Posts by Justin M. Morford

1) Message boards : Technical News : Results (Dec 29 2010) (Message 1062460)
Posted 1 Jan 2011 by Profile Justin M. Morford
Now that production seems to have settled down, isn't it time to turn on Beta's validators, assimilators, NTM the scheduler, etc.?

the scheduler seems to be working just fine been reporting tasks and getting new ones too, the server status page for beta is not accurate

Yup, the server status page isn't right. Back during the shutdown I set Beta to NNT. Just told it to ANT and it grabbed four results. Makes me wonder how long it's really been on.

2) Message boards : Technical News : Merge and Purge (Dec 27 2010) (Message 1062457)
Posted 1 Jan 2011 by Profile Justin M. Morford
It does cost more but in my opinion FedEx is a better option as they seem to take much better care of the packages under their watchful stare. UPS has damaged so much of my stuff that it gives me the chills just thinking about sending our fine server through their myriad of trucks and processing centers.

Quite the opposite experience I've had. Granted it's been many years, but I've had numerous packages delivered by FedEx where part of the box was crushed/busted in (thankfully they all had enough inner packing that none of the contents were damaged). Never had any issues with the packages I've gotten from UPS. You want bad, let's talk about Airborne Express, before they merged with DHL. There were several times where I saw them literally earn their name (driver roll down the van window and toss the bubble mailer up on to our front porch steps; probably a good 15 feet or so).

3) Message boards : Technical News : Eclipse (Dec 21 2010) (Message 1058805)
Posted 22 Dec 2010 by Profile Justin M. Morford
Thanks for the updates. I just uploaded a bunch of results and everything appears to bee running (well, everything but two AP splitters), so I'll assume the restripe went okay.
4) Message boards : Technical News : Up (Dec 07 2010) (Message 1054096)
Posted 8 Dec 2010 by Profile Justin M. Morford
I'd just like to point out that there is now a not on the front page (and their Facebook fan page) that the project is now up and running, but that some servers may be up/down over the next few weeks to finalize things.

5) Message boards : Technical News : Up (Dec 07 2010) (Message 1054021)
Posted 8 Dec 2010 by Profile Justin M. Morford
Are we going to put up a new News Item on the front page to let everyone know we're back up and running? Or is this some sort of test-run before the announcement?

No need for an announcement. The BOINC software was written to take care of sites that have no work for an extended period. Look at LHC@home.

The problem is that many people (including myself) had set Seti to NNT during the downtime. They might not change it back to ANT until they know the project is back up and new work is being created. I have a feeling there will be a front page announcement, but not until the crew is certain they have everything up and running the way it needs to be.

Oh, and I just noticed that all but two splitters are currently "disabled," and those two are "not running," so I think the gang is still working on some things. So far I've gotten about a dozen units on my laptop, but nothing on my main machine yet.

I'd also like to thank the gang at UCB for all the hard work they've put in these last few weeks getting the new machines setup and everything cleaned up. I'd also like to again thank all those who donated during the many fundraisers. Without your generosity (and some of you were very generous), the new servers wouldn't have been possible. Give yourselves a pat on the back.

6) Message boards : Technical News : new server specs (Oct 28, 2010) (Message 1044628)
Posted 29 Oct 2010 by Profile Justin M. Morford
Just did a quick configure on HP's site and the the cost (per server) comes out to roughly $15,778. Were you guys able to talk them in to a discount at all?

The hard drives are listed in the configurator as "HP 1TB 3G SATA 7.2K Hot Plug 3.5 MDL Hard Drive." Look for something along those lines if you'd like.

And for those wondering, HP made server machines long before they bought Compaq. Check out the old HP Vectra's, 9000/800 Series, or the 3000 Series (if you don't mind counting a "terminal" server; an HP 3000/950 cost $305,000 in 1987).

7) Message boards : Number crunching : Emergency fund drive for the project............. (Message 1042627)
Posted 16 Oct 2010 by Profile Justin M. Morford
For starters, my monthly donation for October.

Thank you for your gift of $50.00 via Visa on 10/16/2010.
Your gift was assigned to the following areas:

SETI@home - $50.00

Your confirmation number is:

Has anyone got a total lately? We've got to be way up there! Great job everybody.

Been busy the last couple days with work and some things after work. Behold:

$55 msattler
$500 Helli
$100 ryeomans
$50 Dorphas
$100 MJS
$10 SciManStev
$200 JohnDK
$20 jason_gee
$100 Geek@Play
$20 Niteryder
$100 Fourmyle of Ceres
$100 bill
$50 RoosStar
$20 perryjay
$175 Clifton L. Harding Jr.
$50 Albireo380
$75 dnolan
$2,175 MarkJ
$50 Bernie Vine
$100 rebest
$100 S@NL - Fred -
$50 Big Don
$625 Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
$300 samuel7
$30 Silje
$100 Klurt
$150 Magnet
$25 Robert Ribbeck
$124.75 Zebra3
$150 soft^spirit
$100 Rabbit&Carrot
$25 gomeyer
$25 Tony DeBari
$50 Eve - Pyro nl
$20 Anthony Coleman
$250 Roman Wagner
$35 Chris S
$50.25 razamatraz
$25 Frizz
$25 dan
$25 tnmjr99a
$25 arkayn
$20 _heinz
$50 Eewec
$25 Philhnnss
$100 Anthony G. Todd
$108 Justin M. Morford
$250 RWZeitgeist
$15 SockGap
$50 Bearcat
$50 Donald L. Johnson
$20 Arjant2
$400 Orioneti
$50 Ingrid Brouwer
$50 The_bestest
$100 Thomas Arnold
$10 John
$200 David Anderson
$200 J. Mileski
$100 James Sotherden
$100 Egad Ivegoninsane
$50 yank
$12 VM Bobier
$50 Blake Bonkofsky
$50 Ocna
$40 Area 51
$50 Terry & Laura
$20 Dean Sheaffer
$200 Claggy
$100 WendyR
$100 dcappello
$25 119FWMXS
$10 MJKelleher
$2,175 -ShEm-
$50 Spectrum
$25 Fuzzy53
$25 JimHilty2
$100 Tom Mehrens
$15 APCyberax
$25 [DPC] hansR
$10 Zeus Fab3r
$100 Doug vE
$25 KWSN - Xfer.cns
$10 Mike Bader
$300 Tony Baczynski
$50 Xeltrix
$10 Francis Noel
$100 Frederic Salve

Total comes to $12,050. Total from the donation history page (dating to Oct. 6th) is $14,257.55, for a difference of $2,207.55. Looks like there was another donation made for $25.55 that wasn't mentioned here (which is perfectly fine). Thank you everyone for your generosity. It looks like Oscar will be getting a sibling for the holidays (I hope that's all he ever wanted). :-)

Go Huskers!
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Emergency fund drive for the project............. (Message 1041950)
Posted 14 Oct 2010 by Profile Justin M. Morford
As much as you can and are willing to donate. From Jeff's recent post in the Tech News forum it sounds like they have enough to replace mork if necessary. If you donate and they don't need it for the server replacement, I'm sure they will put it to use for other needs (maintenance, staff salary, etc.).

Tonight's update:

$55 msattler
$500 Helli
$100 ryeomans
$50 Dorphas
$100 MJS
$10 SciManStev
$200 JohnDK
$20 jason_gee
$100 Geek@Play
$20 Niteryder
$100 Fourmyle of Ceres
$100 bill
$50 RoosStar
$20 perryjay
$175 Clifton L. Harding Jr.
$50 Albireo380
$75 dnolan
$2,175 MarkJ
$50 Bernie Vine
$100 rebest
$100 S@NL - Fred -
$50 Big Don
$605 Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
$300 samuel7
$30 Silje
$100 Klurt
$150 Magnet
$25 Robert Ribbeck
$124.75 Zebra3
$150 soft^spirit
$100 Rabbit&Carrot
$25 gomeyer
$25 Tony DeBari
$50 Eve - Pyro nl
$20 Anthony Coleman
$250 Roman Wagner
$35 Chris S
$50.25 razamatraz
$25 Frizz
$25 dan
$25 tnmjr99a
$25 arkayn
$20 _heinz
$50 Eewec
$25 Philhnnss
$100 Anthony G. Todd
$58 Justin M. Morford
$250 RWZeitgeist
$15 SockGap
$50 Bearcat
$50 Donald L. Johnson
$20 Arjant2
$400 Orioneti
$50 Ingrid Brouwer
$50 The_bestest
$100 Thomas Arnold
$10 John
$200 David Anderson
$100 J. Mileski
$50 James Sotherden
$100 Egad Ivegoninsane
$50 yank
$12 VM Bobier
$50 Blake Bonkofsky
$50 Ocna
$40 Area 51
$50 Terry & Laura
$20 Dean Sheaffer
$200 Claggy
$100 WendyR
$100 dcappello
$25 119FWMXS
$10 MJKelleher
$2,175 -ShEm-
$50 Spectrum
$25 Fuzzy53
$25 JimHilty2
$100 Tom Mehrens
$15 APCyberax
$25 [DPC] hansR
$10 Zeus Fab3r
$100 Doug vE
$25 KWSN - Xfer.cns

Total donations stated add up to $11,360. The donations page has not been updated since yesterday, so no new total there. There was at least one new donation in the other thread that didn't list an amount.

It's fantastic seeing all the new green stars. Keep up the great work guys and gals.

9) Message boards : Number crunching : Welcome to the 11 year club (Message 1041855)
Posted 13 Oct 2010 by Profile Justin M. Morford
Congrats to all. Looks like I missed my entry by about 3 weeks. Crunching was slow at first (a Pentium 75), and at times I've drifted away, but I always come back, and hopefully I'm here to stay.

10) Message boards : Number crunching : Emergency fund drive for the project............. (Message 1041851)
Posted 13 Oct 2010 by Profile Justin M. Morford
I understand that some people are tapped out for now, but it doesn't just have to be those of us that read the forums that donate (though I'm guessing the majority of donators do visit the forums). As of 2.5 weeks ago, there were 139,659 active users according to BOINCstats. If only 75 of them donated something, that works out to 0.000537% of active users.

It's not so much a desire to see the same people donate more, it's to see more people donate. If just 1% of the active users donated once per year, that averages out to 116 per month. I'm in no means suggesting a "pay-to-play," as I think that would do more harm than good. Keep in mind to that the minimum donation is only $10. I can guarantee there will be at least one or two months where that's all I can afford, but when I can give more, I will. I just have a feeling that there are many crunchers out there who feel they don't need to give the project any more money because they donate their CPU time and pay for the systems and power to run them. They're entitled to that opinion, however I don't agree with it.

11) Message boards : Number crunching : Emergency fund drive for the project............. (Message 1041822)
Posted 13 Oct 2010 by Profile Justin M. Morford
Thanks Eric, and you're welcome. As frustrating as it is to some people when you guys don't post very often, if it takes away from your time keeping the project running, I'll take the few posts.

I think some of the biggest thanks go to Mark for starting this drive and to everyone who donated, both big and small. Every little bit counts. In hindsight though, it's kinda sad that these large number of donations only seem to happen when a server seems to need replacing. I'm just as guilty as everyone else, but it would be great to see at least 75-100 donations every month. Not counting the 5 months where the number of donations have topped 100, Seti is getting an average of only 40 donations a month (add those 5 months in and the avg is skewed to almost 129).

I'm bad with New Year's resolutions, but I'm going to make an early one starting today. I am going to make at least one donation every month from now until at least the end of 2011. Some months it may only be $10, but I'm sure the Seti guys can put it to better use than me putting it towards another bottle of single-malt scotch. And I'm not going to count this drive for this month, so I'll be donating again after my next paycheck.

12) Message boards : Number crunching : Emergency fund drive for the project............. (Message 1041659)
Posted 13 Oct 2010 by Profile Justin M. Morford
Updated list before I have to go to work in an hour:

$55 msattler
$420 Helli
$100 ryeomans
$50 Dorphas
$100 MJS
$10 SciManStev
$200 JohnDK
$20 jason_gee
$100 Geek@Play
$20 Niteryder
$100 Fourmyle of Ceres
$100 bill
$50 RoosStar
$20 perryjay
$175 Clifton L. Harding Jr.
$50 Albireo380
$75 dnolan
$2,175 MarkJ
$50 Bernie Vine
$100 rebest
$100 S@NL - Fred -
$50 Big Don
$605 Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
$300 samuel7
$30 Silje
$100 Klurt
$150 Magnet
$25 Robert Ribbeck
$124.75 Zebra3
$150 soft^spirit
$100 Rabbit&Carrot
$25 gomeyer
$25 Tony DeBari
$50 Eve - Pyro nl
$20 Anthony Coleman
$250 Roman Wagner
$35 Chris S
$50.25 razamatraz
$25 Frizz
$25 dan
$25 tnmjr99a
$25 arkayn
$20 _heinz
$50 Eewec
$25 Philhnnss
$100 Anthony G. Todd
$58 Justin M. Morford
$250 RWZeitgeist
$15 SockGap
$50 Bearcat
$50 Donald L. Johnson
$20 Arjant2
$400 Orioneti
$50 Ingrid Brouwer
$50 The_bestest
$100 Thomas Arnold
$10 John
$200 David Anderson
$100 J. Mileski
$50 James Sotherden
$100 Egad Ivegoninsane
$50 yank
$12 VM Bobier
$50 Blake Bonkofsky
$50 Ocna
$40 Area 51
$50 Terry & Laura
$20 Dean Sheaffer
$200 Claggy
$100 WendyR
$100 dcappello
$25 119FWMXS
$10 MJKelleher
$2,175 -ShEm-
$50 Spectrum
$25 Fuzzy53
$25 JimHilty2
$100 Tom Mehrens
$15 APCyberax
$25 [DPC] hansR

My calculations (well, actually, Excel's Autosum feature) shows a total of $11,140. Running total from Oct. 6th on the donations page is $13,322, for a difference of $2,182. Even more people donating without posting. Awesome job everyone, let's keep them coming.

I want to give a big thanks to Mark for starting this drive and to everyone who has donated. It is all very appreciated. Has anyone found out the staff's reaction to this latest drive yet?

13) Message boards : Number crunching : Emergency fund drive for the project............. (Message 1041457)
Posted 12 Oct 2010 by Profile Justin M. Morford
And one more (again):

Thank you for your gift of $28.00 via Visa on 10/11/2010.
Your gift was assigned to the following areas:

SETI@home - $28.00

Your confirmation number is:

Don't mean to step on any toes, but since Uli is gone for a little while, here's an updated list (including a couple donations listed in the other thread):

$55 msattler
$420 Helli
$100 ryeomans
$50 Dorphas
$100 MJS
$10 SciManStev
$200 JohnDK
$20 jason_gee
$100 Geek@Play
$20 Niteryder
$100 Fourmyle of Ceres
$100 bill
$50 RoosStar
$20 perryjay
$175 Clifton L. Harding Jr.
$50 Albireo380
$75 dnolan
$2,175 MarkJ
$50 Bernie Vine
$100 rebest
$100 S@NL - Fred -
$50 Big Don
$560 Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
$300 samuel7
$30 Silje
$100 Klurt
$150 Magnet
$25 Robert Ribbeck
$124.75 Zebra3
$150 soft^spirit
$100 Rabbit&Carrot
$25 gomeyer
$25 Tony DeBari
$50 Eve - Pyro nl
$20 Anthony Coleman
$250 Roman Wagner
$25 Chris S
$50.25 razamatraz
$25 Frizz
$25 dan
$25 tnmjr99a
$25 arkayn
$20 _heinz
$50 Eewec
$25 Philhnnss
$100 Anthony G. Todd
$58 Justin M. Morford
$250 RWZeitgeist
$15 SockGap
$50 Bearcat
$50 Donald L. Johnson
$20 Arjant2
$400 Orioneti
$50 Ingrid Brouwer
$50 The_bestest
$100 Thomas Arnold
$10 John
$200 David Anderson
$100 J. Mileski
$50 James Sotherden
$100 Egad Ivegoninsane
$50 yank
$12 VM Bobier
$50 Blake Bonkofsky
$50 Ocna
$40 Area 51
$50 Terry & Laura
$20 Dean Sheaffer
$200 Claggy
$100 WendyR
$100 dcappello
$25 119FWMXS
$10 MJKelleher
$2,175 -ShEm-
$50 Spectrum
$25 Fuzzy53
$25 JimHilty2
$100 Tom Mehrens

My calculations (well, actually, Excel's Autosum feature) shows a total of $11,050. Awesome job everyone, let's keep them coming.

Somebody updated the SETI donations summary page for October, substantially improving the numbers.


Nice to see that updated. And it appears that there are some people that have donated but not posted here (which is perfectly fine). If I add up the donations going back to the 6th from that page, I get $13,017. Oscar will definately be getting a sibling in the near future.

Edit: Oh, and looking at that page, it shows the smallest donation is $10, so I'm not sure if Mark's $5 donation is included (though I still have it in the above list).

14) Message boards : Number crunching : Emergency fund drive for the project............. (Message 1040069)
Posted 9 Oct 2010 by Profile Justin M. Morford
If I add up your above numbers, I get $5,720. However, when I added up all the posted donations (and the one anonymous one) I came up with $5,420. I'll repost my donation here.

Thank you for your gift of $30.00 via Visa on 10/08/2010.
Your gift was assigned to the following areas:

SETI@home - $30.00

Your confirmation number is:

A big thanks to everyone that has donated thusfar (especially MarkJ).

15) Message boards : Number crunching : Panic Mode On (40) Server problems (Message 1040039)
Posted 9 Oct 2010 by Profile Justin M. Morford
As the other thread was locked (at least temporarily) I'll post here. Last total of donations I came up with was $5,420, before mine.

Thank you for your gift of $30.00 via Visa on 10/08/2010.
Your gift was assigned to the following areas:

SETI@home - $30.00

Your confirmation number is:

16) Message boards : Technical News : Lookin' Up (May 23 2007) (Message 574993)
Posted 24 May 2007 by Profile Justin M. Morford
even Beta seems to be accepting uploads, although the server's supposedly disabled.

I was able to upload some beta results earlier in the week, but couldn't report them until about 5 minutes ago. Figured it was because the servers were disabled/not running, but I guess the beta server status page isn't quite right.

17) Message boards : Technical News : Can't talk.. Debugging.. (May 15 2007) (Message 568770)
Posted 16 May 2007 by Profile Justin M. Morford
Ooooh, big jump in cricket graph,, just maybe "It's ALIIIIVE"

Yup I just uploaded about 8 completed WU that had been stuck for a couple of days. At least half of the problem is solved maybe... but still no new work:(

From Eric's biannual post #6: You can tuna fish, but you can't tune a TCP in the Staff Blog forum:

Addendumb: I had a 'd'Oh!' moment this morning. Apparently we were running with the upload timeout set at 20 minutes (which I think is the apache default), so our connections were being dominated by machines that couldn't get through, but were hanging onto the connection.

If you look at our network traffic, you can see what happened when I lowered that to 30 seconds..... We sending about 4 times as much work as we were when I got in this morning.


18) Message boards : Number crunching : download_fanout and cc_config (Message 567543)
Posted 15 May 2007 by Profile Justin M. Morford
Thanks Keith,
Tried it differently which worked for me. Instead of using the cc_config.xml approach:

1. Obtain file/foldername from the stuck workunit in the client_state.xml
2. visit the
3. download the correct file (locating by the sequence you described), overwriting the zero length one
4. "retry now"

Have 2 workunits crunching now :D [ Sadly my other machine has no downloads allocated, oh well, ones enough 'til they get back and kick those servers :D ]

Worked great. Thanks for the tip. Used it to get the rest of my results downloaded. on my two local systems and the 5.15 app (which wouldn't download either).

Little OT, but now that I got the 2nd CPU working in one of my old systems, is it better (under Windows) to set each boinc process to it's own CPU, or let them both utilize both CPUs?

19) Message boards : Technical News : Timing is Everything (May 09 2007) (Message 567456)
Posted 14 May 2007 by Profile Justin M. Morford
So your the one behind the donations threads? Nice going, here ya have a brewski!

Don't forget to send a case of beer down to the guys at the lab. They could shure use it for all the work they've been doing and complaining they've been putting up with (probably ignoring) over the last two weeks.

*points to pic* One of my co-workers and good friends fell in love with Young's Double Chocolate Stout back in January. I've tried it, and I must say I'm not a stout (double chocolate or otherwise) fan. For beer I'll stick with a Bud or Bud Select. I much prefer single malt scotches though, and for that I'm thankful that I only live about 5 minutes away from the Dundee Dell.

20) Message boards : Number crunching : credit for those units where the time expired? (Message 566718)
Posted 13 May 2007 by Profile Justin M. Morford
Kinda in a similar situation. All my results eventually uploaded while thumper was down, but I couldn't get any of them on my two machines at home to report during that time. I'm unfortunately stuck with 56k dial-up at home, and thus can't stay constantly connected, but for the few hours I'm online each day I'd turn the network activity on. Even tried a couple manual updates, and nothing would report until this morning.

Four of my results ended up overdue and thus didn't get credit. Sure, I only lost out on 165 or so credits, but with how long they were having problems (sure the other systems were up, but practically impossible to connect to) they should have at least thought about extending deadlines. I'm sure I'm not the only one that ended up with overdue results or that has dial-up and had major problems reporting results. I copied down the results ID, WU ID, etc. in case there's anyway for them to do something about it, but I'm guessing not. So in the end I'm a little ticked, but I've been here for almost 8 years and I'm not about to quit now.


Next 20

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SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.