mean? (Message 211222)
Posted 12 Dec 2005 by Profile extractr
12/12/2005 12:44:46 AM|SETI@home|Scheduler request to failed with a return value of 500
12/12/2005 12:53:36 AM|SETI@home|Scheduler request to failed with a return value of -106

I'm have some trouble sending and receiving. These are the error messages I get. At the bottom of bonic it says I'm connected to local host. Is it me or server?
5) Questions and Answers : Windows : Error code: 500 (Message 204192)
Posted 6 Dec 2005 by Profile extractr
500 error code

The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

may just take a little time for it to get straighten out.

I just updated bonic to latest version and I am having error code 500 also. I can download work but not upload. Is it me or the server?
Is there anyway you can make more simple for us non-geeks?

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