Posts by geckomind

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Validator / File Uploads / etc. (Message 35395)
Posted 12 Oct 2004 by Profile geckomind
Uploads seem to work with 4.12!

Thanks for the link!
2) Message boards : Number crunching : SETI@Home Classic homepage hacked? (Message 34138)
Posted 8 Oct 2004 by Profile geckomind
This happening once is OK, twice is pretty ambarrassing.... or plain bad luck. they oughta fix that script! x(

It's dog eat dog, rat eat rat
Kroc-style - Boom, like that
3) Message boards : Number crunching : 4.05 is slower and my wu's still run after 100% complete (Message 33199)
Posted 6 Oct 2004 by Profile geckomind
Sometimes my WUs also run on after reaching 100%. Dunno, seems to be something with the progess indicator bar in der GUI...

It's dog eat dog, rat eat rat
Kroc-style - Boom, like that
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Why is BOINC so finicky? (Message 33197)
Posted 6 Oct 2004 by Profile geckomind
Yeah.... That sounds about right. It's just that I'm used to web projects where the forum-data is totally seperate of the other stuff. OK, you have to sign up twice and stuff but it makes the actual project you doing much more stable.

My only experience is with MySQL stuff for php-applications and even there iz is sometimes a good idea to seperate things...

It's dog eat dog, rat eat rat

Kroc-style - Boom, like that
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Why is BOINC so finicky? (Message 33191)
Posted 6 Oct 2004 by Profile geckomind
Hi there!

Interesting analysis... Sounds quite logical to me. Why the heck are they running the boards under the same server/database anyway? Wouldn't it be easier to set up a seperate thingy with phpbb or vbulletin out o' the box?

I mean, I don't now stuff. Just strikes me, that's all...

Greetings from the University of Bonn, Germany!

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