Posts by hanyou23

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Emergency fund drive for the project............. (Message 1044248)
Posted 27 Oct 2010 by Profile hanyou23
Thank you for your gift of $10.00 via Visa on 10/27/2010.
Your gift was assigned to the following areas:
SETI@home - $10.00
Your confirmation number is:

Go SETI :D !!!
2) Message boards : Technical News : The more things change, the more they stay the same. (Message 973605)
Posted 25 Feb 2010 by Profile hanyou23
Did this have anything to do with the DDoS attack a day or two ago? Somebody testing the waters???

3) Message boards : Technical News : The more things change, the more they stay the same. (Message 973129)
Posted 22 Feb 2010 by Profile hanyou23
To Eric & to the rest of the crew,

You guys deserve all the credit for all of the hard work that is due to you - my deepest appreciation goes out to everything you do. All though it doesn't seem like it sometimes, we all feel that way ^_~ .....

The "other" Eric :p ~
4) Message boards : Technical News : Out of the fire and into the pit of sulfuric acid. (Feb 19, 2010) (Message 972711)
Posted 21 Feb 2010 by Profile hanyou23
Time to take either a chill pill or group therapy folks, this is starting to get a little ridiculous. ET will still be out there whether it takes us a day longer to find him/her or not, so sit back, relax, enjoy the weekend, maybe tune into the Olympics since they only happen every four years (offset by two), and just be happy. Thing'll get fixed by next week - just wait one or two more days until then...

Intergalactic peace~ (~please~)
5) Message boards : Technical News : Out of the fire and into the pit of sulfuric acid. (Feb 19, 2010) (Message 972325)
Posted 20 Feb 2010 by Profile hanyou23
Pathping results from Lincoln, NE:


Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
0 yoshikis-shanty []
3 []
4 []
5 []
6 []
7 []
8 []
9 []
10 []
11 []
14 []

Computing statistics for 350 seconds...
Source to Here This Node/Link
Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address
0 yoshikis-shanty []
0/ 100 = 0% |

1 7ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%
0/ 100 = 0% |

2 6ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%
0/ 100 = 0% |

3 7ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
0/ 100 = 0% |

4 7ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
0/ 100 = 0% |

5 10ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
0/ 100 = 0% |

6 27ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
0/ 100 = 0% |

7 28ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
0/ 100 = 0% |

8 81ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
0/ 100 = 0% |

9 82ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
0/ 100 = 0% |

10 91ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
0/ 100 = 0% |

11 89ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
0/ 100 = 0% |

12 94ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%
4/ 100 = 4% |

13 94ms 8/ 100 = 8% 4/ 100 = 4%
0/ 100 = 0% |

14 95ms 4/ 100 = 4% 0/ 100 = 0% []

Trace complete.
6) Questions and Answers : Windows : download error (Message 951531)
Posted 2 Dec 2009 by Profile hanyou23
Thanks for the help everyone ^_^ ! Yeah, it's all working fine and dandy now, although I did do a change and repair of the program after it didn't connect the first time after the outage. I'm not sure if that's something else to try down the road, but glad to see it all crunching nicely once again after being dormant for a while.....

;D ,
7) Questions and Answers : Windows : download error (Message 951462)
Posted 1 Dec 2009 by Profile hanyou23
If it still doesn't work, here a little "program" :-)

stop BOINC (make sure that boinc.exe isn't running)
do while
  ipconfig /flushdns
  ping boinc2.ssl.berkeley,edu
end do
start BOINC


For those who aren't so Windows-savvy, what are the exact steps in order to execute the above??? I was able to ping SETI in Command Prompt, but the whole "do" stuff threw me off (I get an error).

(ask me to do anything on a Mac, and I can make you sliced bread :E ^_~ )!

Help appreciated ^^ !
8) Questions and Answers : Macintosh : BOINC & Leopard don't play nice... (Message 691905)
Posted 16 Dec 2007 by Profile hanyou23
I've just returned to Seti@Home after several year's absence with an iMac 24 - 2.4GHz. I hope to make up for lost time! However, I am a bit concerned about the app. occupying 100% of both cores. I've seen references to limiting the % occup. that Seti@Home can take. Problem is I haven't been able to find out how to do that. Some "commands for a recent Windows bailer?!! :-)


In the menu bar, go to Advanced -> Preferences... You may have to make the window a little longer vertically because it likes to hide, but it's below "other options" (the third/last value box)... you can find it there ^_^ . Good luck, and welcome back to the Mac :D !

9) Questions and Answers : Macintosh : BOINC & Leopard don't play nice... (Message 680872)
Posted 19 Nov 2007 by Profile hanyou23
Holy smokes, BOINC nearly smoked my PowerBook! I had it running for a few days...

Since upgrading to Leopard, my MacBook is running hotter and the battery life is getting shorter... ;)

(Methinks that the new software is overworking the hardware. On the plus side, I now know what the cooling fans sound like.)

Haven't noticed much difference between Tiger and Leopard on my old PowerBook G4. The only time I found it in this condition, since I have processor performance set at automatic, was during the BOINC run. My fans hardly ever turn on, but they sure were then :p ! Used it for the rest of the day and it was fine. But I did notice that Leopard can be a little bit processor intensive at times, though, like when Spotlight's doing it's thing after a fresh OS install/upgrade >< .....

I think probably that my PowerBook (1.0GHz) is near enough to the 800MHz threshold with Leopard that it doesn't make much difference in speed... just slow :p ^_~ heh~
10) Questions and Answers : Macintosh : BOINC & Leopard don't play nice... (Message 680550)
Posted 18 Nov 2007 by Profile hanyou23
Holy smokes, BOINC nearly smoked my PowerBook! I had it running for a few days... picked it up to go somewhere, and smelled the burning of electronics emanating from the insides @o@ ! Luckily it appears that nothing's fried, but it brought me to bring down the processor usage to 85%. Youch, that was a close one >< . Now really looking forward to a nice version of BOINC soon :E ...

11) Questions and Answers : Macintosh : BOINC & Leopard don't play nice... (Message 677721)
Posted 14 Nov 2007 by Profile hanyou23
Any guesstimate from the volunteer testers/developers on how long it will be until we see an update for Leopard?

Leopard 10.5.1 is currently being beta tested and should be released within a couple of weeks... All 250mb of it! ;)

Whoops, my bad working :p . I meant a BOINC update for Leopard, sorry ^_~ .....
12) Questions and Answers : Macintosh : No graphics on Mac (Message 676917)
Posted 12 Nov 2007 by Profile hanyou23
What I've always done to keep my Mac crunching during use is to set BOINC Manager to 'Always Run' under the activity menu... then instead of quitting the program, just close the window. Sure, the BOINC Manager icon says in the Dock, but no annoying window getting in the way. It's always crunched that way.

Of course, to have BOINC crunch as set in you preferences online, set under the same Activity menu to 'Run based on prefs.'

Also, have you double checked that BOINC is selected under the Screensaver section of "Desktop & Screen Saver' in the System Preferences, and that the correct time to activate is selected???

Good luck with your MacBook Pro ^_^ ! A little jealous here :p .....
13) Questions and Answers : Macintosh : BOINC & Leopard don't play nice... (Message 673940)
Posted 8 Nov 2007 by Profile hanyou23
Any guesstimate from the volunteer testers/developers on how long it will be until we see an update for Leopard? Would love to see BOINC & Leopard be nice to each other for the holidays :D (not that I'm complaining or anything ^_~ ~)!.....
14) Questions and Answers : Macintosh : BOINC & Leopard don't play nice... (Message 667969)
Posted 28 Oct 2007 by Profile hanyou23
Yeah, I restarted a couple of my Macs and now it's working... go figure :p ! The only other thing, BOINC now registers as a user process in Activity Viewer instead of 'nice'. Don't know if that's all that unusual or not ^_~ ...

Leopard isn't all that bad! Gets a little flaky after leaving it on for a while, but I'm sure that all those bugs will be worked out eventually B) .....
15) Questions and Answers : Macintosh : BOINC & Leopard don't play nice... (Message 666717)
Posted 26 Oct 2007 by Profile hanyou23
Just got my copy of Leopard in the mail today (one day early :D ! -go figure :p ~)

You lucky dog you! ;)

(I guess I won't be seeing you at the apple store tomorrow.)

The conveniences of ordering online :p (& mere luck anyways ^_~ ). The closest Apple Store's 50 miles up the road in a different city anyways, so ~_~ .....
16) Questions and Answers : Macintosh : BOINC & Leopard don't play nice... (Message 666687)
Posted 26 Oct 2007 by Profile hanyou23
Just got my copy of Leopard in the mail today (one day early :D ! -go figure :p ~), installed, and it seems that the screensaver doesn't like to work with the new version of the OS. If the BOINC client is open & set to "always run", then the screensaver'll come on, but otherwise all by itself, no (also, the SETI app icon likes to sit in the Dock).

Tried the newest development version, but same effect. Something to look out for as more people install in the coming days ahead.

17) Questions and Answers : Windows : Not Crunching... (Message 654783)
Posted 5 Oct 2007 by Profile hanyou23
Everything worked fine until the latest version of BOINC. Running SETI on my old PC, WU seem to just stop computing. The CPU time stops & the percentage done stays the same, yet under messages, it says everything is normal (starting tasks, suspending tasks - user is active, starting, etc... just whenever I waken the screensaver). Even setting BOINC to always run doesn't cause BOINC to crunch. The screeensaver does come on, and after leaving it for a while, it only crunches for a minute before stopping (CPU time). Graphics do come up. I've tried upgrading, downgrading, & reinstalling the current BOINC client... which seems to make the WU to start again after each install, but only for a period of time before it stops again. Very frustrating. Any ideas?

Thanks ^_^ !

EDIT: When BOINC is set to Always Run, the screensaver does not come on. The screen goes blank, the BOINC logo shows up in the top-left corner of the screen for a second, goes blank again. The toolbar also shows up & disappears every now and again with "darkness" above the toolbar.
18) Message boards : Technical News : Weekend server problems (Oct 1, 2007) (Message 652957)
Posted 2 Oct 2007 by Profile hanyou23
I have a couple of old Macintosh Workgroup Servers if it helps out at all :E ~.....
19) Questions and Answers : Preferences : Unable to set suspend work preference for Home (Message 651841)
Posted 30 Sep 2007 by Profile hanyou23
I'm also having this problem, too. Not too good on my PowerBook when on batteries >< . I've tried a variety of browsers including IE on a PC, but to good. I've also erased the prefs and redid them to no avail. Is it just a web bug??? Could use some help on this subject, please ^_~ .....
20) Questions and Answers : Macintosh : SETI@home 5.23 for MacOS is on the way. (Message 613022)
Posted 1 Aug 2007 by Profile hanyou23
I had that little bugger, 5.22, pop up on my Mini last night (no wonder no work was being done ~_~ ). Kind'a like a bad dream that won't go away. Reset it and now all is fine once again.

Wonders why?...

Next 20

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