Posts by Donald L. Johnson

1) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Rocky`s Original Cafe - restocked and opened 18/1/2018 (Message 2041410)
Posted 29 Mar 2020 by Profile Donald L. Johnson
Hello, Mike and everyone. Been much too long.

May I please have my bottle of Cardhu and 6 shot glasses?
I'll be back by Callaghan's fireplace, remembering Departed Shipmates and Friends.

Thanks much.
2) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Rest in Peace, Jim Scott (Message 2041406)
Posted 29 Mar 2020 by Profile Donald L. Johnson
Yesterday I received word of two of my Shipmates receiving their Final Orders, and Jim Scott makes 3. And it's a grey gloomy day here in California's Big Valley.

As I recall, Jim was a military veteran, so it seems appropriate to offer him the same tribute I would offer my Shipmates and Comrades:

Our Shipmate, our Friend, has gone from us.
His tour of duty on this Earth has ended, he now serves on the Staff of the Supreme Commander.
No more in this life will we see his smiling face, hear his laugh, share a story or 3.
But we know that, having touched our lives, in large part or small, Jim has left a part of himself with each of us, in our hearts, and in our memories.
And we also know that we will meet again, when our Final Orders are written.
So until then, we Remember.
And we bid Jim not goodbye, but Bon Voyage - Until we meet again.
3) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Rocky`s Original Cafe - restocked and opened 18/1/2018 (Message 1963573)
Posted 6 Nov 2018 by Profile Donald L. Johnson
Evening, Mike.
Just popping in for a quick bite and a visit to Callaghan's Fireplace.
May I have a Reuben sandwich, a pint of brown ale, and my bottle of Cardhu and 6 glasses, please? I have a few Departed Shipmates and Comrades to toast, and I daren't do it on an empty stomach.

Thanks much.

Hi Donald.
Good to see you.

Your order is coming right up.

Thanks, Mike. That helped a lot.
4) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Rocky`s Original Cafe - restocked and opened 18/1/2018 (Message 1962224)
Posted 28 Oct 2018 by Profile Donald L. Johnson
Evening, Mike.
Just popping in for a quick bite and a visit to Callaghan's Fireplace.
May I have a Reuben sandwich, a pint of brown ale, and my bottle of Cardhu and 6 glasses, please? I have a few Departed Shipmates and Comrades to toast, and I daren't do it on an empty stomach.

Thanks much.
5) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Don't know where it should go? Stick it here! Part VI (Message 1941154)
Posted 25 Jun 2018 by Profile Donald L. Johnson

Recently found a stack of 45-rpm records hiding behind some jigsaw puzzles in a closet. Desiderata was one of them. Now converted to MP3 for my iPod.

Another tool to help maintain sanity - the Serenity prayer:
God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The Courage to change the things I can,
and the Wisdom to know the difference.
6) Message boards : Cafe SETI : How do you like your caffeine? (Message 1940035)
Posted 18 Jun 2018 by Profile Donald L. Johnson
However I can get it.
Mornings usually straight, on occasion with 1 tot of Irish Crème or Hazelnut flavored creamer.
In the afternoon, especially when it's hot, in a cold bottle of Mountain Dew (Original, Code Red, or Blue).
On Winter evenings, hot chocolate.
7) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Rocky`s Original Cafe - restocked and opened 18/1/2018 (Message 1940034)
Posted 18 Jun 2018 by Profile Donald L. Johnson
Donald - May I join you in saluting Grant on his way.

Certainly, Rob. The fireplace is all yours.
8) Message boards : Cafe SETI : What are you listening to? (Message 1940031)
Posted 18 Jun 2018 by Profile Donald L. Johnson
Streaming "Sunday Night Jazz" with David Als from my local NPR station,
Just heard "A Song For My Father" by Horace Silver.
9) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Rocky`s Original Cafe - restocked and opened 18/1/2018 (Message 1940022)
Posted 18 Jun 2018 by Profile Donald L. Johnson
Evening, everybody.
'Roo, may I have 4 shots of Cardhu, back by Callaghan's fireplace?
Got a few Shipmates & Setizens to bid "Bon Voyage" to.
Thanks much.
10) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Grant Nelson (Message 1940020)
Posted 18 Jun 2018 by Profile Donald L. Johnson
A sad day, indeed. We shall miss him.

But having known him, we all carry a part of him within us, which can never be taken away. So as long as we remember, he is still with us.

Bon Voyage, Grant. Until we meet again.

Now, off to Callaghan's fireplace........
11) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Weather Forecasts X Spring Is In The Air (Message 1938096)
Posted 3 Jun 2018 by Profile Donald L. Johnson
California Central Valley - halfway between Fresno and Bakersfield.
Friday 1 June - 76F
Saturday 2 June - 88F
Sunday 3 June - 100F
Monday 4 June - 85F

Temps on a roller-coaster here.
12) Message boards : Cafe SETI : i've had a heart attack (Message 1938095)
Posted 3 Jun 2018 by Profile Donald L. Johnson
i was told it was due to the anesthesia...i'm off everything surgery related.
only taking tylenol for pain.

My late father had 6 colon surgeries in 5 years.
After each one, it took 3-4 weeks for his taste buds to return to "normal".
As he was in his 70s, "normal" was not what it was in his 50s.
So he started substituting salsa and mild hot sauce for catsup.
Brought his appetite back much faster the last couple times.
13) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Are you crazy? Or are you nuts? (Message 1938093)
Posted 3 Jun 2018 by Profile Donald L. Johnson
Family, friends and co-workers, and the responses have varied from "cool" to being ghosted (because God created man not aliens). What have your experiences been so far dear readers, and how thick is your tin foil hat?

Oh I've asked religious people on other types of forums, if we verified intelligent transmissions from other parts of the galaxy or beyond with this project how it might affect their belief. They usually just claim it would reinforce it because to them it means that god created more souls than we knew about. Who can limit god's creativity they say.

That's how I look at it.
Remember when the Pope tried to excommunicate Galileo for saying the Earth moved around the Sun and not the other way round, as so many believed at the time?
How arrogant we must be to think God created only us, only on this one world.
14) Message boards : Cafe SETI : RIP Dr SETI (Message 1903721)
Posted 30 Nov 2017 by Profile Donald L. Johnson
See my post in Rocky's.
The next round is on my tab, in memory of Richard.
15) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Rocky's Original Cafe - restocked & opened 16/11/2016 (Message 1903720)
Posted 30 Nov 2017 by Profile Donald L. Johnson
Back at Callaghan's fireplace.

The hearth is cold, but that will change shortly.

The old grey Sailor steps up to the line, 3 paces from the fireplace.
Raising his glass, he continues an old tradition.....

"Our Friend and Comrade Richard "Dr. C.E.T.I." Lubrich has gone from us.
His tour of duty on this world has ended, and he has transferred to the next.
No more in this life will we see his face, hear his laugh, share a beverage and a story or three.
But by Faith we know that we will meet again, when our own time comes.
Until then, we have this comfort - having touched our lives, he left a part of himself behind,
in our hearts, and in our memories. As long as we remember, he will still be a part of us.
And we have so many memories to cherish.

We pray God's healing Grace comfort all who knew and cared for him, especially Joanne and all the family,
and give them the strength they need in this time of sorrow and loss.

Bon Voyage, Richard, until we meet again."

He drains his glass, and launches it into the fireplace. As the glass shatters against the brickwork,
as if on cue the logs in the hearth erupt in flames, and a warm glow envelopes the room.
The old Sailor returns to his chair, and staring into the flames, a wistful smile crosses his face, as he remembers .....
16) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Rocky's Original Cafe - restocked & opened 16/11/2016 (Message 1903713)
Posted 30 Nov 2017 by Profile Donald L. Johnson
Thanks, Mike.

Hoping to be able to stop in more often.
17) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Rocky's Original Cafe - restocked & opened 16/11/2016 (Message 1902951)
Posted 26 Nov 2017 by Profile Donald L. Johnson
Mike, may I please have one of those, 2 bottles of Single-malt Scotch, and 4 dozen shot glasses?
I'll be back by Callaghan's fireplace. I have 44 departed Shipmates, 3 Comrades, and a cousin to toast, and I daren't drink that much on an empty stomach, not even here.
Thanks much.

This looked good. I'll eat it in memory of Celttooth.

18) Message boards : Cafe SETI : TLPTPHW #265 - Jelly Babies For Everyone!!! :-) (Message 1882811)
Posted 9 Aug 2017 by Profile Donald L. Johnson
His brain obviously decided it liked the mountains better than the lab.

Unless he was in the mountains near Yosemite, or on the coast between Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo, where they are still fighting forest fires and breathing lots of smoke........
19) Message boards : Cafe SETI : What are you listening to? (Message 1882583)
Posted 7 Aug 2017 by Profile Donald L. Johnson
Sunday Evening Jazz, streaming from KVPRFM, my local NPR station.

Cusco -- Flute Battle

From the Apurimac album.
Ancient Journeys is also good.
20) Message boards : Cafe SETI : TLPTPHW #265 - Jelly Babies For Everyone!!! :-) (Message 1882491)
Posted 6 Aug 2017 by Profile Donald L. Johnson
Off to Kayak La Jolla.

Probably where I should have been today - La Jolla, at least.
Much cooler than here in the Big Valley - low 100s, but not as humid as Thursday.

Next 20

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